Topic: community

The Power of Jazz: A Soundtrack for Life, Growth, and Community

Jazz is a product of diverse cultures colliding and creating something new. Jazz demands honesty, authenticity, and constant self-improvement from its musicians, while also requiring a dynamic group interaction where individuals listen, challenge, and collaborate without ego. This interplay fosters a search for truth and understanding, acknowledging that no one person holds all the answers. … Continue reading The Power of Jazz: A Soundtrack for Life, Growth, and Community

Social Conflict, Hate, and a Way Forward

We live in difficult times. Society is in conflict, people are polarized, and hate has become the default position for some. There are ways to deal with these situations and issues. None of the solutions are easy but all of them are essential if we are to continue forward as a community.

Albert’s Quantum Theory of Light

Celebration of the beloved community being made up of individual packets of energy.  Anniversary of the presentation of his theory. November 14, 2021 GATHERING BELL Please take your seats and silently center yourselves for worship. OPENING CHIME ANNOUNCEMENTS Connie Quirk, Worship Leader PRELUDE Sonatina in C by Mozart, trans. Piatigorsky * CONGREGATIONAL COVENANT Love is … Continue reading Albert’s Quantum Theory of Light

Redefining Community

The UUCC has so many connections and relationships in the community and culture where we provide care, create dialogue, offer support, advocate for justice, and side with love. This Sunday will be a celebration and recommitment to that great work.

Knowing and Being Known

Using framework for intimacy from Parker Palmer, we will explore the work of knowing and being known in community. Staying connected has become trendy in our culture, especially during this pandemic, and it’s important. Authentic community calls us to deeper levels of intimacy than just staying connected. After the virtual worship service, we will use … Continue reading Knowing and Being Known

Vital Connections

The most effective treatment for depression or addiction, the best way to prevent suicide, is to strengthen connections to family and friends, to meaningful work/volunteerism, and to nature. Select the Play button for an audio version of this sermon.  

Cornbread Communion

On this Sunday, we will host our annual Cornbread Communion, a tradition in our congregation where we express our appreciation and gratitude for our community, our tremendous abundance, and our freedom.