
Our congregation welcomes children and youth to enjoy and participate in our Sunday services with their families. For our youngest friends and members who may not want to sit still, we offer childcare and nursery care. Though not mandatory, you may want to arrive in time to introduce your child to our nursery staff who look forward to spending time with any child who needs a space to wiggle, move, craft, and play. Typically this care is open to infants, toddlers and children up to age 5.
To supplement the experience of sitting in our all-age services, two or three times each month, we offer personalized experiences oriented towards our young members and friends in the CYRE wing during Sunday services. These events may be appropriate for some of the youngest children, but we will always offer infant and toddler care in the nursery if necessary.
Contact the Children’s and Youth Religious Exploration (CYRE) Committee with questions or for clarification –
Childcare and nursery services are offered Sundays from 10:30 to 12:30.