Celebration of the beloved community being made up of individual packets of energy. Anniversary of the presentation of his theory.
November 14, 2021
Please take your seats and silently center yourselves for worship.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Connie Quirk, Worship Leader
PRELUDE Sonatina in C by Mozart, trans. Piatigorsky
Love is the doctrine of this congregation,
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve others in community,
Thus do we covenant with one another.
MUSICAL MEDITATION To See the World, Words by William Blake, Music arr. Edvard Grieg
If you have a significant personal joy, sorrow or concern you would like to share, please phone or email the administrator by noon Friday. You may also share your joy or concern personally. We will have 7 candles (representing our seven principles) in a basket on the table in the foyer. When you arrive, take a candle and light it when invited to do so. Because of time constraints, we ask you to be brief.
Half of our cash collection each Sunday this month goes to Meals on Wheels, which delivers hot nutritious meals to elderly, frail, and home-bound individuals. If contributing by check, please write “Share the Plate” on the memo line.
OFFERTORY Fugue in C Minor, BWV 847 by J.S. Bach
SERMON Particles and Waves Rev. Stephen Robinson
CLOSING MUSIC There Are Numerous Strings
Words & Music by Rabindranath Tagore, harmony by Betsy Jo Angebranndt
Laminated copies are in the seat backs.
May the blessings of truth be upon us; May the power of love direct us;
And may the peace of this community sustain us, till we meet again.
Musicians: Karen Peters, viola, and Anna Hamilton
* Please Stand
The nursery is available before and during the service for children ages 0-3
Next Sunday at the UUCC
9:30 am Forum Topic: “What is Marxism, does it differ from Socialism, and is there a parallel to Liberalism/Progressivism”
11:00 am Sermon Topic: “Spirituality of Gratitude,” by Rev. Stephen Robinson
Welcome Visitors
If you would like more information about our faith, you can find it in this order of service, as well as in our foyer. After the service, please feel free to speak with members of our Membership Committee, who have red “Ask Me” ribbons attached to their name tags. We will visit outside near the patio. Visitors are encouraged to please complete a visitor’s card in the back of the chairs and place it in the collection plate later in the service. An email address is appreciated.
Membership at the UUCC
Have you been attending the UUCC for a while and considering making the congregation a larger part of your life? If you are interested in joining or have questions about membership, please contact membership@uucolumbia.org.
View the Order of Service on Your Phone!
We have an exciting new option rolling out! You will now be able to access our weekly Order of Service on our website through scanning a QR code with your phone, visiting bit.ly/UUCC-OOS, or finding it as the last dropdown under Worship on our website. I hope you will help make this a success so we can save paper, time and have less things that need to be touched each Sunday. The same link will work every Sunday.
Families Helping Families Starts Today
Look for our holiday tree in the social hall. These gifts sponsor two in-need families through the Palmetto Project. The families they serve are referred by social service organizations as having special needs beyond their staff’s ability to help. Find out more at FHFMidlands.org. People are encouraged to team up to cover the costs of the larger requests. Select tag and buy gift and wrap it. Attach tag to outside of gift. Return the wrapped gift with a gift receipt and the tag attached by Noon on Sunday, December 5. Questions? Contact socialaction@uucolumbia.org.
November is Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) “Guest at Your Table” Month
This year, unlike 2020 when our UUSC month was done via Zoom, we will be able to gather in-person to learn from our own members as they share about the current projects of UUSC. Our continued generous giving to UUSC is our way of showing gratitude for UUSC’s annual intergenerational program to raise support for and awareness about key human rights issues. You can also check their website https://www.uusc.org/resources/congregations/guest-at-your-table/ to learn of all that they do on behalf of Social Justice in our world. Your UUSC “Guest at your Table” offerings can be made during services at offering time using the envelope provided at your seat, online on our website at the DONATE bar, or by sending a check to the church office at 2701 Heyward Street. Please make checks payable to UUCC and indicate UUSC-GAYT on the memo line.
Re-scattering of Ashes for Verona Thomas, Today at 1:00pm
Verona Thomas was an active member of UUCC for several years. She died on November 7, 2006, and her ashes were scattered in what used to be the “Raised Bed” because we did not have our Memorial Garden at that time. We have saved some earth from the raised bed as a symbolic memory of Verona and will be having a “Re-scattering Service” in our Memorial Garden on November 14 at 1:00pm. She will also have a name plate included on the garden wall. We still have members that knew Verona and we are hoping you will all attend this service. Even if you didn’t know her, we encourage you to be a part of this remembrance as we symbolically move her ashes to the Memorial Garden.
UUCC Choir Rehearsals Move to Hybrid Scheduling on Sundays
You are invited to sing! The UUCC Adult Choir will continue rehearsing on Zoom Thursdays, 6:00-6:45pm. In-person rehearsals will resume with a varied schedule for the remainder of 2021. All in-person rehearsals will require social distancing and masks. Join us Sundays from 9:15-10:15am outside on the UUCC patio for in-person rehearsals. All are welcome and no experience is necessary. Contact Anna Hamilton to be added to the UUCC Choir e-mail list for detailed information and access to virtual rehearsal links: music@uucolumbia.org.
“Pandemic Art 2020-2021” on Social Hall Gallery Wall
This exhibit by UUCC members and friends highlights and honors the effort to continue a creative practice during the time of upheaval and social isolation. The buyer should make payment directly to the artist rather than through UUCC.
Sound Out! Saturday, November 20, 4:00pm
An Outdoor Musical Performance Featuring UUCC Musicians
Join us outdoors on the UUCC patio on Saturday, November 20, 4:00-5:00pm for a special musical performance! The event will feature UUCC music director, Anna Hamilton, and UUCC musicians Karen Peters and David Roof. Seating will be socially distanced and masks are encouraged.
UUCC Book Club, Sunday, November 21, 6:30pm
Phil Turner will facilitate a discussion of The Poet of Tolstoy Park, by Sonny Brewer. There will not be a meeting in December. The UUCC Book Club is open to all members and friends. Contact Phil Turner if you have questions or would like more information: philturner2009@gmail.com
Social Action Meeting, November 28
The Social Action Committee will meet in person 15 minutes after the end of the UUCC service in the Sanctuary observing indoor Covid protocols. We will stream the event as well. Questions? Contact Kevin McKinney or Connie Quirk at socialaction@uucolumbia.org.
Ladies LUUnch BUUnch, December 7, noon
We had 16 attendees enjoying another outdoor gathering on the patio. We brought our own lunches and filled 3 tables under the shade of the trees. We are hoping to repeat this successful event on December 7 at noon, weather permitting. If the forecast is not agreeable, we will have a backup plan of reservations at Arabesque on Devine Street. We are allowed a private dining room there so should feel reasonably safe. Watch for more information in the weekly events (eblast) and
Order of Service. Please mark your calendar and email Linda McLeod at kitchen@uucolumbia.org to count you in so we know how many to plan on. You won’t want to miss out on this good time together.
Virtual Story Circle, 10-11am Wednesdays
Story Circle will continue on Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00 a.m. All welcome. Questions? Call Barbara Bates Smith at 828-421-7685.
UUCC Men’s Breakfast Group, 2nd Thursday, 9am
The UUCC men’s breakfast group will meet at a local restaurant or a member’s home at 9:00 a.m. on the second Thursday of each month. If you are interested, please contact Phil Turner for more information: philturner2009@gmail.com
Sunday Flowers Program
Would you like to share your flowers for our Sunday service in recognition of a birthday, anniversary, or a special memory? Our Sunday flowers program has changed so you will now provide your own floral arrangement. Just let us know the date you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary by sending an email to the Worship Committee at worshipchair@uucolumbia.org. Please include your name, phone number, and the date you would like to bring your flowers. You will be contacted to confirm the date and details.
November Share the Plate Recipient: Meals on Wheels
Half of our cash collection in November goes to Meals on Wheels, which delivers hot nutritious meals to elderly, frail, and home-bound individuals. Meals are delivered with a smile by a caring volunteer five days a week. Individuals receiving Meals on Wheels are primarily the elderly in our community who cannot maintain an adequate, healthy diet, either because of transportation or financial constraints. South Carolina ranked #8 in the nation for seniors with food insecurity. The representative will be Anne Shissias on November 28. If sending a check please write “Share the Plate” in the memo line or you can give by either going to our website, uucolumbia.org, and clicking on the ‘donate’ bar at the top of the page, or entering “abundant.co/uucc/give” in your browser. Please be sure to select “Share the Plate.”
UUCC Accepts Contributions Electronically
You may give by either going to our website, uucolumbia.org, and clicking on abundant.co/uucc/give. If you should have any questions or need help, please contact our Administrator, Andrea Dudick, at uucc@uucolumbia.org or 803-799-0845, between the hours of 6am-Noon, Monday-Friday. Thank you for your generosity.
Please Donate to the Winter Shelter
The Social Action Committee is again soliciting donations of lightly used clothing – especially hats, gloves and coats – shoes, current magazines and unused personal-sized toiletries for the Inclement Weather Center, the “winter shelter” for Columbia’s homeless. You may place your donations in the container in the Social Hall. The shelter, managed by Transitions, is open from November 1 to April 1 when the temperature falls below 40F. Last season, over 100 adults used the facility each night it was open. Please contact Tom Clements (email Tom, cell 803-240-7268) with any questions.
Harvest Hope Food Donations Needed
Now that we are back to in-person Sunday services we can again support the good work that Harvest Hope is doing to feed hungry people in the Midlands. Please bring your donations, such as any canned food items; rice; pasta; disposable baby diapers. Do NOT bring expired food, opened items, glass containers, or fresh produce. The Harvest Hope grocery cart can be found under the windows in the social hall.
Patio Door Locks Have Changed
To allow easier locking and unlocking of the patio doors we have installed deadbolt locks on one side of each set of the double doors. This means that only one side of each set will open. To lock the doors, engage the dead bolt lock on each set of doors. To unlock these two doors when inside, turn the deadbolts and open the doors. We hope you will find this a simple solution to the difficulty so many of us have had to deal with in locking and unlocking the patio doors. Any questions should be directed to bandgchair@uucolumbia.org.
Virtual Buddhist Insight Meditation, Mondays, 7:00-8:15pm
The Buddhist Insight Meditation Community of Columbia, a UUCC rental, which had met in the Library, now meets on Zoom, Mondays from 7:00-8:15pm. All are welcome. Please contact Jessica Kross, email Jessica for access information.
Transitions Volunteers Wanted
Transitions continues to need volunteers to serve meals and other opportunities. Because of social distancing, they request that you sign up for a shift rather than show up. Contact Transitions.org or 803-708-4861 for further information or go to https://transitionssc.org/
Grateful for the religious pluralism that enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to deepen our understanding and expand our vision. We covenant to affirm and promote:
- The inherent worth and dignity of every person
- Justice, equity, and compassion in human relationships
- Acceptance of one another & encouragement of spiritual growth in our congregations
- A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
- The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and society at large
- The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all
- Respect for the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part
The Mission of our Congregation is:
- to nurture and respect each other in our spiritual growth and pursuit of meaning,
- to create a welcoming and engaging environment through which we work for positive change in our community and the world.
2701 Heyward Street
Columbia, SC 29205
(803) 799-0845
Webpage: http://www.uucolumbia.org
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/uucolumbia
Church Staff
- Rev. Stephen Robinson, Minister revstephen@uucolumbia.org
- Andrea Dudick, Administrator uucc@uucolumbia.org
- Scott Sargent, Directory of Religious Exploration dre@uucolumbia.org
- Michele Currie, Bookkeeper bookkeeper@uucolumbia.org
- Anna Hamilton, Music Director music@uucolumbia.org
- Bill Dolley, Sexton uucc@uucolumbia.org
- Mckenzie Scott, RE Youth Ministries Assistant reassist@uucolumbia.org
Board of Trustees
President: Pat Mohr
President-Elect: Deb Matherly
Secretary: Beth Ann Rocheleau
Past President: Rev. Rod Brown, ex officio
Treasurer: Ginny Verne
Finance: Linda Brennison, ex officio
Members at Large: Jean Capalbo, Caroline Eastma
Topics: community