Unitarian Universalist Association

What is the Denominational Connections Committee?
The Denominational Connections Committee (DCC) provides a liaison between our congregation, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), and 1,000 other UU congregations nationally. We seek to inform and engage our congregation in regional and national programs. Some examples include:

UU is Changing
At GA 2024, the UUA General Assembly adopted changes to the UUA bylaws (Article II) which re-defined our statement of shared beliefs and the purpose of the UUA. The DCC hosted several congregational discussions to explore the pros and cons of the proposed changes.  (More information about the issues and conversation can be found here.)

What lies ahead?
Though Article II was adopted in 2024, its implementation is yet to be addressed in terms of Article III of the UUA bylaws. Article III determines the limits of congregational autonomy (polity), UUA membership requirements, and other essential matters. We expect a proposed revision of Article III to be made available in 2027. The UUCC and DCC will want to be part of this important conversation and decision about the future of our faith tradition.

Join us!
Please consider joining (or actively following) the Denominational Connections Committee as we move forward together. (Contact DenomConn@uucolumbia.org)

Explore these Resources:Teach-In On Revision of Article II – Let’s Keep the FaithVideosArticles, Essays and Papers,  Websites and Background Books