Adult Programs
“Come, come, whoever you are, wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving…”
—13th century Sufi poet Jalaluddin Rumi
(translated and interpreted)
Programs for adults give us the chance to go deeper— intellectually, socially, ethically, and spiritually. From workshops to community service, to discussion groups, meditation to marching—all in the context of a supportive spiritual community—Unitarian Universalism has much to offer adults beyond our Sunday services. Look here for a more comprehensive list of our groups that meet regularly.
Exploring Spirituality Group, 2nd & 4th Wednesdays in the Library, 7-8:30pm
Come with questions rather than answers. It will be both faith-friendly and no-faith friendly. All are invited to join us with open minds and hearts. We only ask that participants come with a spirit of curiosity, wisdom, and compassion…and sense of humor too. Text Rebecca Drennan at 415-377-1791 with any questions.

UUCC has Two Story Circles Gathering now.
UUCC are meeting:
· 2-3pm every Tuesday at the UUCC Library
· 11-noon every Friday via Zoom
Unfortunately, both of these circles are filled.
The formation of a new and additional Story Circle is in process to accommodate recent interest in joining a Story Circle. Information will be forthcoming when details are finalized for this new Story Circle. Please contact Phil Turner with questions.
We affirm a free and responsible search for truth and meaning from birth to death. Unitarian Universalism celebrates the ways that our needs, our hopes, and our beliefs change as life changes us.