Speaker: Rev. Stephen Robinson

Rev. Stephen RobinsonStephen Robinson is originally from Carrollton, Georgia and has lived in Columbia, SC since 2004. He is the Clinical Pastoral Education Program Manager for Prisma Health Midlands and Chaplaincy Manager for Prisma Health Hospice and Community. Stephen has been an ACPE Certified Educator since 2008, and an ordained minister since 1994. He earned a B.A. in English from the University of West Georgia in Carrollton, GA and his M. Div. from the McAfee School of Theology of Mercer University in Atlanta, GA. He is an ordained minister and a chaplain endorsed by the Humanist Society of the American Humanist Association.

View his sermons below

Click on any title to see more about the sermon and the YouTube recording.

Lessons From Genocide

January 27 marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and has been set aside as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  The images of these camps provide us with some of the most disturbing scenes in history as well as windows into the darkness of humanity.  On this day, we remember the millions who were imprisoned, … Continue reading Lessons From Genocide

Christmas Eve Service

We will use Christian Christmas themes and the birth narrative to talk about the possibility and potential of a child being born and a new generation.

Christmas Pageant

This weeks service will not be on YouTube.  You can view it live via Zoom.  The link is: https://zoom.us/j/95488302469?pwd=WVhWalJxVVBDNktCTzFhRlRjVTdMdz09  

What Are We Waiting For?

We’ll be using the poem “Gate A-4” by Naomi Shihab Nye to talk about not waiting for hope but answering the call to be hope. Advent and Hanukkah tend to look externally for hope and we shall strive to find ways to embody it.