UUCC Board Meeting Minutes 07-14-2010
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Board of Trustees
Minutes of July 14, 2010 Meeting
Members present were: Don Mohr (Co-President), Pat Mohr (Co-President) via Skype, Barry Ahrendt (President-Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer), Michael Sullivan (Secretary); Members at Large: Ivy Coleman via Skype, Elizabeth Harris, Marcia Fletcher, Walter Patterson, Andrea Pixley; and Ex-Officio Members Joe Long (Past President), and Neal Jones (Minister). Others present were Ann Cargill (Bookkeeper) and Ann Johnson (Chair, Personnel Committee).
Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
The meeting was called to order by Don Mohr at 7:03 PM. He noted a quorum was present. He began with a reading from Worship That Works (Wayne Arnason & Kathleen Rolenz, Skinner House Books, 2008):
Love is the Spirit of this Church, and service its law.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.
Consent Agenda
The Minister’s Report and Administrator’s Report were on the consent agenda.
Personnel Committee Report
Ann Johnson presented the Personnel Committee’s recommendation for the hiring of the Director of Religious Education (DRE). After interviewing several qualified candidates, they recommended Lisa Casey. Her diverse background includes relevant work experience as DRE for the UU Congregation of Phoenix, AZ. A motion was made by Barry, seconded by Elizabeth, to approve the hiring of Lisa Casey as Director of Religious Education effective September 1, 2010 at the budgeted salary of $21,702. The vote in favor was unanimous. The Board also discussed issues related to the possible hiring of a second worker in the nursery during Sunday services.
Proposed Changes to the Minutes
The Secretary noted that in recent months the Board has been reviewing meeting minutes online and using a default approval mechanism, in order to post their actions on the www.uucolumbia.org website prior to the next meeting. He recommended a different means of timely reporting to the members. In collaboration with the Co-Presidents, he will place a meeting summary online and in the Unigram prior to the next Board meeting. A motion was made by Michael, seconded by Barry, to approve minutes of a Board meeting by a recorded vote at the next Board meeting, and to disseminate a summary of the Board meeting to the membership in the interim. The vote in favor was unanimous. Meeting minutes will be posted online after they are approved.
Executive Session
Don raised consideration of other personnel issues. A motion was made by Michael, seconded by Walter, to move into executive session for a discussion of a personnel issue and the renewal of the minster’s contract, and to include all those present at the meeting. The vote in favor was unanimous.
In executive session, a motion was made by Ivy, seconded by Elizabeth, that the Board not change what it previously decided regarding the amount of severance pay for a former employee. The vote in favor was unanimous.
In executive session, a motion was made by Barry, seconded by Andrea, to approve the renewal of the Minister’s contract for one year. The vote in favor was unanimous.
Discussion of Priorities for the Next Year
- Congregational Conversations. Don proposed that the Board initiate “Congregational Conversations”, making themselves available to meet with members after designated Sunday services. This is an initiative to enhance communication. Board members agreed. These are anticipated to be monthly meetings of a half hour duration during which members will be encouraged to raise their own concerns or questions. The Congregational Conversations will be tentatively scheduled for the first Sunday of each month.
- Current Year’s Budget. Due to a 14% shortfall in pledge revenues received, a year-end deficit of approximately $10,000 is anticipated pending adjustments. Don Mohr identified possible savings of approximately $7,000 for 2010-2011. These include recalculations of erroneous amounts for previously approved 5% salary increases for the Minister and Administrator, removal of salary increase for the Custodian, and deferring hiring of the DRE until September. A motion was made by Barry, seconded by Andrea, to revise the 2010-2011 operating budget in accordance with the chart of possible savings presented by Don (excluding item for reduction of debt service payments), and to adjust the projection of pledge revenue based on current year-end totals. The vote in favor was unanimous. The Treasurer, Bookkeeper, and Minister will confer with the Administrator regarding her preferred salary increase modality.
- A New Strategic Plan. Don noted that we are in need of developing a new strategic plan. This will be further discussed at the Board retreat with Committee Chairs on July 31st.
Treasurer and Bookkeeper Reports
Linda Brennison presented the Treasurer’s report, including an update on a possible auto draft process for pledges that is available through the bank at a cost of $25 per month plus $1 per item. Ann Cargill presented the Bookkeeper’s year-end report. The year-end balance sheet and comparisons to budget were reviewed in detail. Year-end adjustments for 2009-2010 will reduce the deficit by an additional amount of approximately $1700. A motion was made by Barry, seconded by Marcia, to direct the bookkeeper to make additional accounting adjustments to zero out the Capital Fund of $1,680 and the Recycle Bins Fund of $265.67. The vote in favor was unanimous. The Board thanked the Treasurer and the Bookkeeper for their work.
Upon a motion by Walter and second by Barry, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Sullivan, Secretary