UUCC Board Meeting Minutes 04-13-2011
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Board of Trustees
Minutes of April 13, 2011 Meeting
Members present were: Don Mohr (Co-President), Pat Mohr (Co-President), Barry Ahrendt (President-Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer), Michael Sullivan (Secretary); Members at Large: Ivy Coleman, Marcia Fletcher, Elizabeth Harris, Andrea Pixley, and Walter Patterson; and Ex-Officio Members Neal Jones (Minister) and Joe Long (Past President). Also present were David Crockett, Peter Kandis, Judy Turnipseed, and Tom Turnipseed.
Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
The meeting was called to order by Don at 6:35 PM. He noted a quorum was present.
Reading and Check-In
Michael read a selection by William Henry Channing (the “Symphony”)[1]. All present gave brief personal updates by way of checking in.
Approval of Minutes
On a motion by Ivy, seconded by Elizabeth, the minutes of the March 9, 2011 meeting were unanimously approved.
Consent Agenda
The Minister’s Report and DRE report were accepted on the consent agenda.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda reviewed the March 31, 2011 financial reports. Through the end of the third quarter, pledges have continued to come in ahead of budget, with $142,283 received versus $138,750 projected. Building rental income continues to exceed the amount budgeted. Office supplies expenses have been greater than anticipated, due to extra paper needed for publications and new stationery. With 75% of the fiscal year completed, overall revenues are at 74.4% of budget and expenses at 72.9%, resulting in a surplus of $2,264.
Linda recommended that we renew our $100,000 line of credit with BB&T Bank which matures on 6/10/11. We currently owe $45,290 and would otherwise need to pay off this balance in full by that date. This line of credit has been used for major renovations including the replacement of the HVAC system in the sanctuary. It may be advantageous to renew for a longer term, up to five years. A motion was made by Linda, seconded by Walter, and amended by Barry, to renew the line of credit with BB&T Bank for $100,000 and to authorize the Treasurer and Co-Presidents to negotiate the best terms and rates. The vote in favor was unanimous.
Thomas Jefferson District Meeting Issues
Peter Kandis presented information on the proposed bylaws amendment to change the name of the Thomas Jefferson District (TJD) to the Southeast District of the Unitarian Universalist Association. This proposal will be voted on at the TJD’s annual meeting on April 30, 2011 in Durham, NC. A similar vote was held last year when the proposal narrowly failed to win the required two-thirds support. Since that time seven of the member UU congregations have petitioned for reconsideration. Peter recommended we endorse the name change. A motion was made by Michael, seconded by Elizabeth, to endorse the name change of the Thomas Jefferson District to the Southeast District of the Unitarian Universalist Association. The vote in favor was unanimous.
On Peter’s subsequent recommendation, a motion was made by Ivy, seconded by Marcia, to instruct our Delegates to the TJD meeting to vote for the name change on the first ballot and thereafter to vote their consciences. In discussion, it was noted that we haven’t usually directed voting in the past and have instead trusted our Delegates’ informed judgment in voting their consciences. The difficulties inherent in the Board’s keeping abreast of UUA and District agendas were also noted. The motion failed on a vote of 8-1. (In favor: Coleman; in opposition: Mohr, Ahrendt, Sullivan, Brennison, Fletcher, Harris, Patterson, Pixley).
Neal presented the Board with the names of members interested in being our Delegates to the TJD meeting. A motion was made by Ivy, seconded by Elizabeth, to appoint David Crockett, Neal Jones, Kate Noel Kloppenborg, and Judy Turnipseed as our Delegates to the TJD annual meeting on April 30, 2011. The vote in favor was unanimous[2].
2011-2012 Budget
Joe presented an initial draft of the 2011-2012 budget for the Board’s review. He led the budget development process as a member of the Finance Committee and successfully met the original timelines. The preliminary budget includes input solicited from committee chairs and program areas. Alison Thirkield’s management of the canvass was also instrumental. The total budget represents an increase of more than 5% over the current budget, with revenues projected at $227,604 compared to $215,455 budgeted for 2010-2011.
The Board spent considerable time reviewing the budget in detail and requested additional information on certain expense items. These include committee allocations for Caring and Hospitality, Membership, and Social Action, as well as requests from Landscaping and Technology Services. A special Board meeting was scheduled for April 27th to complete the review and approve the budget for adoption by the congregation. Michael requested that the 2011-2012 projections be presented alongside their corresponding 2010-2011 line item amounts (budgeted and YTD).
Annual Meeting
There was discussion of the upcoming Annual Meeting agenda and Notice to members. A motion was made by Michael, seconded by Barry, to approve May 22, 2011 as the date of the Annual Meeting, with an agenda to consist of elections, proposed bylaw revisions, and adoption of the budget. The vote in favor was unanimous. Positions to be elected include certain Officers, Trustees, and Leadership Development Committee members. Michael indicated that 4/22/11 is the deadline for Notice of the Annual Meeting to be submitted to the Unigram. Hard copies of the meeting materials will also be made available 15 days in advance.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Sullivan, Secretary
[1] To live content with small means; To seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; To be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich, To study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; To listen to stars and birds, To babes and sages, with open heart; To bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, Await occasions, hurry never. To let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common. This is to be my symphony.
(William Henry Channing, 1810 – 1884) |
[2] Kate Noel Kloppenborg subsequently withdrew, and Carita Barr was appointed.