UUCC Board Meeting Minutes 01-16-2013
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Board of Trustees
Minutes of January 16, 2013 Meeting
Trustees present were: Ann Johnson (President), Ivy Coleman (Co-President Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer), Bob Whitaker (Secretary); Members at Large: Buzzie Kelly, Caroline Eastman, Elizabeth Harris, Phil Turner; and Ex-Officio Members Michael Sullivan (Finance Committee Chair) and Neal Jones (Minister). Also present was Ann Cargill (partial attendance).
Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
The meeting was called to order by Ann at 6:34 PM. She noted a quorum was present.
Reading and Check-In
There was no opening reading due to the absence of the designated presenter. All present gave brief personal updates to check in.
Approval of Minutes
On a motion by Phil, seconded by Ivy, the minutes of the December 19, 2012 Board meeting were unanimously approved.
Consent Agenda
The Minister’s, DRE’s and Administrator’s Reports were received on the consent agenda.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda reviewed highlights of her monthly variance report for the month ending December 31, 2012. Pledge revenue for the fiscal year, at the half-way mark, is running slightly ahead of the planned amount by 1.33%. Plate collections are now 25% over the year-to-date projection, reflecting the increased spirit of sharing as a result of the Share the Plate process adopted in January 2012. Expenses at the half-way point are slightly under budget, and with total revenues ahead, we have a positive variance of $24,918.74. Our positive variance is due to strong fundraising and collection of prior year’s pledges, as well as high Share the Plate collections.
RE Accounting Procedures Presentation
Ann Cargill, Bookkeeper, presented a 25 minute overview of the procedures used to account for the Religious Education (RE) income and expenses, as they relate to the overall congregational budget. Previous concerns and questions regarding the incorporation of all aspects of the RE budget were addressed, and members learned that the RE accounting is accurately and properly reported. Ann was praised by Mike Sullivan and all Board members for her excellent work in maintaining the books on what has become a quarter-million dollar budget.
Finance Committee Fundraising Activities Update
Michael Sullivan presented the Finance Committee Report. Fundraising is going quite well at this point, with Installation funding at 164% of our goal, Fall Flings at 100%, and collection of unpaid prior year pledges at 129% of goal.
Michael provided an analysis of our first full year of Share the Plate contributions, which reveals that our contributions to outside charities has increased 22%, from $8,671 to $10,588, while loose plate collections for our operating budget almost tripled, rising from $3,918 to $10,623, a 271% increase. He pointed out the clear message, that by sharing more we received more. Mike also has volunteered to work with Laurel Amabile and the Communications Coordinator at UUA to create and share a story with other UUA congregations of our Share the Plate success in 2012.
Mike discussed plans by the Finance Committee to kick off the 2013 canvass on Sunday, March 10, 2013 with a Celebration of Giving and Receiving — a champagne reception and silent auction. A total of 6 pulpit editorials (This I Value) by a diverse group of members are planned for Sundays in February and March.
On recommendation by the Finance Committee, Ivy moved and Elizabeth seconded a motion to solicit a 10% increase in total pledges for the 2013/2014 pledge year in order to meet the anticipated increased needs for the next fiscal year, including sabbatical expenses, RE program growth, and building and grounds maintenance, to name a few. The motion passed unanimously.
Plans for Congregational Mountain Retreat
Ivy and Robin continue to promote participation by as many members as possible in the congregational retreat scheduled for April 19 – 21, 2013 at the Mountain Retreat and Learning Center near Highlands, NC. A DVD is being prepared and will be shown in the social hall after services. One-half of the registrations are due by February 15, 2013.
Final Approval of Neal’s Letter of Agreement
After changes to the wording of Section 3.2.1 and a minor change in punctuation, Phil moved and Caroline seconded the motion to approve the LOA. The vote to approve was unanimous. The Letter of Agreement will be signed at the morning service before Neal’s installation on January 27, 2013.
Proposal for Creating Continuity of Board and Committees
Buzzie discussed her previously emailed revised proposal to standardize procedures relating to the orientation of new and prospective Board members, committee chairs, and Board liaisons. Discussion was limited to paragraphs 1 and 5, as the other portions relate to committee duties, and feedback from committees is not yet complete. After much discussion, Ann asked Buzzie to contact the Leadership Development Committee to prepare a package of information, in line with the suggestions contained in her proposal, to provide to new proposed Board Members at the time of their solicitation for running for office. Further action on the proposal was tabled for further board consideration after Buzzie has received feedback from all committees.
Mission Statement for the Endowment Committee
Phil Turner presented the draft Vision Statement for Planned Giving and the draft Mission Statement for Planned Giving developed by the Endowment Committee. It is hoped that the Endowment Committee will be able to provide verbiage for necessary by-law changes in time for voting during the next Annual Congregational Meeting on May 19, 2013.
Report of the Music Committee
Ann discussed the previously emailed report from Morgan Maclachlan, Chair of the Ad Hoc Music Committee. The report, entitled Professionalizing Music, was fully discussed. Caroline moved, and Phil seconded, a motion to ask the Personnel Committee to develop (with input from the Ad Hoc Music Committee) a Position Description for part-time Music Coordinator. Additionally, financial considerations are to be included. The motion passed unanimously. Ann will notify the Personnel Committee.
Strategic Plan Monitoring
Neal provided copies of an offer from the Shared Ministry Committee proposing to monitor implementation of the UUCC Strategic Plan (SP), as tasked by the Board in 2011. Full discussion followed, and it was decided that, in lieu of the proposal, the Board will dedicate 30 minutes during each Board meeting to discussion of the Strategic Plan. Phil pointed out that this time can be found if every member promises to study the Strategic Plan before the February meeting and that meeting be used to prioritize actions on the SP. Mike and Phil pointed out that increased use of the consent agenda process will free time for work on the Strategic Plan.
Other Business
- Discussion of the Master Landscaping Plan, to be led by Walter Patterson, Buildings and Grounds Committee, is deferred until the February meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Bob Whitaker, Secretary