Topic: Justice

Finding a Pencil for James

Speaker: Rev. Stephen Robinson As we begin the month of February and Black History Month, we are inspired by the work of the distinguished professor and writer, Percival Everett. Using themes from his latest novel, James, we will look at how the stories of history are told. Everett reminds us that hearing the story from another … Continue reading Finding a Pencil for James

Come, Build a Land

While today is Father’s Day, we will be honoring fathers a bit differently by asking what kind of world we want for fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers. The UU hymn “We’ll Build a Land” captures the longing we have to live in a more just world where we all, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers create … Continue reading Come, Build a Land

An Undeclared War

While our UU denomination focuses on racism, homophobia, and transphobia and the Right Wing foments a culture war and attacks our democracy, a war is occurring right underneath our noses which hardly anyone is talking about. On July 23, we will. Here’s a clue: you can’t achieve racial, gender, or civil justice without economic justice.

Transformative Justice

What does a paradigm shift towards Transformation Justice mean in our world and in your personal life? Come dive into this question and explore the radical ways that TJ reimagines shame with us.