Ongoing Happenings
Candles of Community
If you have a significant personal joy, sorrow or concern you would like to share, please phone (803) 799-0845 or email the Administrator ( by noon Friday. You may also share your joy or concern personally. We will have 7 candles (representing our seven principles) in a basket on the table in the foyer (no “virtual candles”, please). When you arrive, take a candle and light it when invited to do so. Because of time constraints, we ask you to be brief.
The UUCC Forum meets every Sunday from 9:30 to 10:45 in the Library. We start with a brief catch-up and social time (about 15 minutes), so if you are a little late (15 min), it’s OK. Our topics are mostly about current items and issues. We have an email list where some suggested links are sent prior to the meeting -If you are on the Forum email list, please check your email for documents to read ahead of time. If you would like to be included on the Forum email list,or have questions, contact Jeanette Walton (please text and include your name (803)466-0594).
Sunday Flowers Program
Would you like to share your flowers for our Sunday service in recognition of a birthday, anniversary, or a special memory? You will now provide your own floral arrangement. Just let us know the date you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary by sending an email to the Worship Committee ( Please include your name, phone number, and the date you want. You will be contacted to confirm the date and details.
Do you like fresh flowers for Sunday services? If so, the Worship Committee needs your help. Could you bring or buy flowers for a designated Sunday each month? If you can do this for even a few months, please contact us at A small subsidy will be provided.
UUCC Story Circles: Fun & Fellowship
Two story circles are at capacity, but another Story Circle has begun on Thursdays at 2pm in the UUCC Library. This Circle will be led by Kathy Paget. Please contact Kathy at (803) 960-6307 to join this Story Circle.
Please Donate to the Winter Shelter
The Social Action Committee is again soliciting donations of lightly used clothing – especially hats, gloves and coats – current magazines, unused personal-sized toiletries, backpacks and luggage (with wheels) for the overnight homeless shelter. Please place donations in the basket in the Social Hall. The facility is now being called the Rapid Shelter Columbia Overflow as small, longer-term sleeping units have been set up outside the larger shelter building. The city-funded shelter, managed by Transitions, is open for adults from November 1 to April 1 when the temperature falls below 40F. Pick up of a sizable donation can be arranged. Volunteers will be needed during shelter check-in and nights we have clothing tables, from about 5:30-7:30 p.m. Contact Tom Clements,, cell 803-240-7268. Thank you.
Kitchen Announcement
Want a way to get involved in Social Hour tasks that does not require an extended commitment?
Participate by giving an hour of your time to help with refreshments on a Sunday. You may be spontaneous or sign up for a future date. We need help Preparing (10:00-11:00 am), Monitoring (Last song-12:30 pm), or Cleaning (12:15-1:15 pm).
Signup sheets are posted on the kitchen door. Each Sunday is divided by time periods. The current month as well as the next two will be posted. There will always be 1 to 2 kitchen committee members covering the entire day. At most on any given Sunday two to three hourly helpers are needed – one of these could be YOU! Come join the fun.
Sunday Morning Childcare Help Needed
On behalf of the Personnel Committee and CYRE, we are seeking individuals who love working with children under six years old and want to earn $40 for each Sunday assisting with child care. If you are interested, please contact the Personnel Committee at or Bethany Storlazzi at
Monday Morning mUUsic at the UUCC
Join us for a free fun music play class for 0-5 year olds and their families every second Monday of the month at the UUCC! Mondays 10:00-10:30 AM on January 13th. Bring a comfy blanket to sit on. We’ll sing, move, use our imaginations, and have fun making music together! All instruments will be provided, and classes will be led by UUCC Music Director and Music Educator, Dr. Anna Hamilton. Questions? Contact:
Knit or Knot, Tuesdays, 3 pm
Do you knit or have other needle-craft you would like to share? If so, you are invited to join us for our weekly Knit or Knot meetings on Tuesdays at 3:00 p.m. in Room 10.
Story Circles
The UUCC currently has three story circles! Two meet in person at UUCC in the library from 2:00-3:00 p.m. The Tuesday session is currently full, but the Thursday session is open to our church community as well as to the greater community. Contact Kathy at (803) 960-6307 for more information.
The third story circle is offered via Zoom on Fridays at 11:00 a.m. and is also closed at this time.
Story Circles are groups of persons seated in a circle taking turns talking about various topics. They follow a format that allows each person a time for talking and a time for listening. Circles are a great place for fun, fellowship, and deepening relationships. As Barbara Bates Smith, former member and initiator of Story Circles at UUCC, says, “There’s magic that happens in Story Circles.” Although she now lives in Charlotte, Barbara is delighted that the UU interest in Story Circles continues.
Gaia’s Rising CUUPS, Thursday Nights, 7:30pm
Join the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) Thursday nights at 7:30pm in the UUCC library. Contact Katy Long at for more information.
Exploring Spirituality Group
Come with questions rather than answers. It will be both faith-friendly and no-faith friendly. All are invited to join us with open minds and hearts. We only ask that participants come with a spirit of curiosity, wisdom, and compassion….and sense of humor too. Every other Wednesday, 7-8:30pm in the UUCC Library. For answers to your questions, or to check on the next meeting date, text Rebecca Drennan at 415-377-1791.
Vegan Potluck
The Animal Ministry will be hosting a monthly Vegan Potluck in collaboration with Columbia Veg, a local community group for vegans, vegetarians, and people exploring a plant-based lifestyle.
Everyone is invited to bring a vegan dish to share. Future meetups will take place at 6:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month.
If you have any questions or would like ideas for items to bring, please contact Patty Drews, the Animal Ministry’s liaison for these events, at
Science and Religion Discussion Group
The Science and Religion Discussion Group meets on the second Thursday of the month at 8 pm in Room 8 in the RE wing.. Join us and enjoy spirited discussions about subjects where science and religion overlap. Books are selected by consensus. Contact Dean Smith ( with questions.
UUCC Men’s Breakfast Group, Second Wednesday of Each Month
The UUCC men’s breakfast group will meet at 9:00 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month. We usually meet at some local restaurant. If you are interested, please contact Phil Turner ( to get on the mailing list or if you have any questions..
UUCC Women’s Lunch, 3rd Thursdays, 12pm, Social Hall
The UUCC Women’s Lunch is held at noon on the third Thursday of every month in the Social Hall. Please bring food or drink to share and let Joan Watterson ( or 803-381-7208) know that you are coming, so that we have an idea of how many people to set up for. Also let one of us know if you would like a ride or are able to help clean up.
UU Humanist Group
Join us on the last Thursday of each month in classroom 8. Discussions cover a wide range of topics of interest to humanists. Contact Dean Smith ( with questions.
UUCC Book Club
The UUCC Book Club is open to all members and friends. We meet every other month to discuss nonfiction and fiction books that inspire, challenge, entertain and educate. The next meeting, via Zoom, will be on February 16, 2025 at 7:00 pm. Our next book will be On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity & Getting Old by Parker J. Palmer.
Women’s Book Club
The new women’s book club successfully launched, with six new members joining at our organizational meeting. We’ll be meeting at 3:00 PM, on the 3rd Thursday of every month, in room 10. Whether you are an avid reader or just getting started, please join us; everyone is welcome. Questions? Email
Tai Chi – Limited Building Access Requested for Weekly Rental
Please refrain from entering the Social Hall, Sanctuary, Foyer and Kitchen to honor the privacy of the Tai Chi classes that will take place every Tuesday morning from 10:20am to 11:40am and Wednesday evenings from 5:20pm to 6:40pm. Access is available via the coded double doors on the Heyward side.
Harvest Hope Food Donations Needed
Please bring your donations, such as canned soups, vegetables, fruits, juices, peanut butter, and pastas for Harvest Hope Food Bank and leave them in our collection box in the social hall. Another item always needed is disposable diapers – NO adult sizes. Harvest Hope does not accept glass containers or expired food.
In-Kind Donations
If you make a tangible donation (not your time, unfortunately) please copy your store receipt and turn it in with the In-Kind Donation form. The forms are available in the copier room; they are on the wire rack to the left of the copy machine in a folder marked “In-Kind Donations”. Put the form and the receipt in the bookkeeper’s mailbox and you will be helping the UUCC keep track of items purchased that aren’t accounted for on the budget. You will also receive credit, if you wish, on your yearly tax statement.
UUCC Accepts Contributions Electronically
You may give by either going to our website,, and clicking on the ‘donate’ bar at the top of the page, or entering “” in your browser. If you have any questions or need help, please contact our Administrator at or 803-799-0845 between the hours of 1pm-7pm Monday-Thursday or Friday from 9am-3pm. Thank you for your generosity.
Virtual Buddhist Meditation
The Buddhist Insight Meditation Community of Columbia, which had met in the UUCC Library, now meets on Zoom, Mondays 7:00-8:15pm. All are welcome. Please contact Jessica Kross, ( for access information.