COMMITTEE CHAIR:  Angie Dodd Rabon,  1st year  ( since July/August 2019)

COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Long time: Rebecca Drennan, Peck Drennan, Don Cooper, added since August 2019: Joe Long, Barbara Bates Smith (for Circle Stories) and Joseph Eisenreich(interest in Sister Church and language classes)

RECENT ADDITIONS:  Karen Brown, Ivy Coleman, Robin Scherer, Yolanda Ganong and McKenzie Scott

MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT THIS YEAR—- The Christian Heritage Discussion group with a bag lunch, 4th Tuesday of the month has been ongoing, hosted by Don Cooper

Circle Stores, hosted by Barbara Bates Smith is ongoing morning class and has become so popular it has been ongoing most months since November 2019.

The Enneagram classes, hosted by Rebecca Drennan in Library, were well attended and may be resumed at a later date


Please briefly describe impediments to work:  Primarily the coronavirus, which has necessitated us moving to Zoom Meetings; April meeting had to be cancelled as I was not then up on Zoom or had a phone with capacity for Zoom meeting; I did update my phone in mid-April 2020.  Several classes had to be postponed as we had planned on using UUCC facilities- namely the Build Your Own Theology Class to be hosted by Joe Long.     A Great Course video presentation and discussion I am planning on Issue of “origins of and perspectives on nature of Evil” has also been pushed back as I had planned that for the UUCC facilities.   The Life Stories classes are pushed back as well, due to concerns about the virus, although the Circle Stories class has kind of taken the place of Life Stories since they are a similar format and serve the same general purpose of building connections among the members in our UUCC community.

Also due to reduction in pledges, our budget increase request to $200.00 had to be denied; we were planning this increase to possibly pay for child care at some events, which due to virus may not really be a possibility for foreseeable future.

Initiatives or plans for next year:

  • The Build Your Own Theology class, hosted by Joe Long
  • McKenzie Scott is interested in reestablishing a Yoga Class, regular or chair Yoga. Per Karen Brown, McKenzie Scott has mentioned whether there is any liability issue that needs to be addressed by Board; I believe if necessary, I could draft a Waiver if classes are to be held at UUCC.  Right now I think they are referring to video or zoom classes, not at UUCC.  Not aware this was an issue with prior Yoga classes.
  • There appears to be some interest by Karen Brown and others for a class on UU history
  • A suggestion was also made for a group movie viewing and discussion group, likely a Video or Zoom discussion group for now., similar to our current UUCCC book club.


FUTURE DREAMS OR LONG RANGE PLANS:   Expanding membership and participation on Committee and/or in the planning and hosting of classes by more UUCC members.

A suggestion on possible future classes on female Goddesses and/or female spiritual figures; this would require finding an appropriate teacher or host for this class

Constraints:  Primarily inability to use UUCC facilities due to Coronavirus makes the planning of some classes unsure and/or would requires use of offsite technology…


Submitted by:

Angie Dodd Rabon