Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia

Contact Administrator  (uucc@uucolumbia.org) if you have questions.

Sunday Services begins at 11:00 a.m.   We will be live-streaming the service in addition to the in-person meeting.  See News Tab/Meeting Info (above) for connectivity details.  Sunday sermons are recorded and available from the Service Archives found on the Home Page.

Sunday Service Pre- and Post-Zooms
These provide an opportunity for those viewing the service to be together virtually starting at 10:30 am and continuing for approximately 30 minutes after the service ends.  The links to access these events can be found here or on the “Meeting Info” page which can be found under “News” above.

Sunday Services
In Person or live on YouTube

March 16, 2025 The Women Who Shape History by Rev. Stephen Robinson

11:00am Service Music: featuring Janice Kahrs

Forum Discussions
The UUCC Forum meets every Sunday from 9:30 to 10:45 in the Library.  We start with a brief catch-up and social time (about 15 minutes), so if you are a little late (15 min),  it’s OK.  Our topics are mostly about current items and issues. We have an email list where some suggested links are sent prior to the meeting -If you are on the Forum email list, please check your email for documents to read ahead of time.  If you would like to be included on the Forum email list,or have questions, contact Jeanette Walton (please text and include your name (803)466-0594).

March 16, 2025  Topic: The Dark Enlightenment

Children and Youth Religious Exploration
See the Learning tab above for information about our Children and Youth Religious Explorations, or how to register.  The CYRE Calendar will tell you about the latest activities.

Extended Childcare on Sunday Mornings, March 16th, April 6th, April 20th
Childcare for infants through elementary will be available from 9:30am-10:30am. Parents are invited to join the choir, volunteer in our kitchen, or enjoy a quiet moment in your own way. Please pick up your children at 10:30am; but, infants and toddlers may remain in the nursery. Questions? call/text Bethany at 803-873-7455

Social Action Activities
Our church keeps busy making a difference in our world.  Check out what we’re doing now here.

Music at UUCC

Monday Morning mUUsic at the UUCC, March 10, 10:00-10:30 AM
Join us for a free fun music play class for 0-5 year olds and their families every second Monday of the month at the UUCC! Mondays 10:00-10:30 AM. Bring a comfy blanket to sit on. We’ll sing, move, use our imaginations, and have fun making music together! All instruments will be provided, and classes will be led by UUCC Music Director and Music Educator, Dr. Anna Hamilton. Questions? Contact: music@uucolumbia.org

Chalice Voices Sings 1st and 3rd Sundays in March, April and May
Let’s Sing! Our choir, Chalice Voices, welcomes teen and adult singers of all experience levels. We will rehearse this spring on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month in March, April and May: 9:30-10:30 AM rehearsal and sing in the service.

Classical Piano Concert, Saturday, March 15, 11am, Sanctuary
Matthew Ganong will continue his monthly series on Saturday, March 15, at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. The program this month will present works reflecting America, France, and Spain by George Gershwin, Claude Debussy, Isaac Albéniz, Manuel de Falla, Ernesto Lecuona, and Franz Liszt. Matthew will also present one of his own compositions. Admission free; donations welcome. A portion of the donations will benefit the UUCC. For further information, contact UUCC Music Director Anna Hamilton: music@uucolumbia.org.

Visitor Orientation, Sunday, March 9, After Service, Room 8
Are you a sometime visitor at UUCC and wondering about becoming a member? Are you curious about what it takes and how to do it? Come along and see a video about Unitarianism, receive a membership package and chat with members of the membership committee. Please contact the Membership Committee with any questions at membership@uucolumbia.org

Vegan Potluck, Thursday, March 13, 6pm, Social Hall
The UUCC Animal Ministry will be hosting its next monthly Vegan Potluck on February 13th beginning at 6pm in the Social Hall for vegans, vegetarians, and people exploring a plant-based lifestyle. Everyone is invited to bring a vegan dish to share. Future meetups will take place on the second Thursday of each month. If you have any questions or would like ideas for items to bring, please contact Patty Drews, our Animal Ministry’s liaison for these events, at paddrews@gmail.com.

UUCC Women’s Lunch, Thursday, March 20, 11:30am, Social Hall
Ladies Lunch begins at 11:30am with a social hour and we eat at 12pm
The UUCC Women’s Lunch is held on the third Thursday of every month in the Social Hall. Please bring food or drink to share and let Joan Watterson (joan.l.watterson@icloud.com or 803-381-7208) know if you have any questions. Also let us know if you would like a ride or are able to help clean up.

Bird watching with Audubon Society chapter leader Caroline Eastman March 29, 9 AM, Congaree national Park Meet at the Visitors Center For inclement weather advisory, or more info contact Caroline at 803-466-2840 carolinemeastman@gmail.com Additional information can be obtained by reaching out to UUYA chair Elizabeth at 8034649786 It is free to get into this park, free binoculars to borrow can be obtained at Richland libraries

March Share the Plate Recipient: Congaree Riverkeeper
Congaree Riverkeeper is a local grassroots non-profit organization that works to protect and improve water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreation on the Broad, Lower Saluda and Congaree Rivers through advocacy, education, and enforcement of environmental laws. For more info, please visit their website.
If sending a check please write “Share the Plate” in the memo line or you can give by either going to our website, uucolumbia.org, and clicking on the ‘donate’ bar at the top of the page, or entering “abundant.co/uucc/give” in your browser. Please be sure to select “Share the Plate”.

Mark Your Calendars for the 75th Anniversary Party!
Saturday May 3, 2025 at 4pm – 5pm: Gather, socialize, bar open (bar serving beer, wine and soft drinks) 5pm – Catered buffet dinner. There will be more information coming about a program.

Follow Up for Two Recent Raffles
Did you enter either the raffle for Hiking & History on the Palmetto Trail (benefit for The Mountain) or the raffle for the iPhone Photo workshop (benefit for the Partner Church)? If so, please contact Sharon Givens, 803-354-2578 (text or call), or sxg510@earthlink.net, the leader for both events. Thanks.
For the hike, plan to meet at UUCC at 9 a.m., Saturday, March 22. We will carpool to a section of the Peak to Prosperity Passage of the Palmetto Trail. Please dress in layers for the weather and wear sturdy shoes (it’s a rocky rails-to-trail conversion). And bring water and lunch/snacks for this ~4-mile hike.
For the iPhone photography workshop, we will meet at UUCC at 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 29, for a tutorial and practice. Plan for about two hours (and Dutch-treat dinner afterwards at a restaurant TBD if anyone is interested).

Joan Watterson: Text 803-381-7208
Emilio Jorge-Perez: Text 803-553-2212
Marleen Trader: Text 803-394-6666
Jeanette Walton: Text 803-466-0594

Follow UUCC Social Media for the Latest Updates!
UUCC now has their own social media accounts.  This is a great way to stay connected when we can’t be together.  Submit your posts to Emilia Gunning at publicity@uucolumbia.org.  Follow us: FacebookInstagramYouTubeTwitter

UUCC Will Accept Contributions Electronically UUCC Music on YouTube! CLICK ON THIS LINK  You are invited to visit the UUCC Music Coordinator’s YouTube page to view and listen to music from recent services and performances from our talented UUCC musicians and friends. Click on the link above. New items will be added weekly, so please keep coming back!  You can enjoy the following playlists on the page by clicking the links here:UUCC Musicians  Music from Anna  UU Hymns  UUCC Benediction

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