Annual Church Fundraiser and Silent Auction
Annual Partner Church Fundraiser and Silent Auction
The Partner Church committee presents its GALA FUNDRAISING EVENT to be held Sunday evening, February 2. You will hear a varied MUSICAL PROGRAM organized by our accomplished musical director, Anna Hamilton, and see an EXPANDED DANCE SHOWCASE, featuring 3 or 4 couples. These will include Partner Church Co-founder, Lee Minghi and Tracy Steele and also Edwina Winter, who gave a Sunday sermon recently. A donation of $30 is suggested. Even if you cannot attend, your donations are appreciated and needed. See a special Partner Church option at the UUCC donation page. Proceeds will fund bringing Rev. Zsolt Solymosi and a member of the congregation to visit S.C. this summer as well as allow UUCC to continue helping the small Hungarian Unitarian congregation with its rent and Zsolt with a little towards his commuting gasoline costs. The evening will conclude with a reception. DONATIONS of your favorite dessert item or finger foods are needed and gratefully accepted. Please contact Susan Robinson at or 803-446-0675 asap to let her know what you’d like to bring. If you like to dress up, this is the day, but it is not required! We currently do NOT have a plan to provide CHILDCARE. But, if you plan on bringing children and will need it, please let Jean Capalbo know ( or 928-202-0286) by Friday, January 24th so we can try to arrange it.
The SILENT AUCTION is underway and will conclude Feb. 2 at the Groundhog Day Cabaret:
· Dinner for With 2 Docs hosted by Jane Lawther & J.P. Flood – a meat or vegetarian meal for two at a date and time convenient to all.
· Full body massage for 90 minutes by Jason Cobb at your home at a mutually convenient date & time.
· Dinner with the Minister, Stephen Robinson, hosted by Lee Minghi at Still Hopes for 4 guests, with happy hour in Lee’s apartment before.
· A walk on the Saluda river, March 15 with Botanist and Transylvania Pilgrim, John Logue. (Rain make-up date, if needed, March 22.)
· Two tickets to “Les Miserables,” Koger Center, 7th row orchestra, opening night, April 29th. See the traveling Broadway production thanks to the generosity of Marc and Patty Drews.
· Select a sermon (topic) for Stephen.
· “Julian Minghi’s favorite” – a raspberry & almond bakewell tart made just for you by Susan Robinson during the month of February.
· More to come…
Look for the auction bidding sheets in the fellowship hall each Sunday and hope to see you the evening of Groundhog day!