Message From Our President, Deb Matherly
>Are you enthusiastic, curious and/or concerned about potential changes in our broader denomination, and what these might mean for us in Columbia? Get ahead of the game, and on top of upcoming UUCC conversations, by going to The opportunity to look at and respond to very early drafts of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) study commission’s language, some theological discussion AND provide comments and feedback has been extended to all of us, not just General Assembly (GA) attendees, and is open until July 18. Broad topics include: the purpose of the UUA; our freedom of belief; our values and implied covenant; inclusion; inspirations (sources); future hopes; and general feedback. (There will be many future opportunities for discussion and feedback, but this is a chance to weigh in “on the ground floor”- the chats and discussions at GA were very animated and diverse, and I’m guessing the comments UUA is continuing to solicit will be likewise.) Please make your– and our– voices heard. Take a few minutes or a few hours- your choice- enjoy!
I hope you will consider our denominational ties as a “both-and” proposition with our congregational and local fellowships and actions, not “either/or”. Looking forward to our year ahead, growing together in understanding and commitment.
With warmth and love,
Deb Matherly