John Logue
George Johnson
Kate Heald
Jeanette Walton
Marc Drews
Susan LeGacy
Alma Engle
Caroline Eastman
Robin Scherer
Ex-officio members:
Jim Kimbler, Finance Chair
Rev. Stephen Robinson
Jean Capalbo, 75th Anniversary Advisory Group

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by John Logue, President.

 Chalice Lighting
Kate Heald provided a reading for the Winter Solstice.

Board Members recited the covenant: We will treat each other as we would wish to be treated by listening to the opinions of all members with equal respect and responding in a kind and thoughtful manner.

All those present participated in the check-in.


John Logue presented the December 18th Agenda for approval. Marc. Drews requested that the Board change the Agenda so that Jean Capalbo could present items concerning the 75th Anniversary earlier in the meeting. George Johnson moved to approve the Agenda as modified. Marc Drews seconded the motion. The motion was adopted.

Motion to Approve Minutes
Given delays in distribution, approval of the Minutes for November 20, 2024 and October 16, 2024 Board meetings will be delayed until the January meeting.

Motion to Accept Consent Agenda
Susan LeGacy moved to accept to Consent Agenda. Alma Engle seconded the motion. The motion was adopted.

Financial Reports
Marc Drews noted that percent of budged revenues received is at 53% (above the 41% projected for this time), while expenditures to date are at 35% (under the 41% projected.) He also noted that projected revenues were modified from

Change to Agenda – Report from 75th Anniversary Working Group Including Art Wall and Foyer Display
Jean Capalbo from the 75th Anniversary Working Group presented information about the handling of foyer and art wall during the anniversary year. The initial plan is to have displays in these areas to be done by committees one month at a time based on information in the archives. Cyndi Alexandre, the Administrator, was to receive information from each Chair about when their committee (chair) would participate.  The Archive Committee suggested committees come first to them and arrange for one member from their committee to access the archives.  Cyndi Alexandre and Bill Dolly will be given the schedule as it develops. Jean Capalbo presented the plan made by the Archive Committee to the Board. Marc Drews recommended the language go to Cyndi Alexandre as written. The Board expressed appreciation for this information. (Someone from Building and Grounds suggested that Committees sign up to develop the display cabinet in the foyer each month, coordinating this with Cyndi Alexandre.) The Art Wall subcommittee of Building and Grounds (Jean Capalbo and Regina Moody) also handles the display in the foyer cabinet.  Jean explained the duties of Art Wall subcommittee to screen and schedule displays, and she will coordinate with Cyndi Alexandre. The question was raised as to whether Cyndi Alexandre could take on the job of scheduling. Stephen Robinson agreed that this would be reasonable, and would not require a change to her LOA.

Meeting Times
Board meetings will continue to be held from 6 to 8:30 pm on Zoom through February. Marc Drews noted a correction in the date of the February meeting, with the dates for the next three months being January 15th, Febrary19th and March 19.

On-Line Board Votes
Two online votes were used in November: one to appoint Deb Matherly as Chair of the Adult Religious Education Committee (approved by majority November 21rst); and the second to add Michelle Currie to the Personnel Committee (approved by majority November 28.) John Logue, President, led a discussion of how to coordinate prompt on-line voting by Board members when necessary.  It was agreed that a group text would be sent when a vote was needed. Marc Drews agreed to assist in updating such a list.

Committee Liaisons
Susan LeGacy noted that the liaison list needed to be updated, to reflect that Robin Scherer is now the liaison for the Adult Religious Exploration Committee.

Treasurer’s Report
Jeanette Walton, Treasurer, reported that the budget to date is in the black. However, the

Minister’s Report (including Staff Update)
Rev. Robinson noted that it had been a busy month, in part due to the need to provide support to Jim and Ginny Verne, and Rebecca Drennan. A service for Peck Drennan in will be held in January 2025. Rev. Robinson noted the need to acknowledge Peck Drennan’s participation in the previous redesign of the bathrooms, the sanctuary, and other areas of the building.

Rev. Robinson noted that the toy table at the back has been reorganized by Bill Dolly. Bill is working on replacing the siding in the Religious Education wing, and has obtained the needed special nail gun. Heating issues in the building are being investigated by Bill Dolly and Krantz Heating and Air.

Rev. Robinson was notified that there was talk of an “AA like” meeting happening at the church. There was a discussion of need to document and adhere to a building use policy. Potential renters need better access to information.  Cyndi Alexandre is working on material for renters to access.

Services for next year are being planned, and Rev. Robinson is excited to continue with services such as the Fire Communion. He noted that due to a recent court decision, there was no longer a need to modify his LOA from exempt to non-exempt; therefore he will no longer be documenting his hours.

Highlights and Additions to Committee Reports
Caroline Eastman reported that the Green and Social Action Committees expressed renewed interest in having a Peace Pole somewhere at UUCC. This was discussed with the Building and Grounds Committee who noted that the current proposal not compatible with the current building and grounds environment. The proposal will be revisited with agreement of Board. There are examples of Peace Poles available locally and on line, usually featuring “may peace prevail on earth” in multiple languages. Marc Drews recommended that the Committees bring a joint motion to Board. John Logue noted that prototypes for Peace Poles were previously made by CYRE. Susan LeGacy will pursue this with the CYRE Committee.

The Green Committee Chair, Sharon Givens was unable to attend but Caroline Eastman reported that she has signed the UUCC up to do a Climate Justice Revival, as proposed by the UUA. The Shared Ministry and Worship Committees would also need to be involved. No dates have been set. Rev. Robinson will follow up on this project

.75th Anniversary
Marc Drews reported on the 75th Anniversary Advisory Group. Due to a lack of consistent voting on logos, no overall logo has been chosen for this year.  The pledge drive will have a “75 Drive” logo. The service on December 29th will feature highlights of the past 75 years presented by members.

Budget Development Calendar
Jim Kimbler reported that he has met with Barry Matthews, will be contacting committees for input. A budget will be developed prior to the Annual Meeting June 8.

Communications Team/Web Site Management
George Johnson reported that, in the absence of a functional Publicity Committee, the ad hoc “Communications Team” has taken over this function. The members are himself, Linda Brennison, and Cyndi Alexandre, and they have met several times. (Emilia Gunning is no longer involved since she has taken over CYRE.)

On September 4, 2024 the Team received notice that Lis Turner would be retiring as Web Master. As of this Board meeting she will leave her post in two weeks. November 11, 2024 Linda Brennison sent a message reminding the Executive Committee of this situation. After discussion at the November Board meeting, George Johnson volunteered to manage this transition along with Linda Brennison, Laura Hartwig, and Donald Griggs. This group has reviewed companies that offer security and maintenance for a fee, but this is not what the UUCC Web Master does.  Lis Turner works a minimum 6 hours a week. The UUCC Site offers up-to-date information, brochures, and strategic marketing, as well as acting as a repository for UUCC archives.  A job description and schedule were compiled, and the Team unanimously recommended that the UUCC hire a Web Master, as opposed to relying on volunteers. This afternoon the Team interviewed Sabine McGrievy, Lis Turner’s granddaughter for the position. Her father works in information technology. Sabine is a high school junior, is familiar with website technology, is already on the UUCC nursery staff, and presents as precocious, energetic, and knowledgeable. Lis Turner recommends her and will train her. The Personnel Committee in conjunction with George Johnson has drafted an LOA, with a proposed probationary period 90 days and a compensation rate similar to nursery staff. The estimated budgetary impact at 6 hours a week is $4,600. George Johnson moved to approve LOA with a job title of Web Assistant (appropriate to credentials of the potential hire.) Kate Heald seconded.  During the ensuing discussion Robin Scherer requested a review of the web assistant position description and a discussion of the future of Web Management Team in the January, 2025 Board meeting. It was noted that the Web Assistant will have to do a time sheet. Marc Drews noted that nursery workers make $20/hour, will Sabine accept $15/hour George Johnson answered that she would. The LOA will stand as written, with modifications to be made as needed. Per Rev. Robinson’s suggestion, the Web Assistant will report to the DRE, who also supervises the nursery workers. This position will not be eligible to participate in the pension plan.  Caroline Eastman raised the issue of fair hiring practices.  Tom Clements of the Personnel Committee approved an exception to usual procedures due to the press of time, and the availability of a qualified candidate. George Johnson interviewed the candidate and approved hiring her for 90 day probationary period. He noted that private companies surveyed wanted $99/month at 2 hours of work. An overall cleanup/overhaul of the website will be considered next year, and may require the services of a professional company.

Ad Hoc Archives Committee – “Coordinators of Social Hall Art Wall and

Foyer Display Case”
See earlier discussion.

 Board Handbook
John Logue reported that the Handbook has been copied and is ready to be assembled. The section on the staff retirement program needs to be updated since new information was provided by the UUA.

Ad Hoc Committee to Revise Shared Ministry
John Logue reported that this group has met once, and will move forward as two subcommittees. The formal name, committee and procedures for submitting requests for assistance will be developed. However, the Bylaws need to be changed to reflect these changes in committees and responsibilities.

Staff Bonuses
John Logue reported Tom Clements talked to Barry Matthews and noted that the current DRE was not included in the 2024bonuses because the position was not filled until recently.  Michelle Currie (former bookkeeper and a member of the Personnel Committee) and Cyndi Alexandre (Administrator) agreed that a bonus could be issued in the amount of $200. John Logue noted that in the past there were specific procedures for determining bonuses, however this year they were determined by the Personnel Committee. John Logue requested retroactive approval of this procedure for 2024 and in the future. Robin Scherer moved to retroactively approve this procedure, George Johnson seconded, and the Board unanimously approved.

Rental/ Church Sponsored Events:  ARE Report (Smart Recovery)
Rev. Robinson has begun discussions with ARE concerning this group, and will report back at the next meeting.


Liability Concerns Relative to Events Hosted Off Site
Marc Drews will address this issue in the January meeting.

75th Anniversary Logo
See previous discussion.

Extinguishing Chalice
Kate Heald provided a closing reading.

John Logue adjourned the meeting at 8:10 pm.