

CANstruction is back!!! CAN you imagine that on January 26, our clever children and youth will CONSTRUCT wondrous creations from the CANS we all contribute to the gray Harvest Hope collection bin in the Social Hall?
After service on January 26, you can cast your vote for the classroom with the most creative CANstruction. For my information, look under News/Current Events

The RETURN of the Lock-In and Chocolate Baking

The RETURN of the Lock-In and Chocolate Baking

All youth ages 10+ are welcome on Saturday, February 8 to our first lock-in and chocolate baking post-covid!! This is a longtime favorite event for everyone involved and CYRE is thrilled to be able to bring this activity back for the teens doing their Boston Heritage volunteer hours at the Chocolate Auction. Bring a sweet tooth and good pillow/sleeping bag/air mattress. We will need two chaperones from 6:00 p.m.-10:30 p.m. and two chaperones from 10:30 p.m.-8:30 a.m. Please contact Nancie Shillington-Pérez at or 803-553-2280 to RSVP for your youth or as a chaperone.