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Welcome to the UUCC in South Carolina
75th anniversary slider
Celebrating Our 75th Anniversary Year!
Story Time 3-12-23
Here You'll Find Thought-Provoking Inspiration
Chalice Voices 11-23
Come Join Our Chalice Voices Choir or Other Choir Options
2-17-22 AbortionRally
Living our Social Action Ideals
Pride Parade 2024
We March With Pride
Can I Be Conservative and be UU?
by Rev. Stephen Robinson.

The art of meditation
The course starts on Tuesdays on March 4th at 7pm, and is led by Sudha McFadden. It is 8 weeks long, and teaches 8 practices for mindfulness, balance, and well-being. Will meet in the UUCC library.

Mark Your Calendars for the 75th Anniversary Party!
Mark Your Calendars for the 75th Anniversary Party!
Saturday May 3, 2025 at 4pm - 5pm: Gather, socialize, bar open (bar serving beer, wine and soft drinks) 5pm - Catered buffet dinner. There will be more information coming about a program.