Agenda for Annual Meeting 2023
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia, SCJune 4, 2023
The UUCC will hold its Annual Meeting, in person, after the service on Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 12:15pm. All members will be asked to sign-in at tables located in the foyer to confirm a quorum and have a complete record of attendance.
1. Confirmation of Quorum
2. Call to Order (Deb Matherly, President)
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes of June 2022 Annual Meeting
5. Receipt of the Reports of the Standing Committees
6. President’s Report
7. Finance Committee Report, Budget 23 24 for Annual Meeting Robin Scherer, Chair
Vote on the proposed 2023-24 Budget
8. Leadership Development Committee Report, Patty Drews, Co-Chair
A. Proposed Slate of Nominees
Nominations from the floor with the prior consent of the nominee
B. Proposed Bylaws Change 1
C. Proposed Bylaws Change 2 (on the same document as Change 1)
9. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Covenant
Vote on proposed covenant
10. Adjourn