Leadership Development Committee Nominations
UUCC 2023 Annual Meeting
Board of Trustees:
John Logue, President Elect (2023-26)
Jeanette Walton, Treasurer (2023-25)
Susan LeGacy, Trustee (2023-25)
George Johnson, Trustee (2023-25)
Johnny Matchett, Trustee (2023-25)
Endowment Committee:
Angie Dodd (2021-24)
Karen Brown (2022-25)
Sandra Merritt (2023-26)
Leadership Development Committee:
Richard McLeod(2023-25)
Bonnie Stronach(2023-25)
Current Members of the Leadership Development Committee:
Patty Drews (7/2021-6/23), Co-Chair, 2022-23
Nancie Shillington-Perez (7/2021-6/23), Co-Chair, 2022-23
David Bryan (7/2022-6/24)
Pat Mohr (as per bylaws, Past President) (2022-23)
Regina Moody (Board Appointment) (2022-23)