Multi-generational Services
During multi-generational services children and youth remain in the sanctuary for the service. The Nursery is available for children three and under. Multi-generational Services mark a special time for our congregation to gather together in worship and are usually followed by a meal or special treat. See our site calendar for dates.
Water Communion — August/September
Members and friends bring water from their summer travels and adventures to contribute to a community vessel of water. This is our in-gathering as we begin the new church year. Look here for more information about the Water Communion.
Cornbread Communion — November
During this service members, friends and visitors are invited to share bread with one another in honor of the fall’s harvest and in appreciation of our abundance. The service is followed by our annual Chili Cook-off.
Holiday Pageant — December
Children and youth share their talents in a pageant celebrating Christmas, Winter Solstice, Hanukah, Kwanzaa and/or other winter holidays. A cookie reception follows this service. Half of the cookies are donated to a local shelter for people who are currently homeless.
Flower Communion — March
In this unique Unitarian Universalist ceremony, members and friends celebrate the coming of spring while honoring the ministry of Norbert Capek. A potluck lunch follows the ceremony. Look here for or more information.
CYRE Celebration & Bridging Ceremony — May
As another year of Children and Youth Religious Exploration draws to a close, we honor the growth and development of our children and youth and recognize the contributions of our wonderful CYRE volunteers. Graduating seniors are recognized for their accomplishments and welcomed from adolescence into adulthood. An ice cream social follows the ceremony.