Our Elected Officials
Board Covenant
We will show our mutual respect by practicing healthy communication and feedback, listening without interruption so all may be heard. While we endeavor to be organized and stay focused on our agenda, we will do so in a positive, light-hearted manner.
UUCC Board
Secretary, Kate Heald
At-Large Members
Alma Engle
Name Pending Robin Scherer
2024-2026 2025-2025
Ex Officio Members
Past President
Marc Drews
[ Rev. Stephen Robinson
Finance Chair, Jim Kimbler
Endowment Committee Members
Sandra Merritt (7/2023-6/2026)
Jim Kimbler (7/2022-6/2025)
Tim VanDenBerg (7/2022-6/2025)
Leadership Development Committee
Elected members:
Bonnie Stronach (7/2023-6/2025)
Linda Brennison (10/2023-6/2025)
Marc Drews (as Past President)