You have accepted a position as a UUCC Committee Chair and as such you are responsible for a variety of tasks depending on your committee and as outlined in our UUCC Bylaws (Section 8). Our Bylaws must always be considered as a part of Committee Chair Responsibilities. There are also established responsibilities for all chairs. Each committee may have additional ones unique to their individual committee. The following are guidelines of those responsibilities assigned to you.  These are not a part of our administrator’s job description.


  • Plan one-hour monthly meetings. (Some committees may agree not to meet monthly due to the nature of their expected responsibilities.)
  • Provide for a chalice lighting at each meeting. This can be done by you or any member.
  • Prepare a meeting agenda and ask the committee members for any items they want considered. The agenda should be sent out a few days in advance of the meeting date.
  • If appropriate, publicize the meeting date two weeks in advance using the Eblast and OOS.

Meeting Notes and Reports

  • Make provisions for taking notes of the meeting. These need not be formal minutes but notes about what was discussed and decisions that were made.
  • Send out the notes to all members as soon as possible (2-3 days). This keeps members involved and interested in what your committee is doing.
  • Prepare monthly committee report as requested by the administrator. These reports are shared with all other committee chairs and the Board. This is very important as it is a means of communication between committees.

Financial Matters

  • Submit all reimbursement requests to the bookkeeper using the reimbursement request form (attached). Be sure that all receipts are attached and they equal the total requested. Provide separate receipts for event purchases and do not combine personal purchases and UUCC expenses on the same receipt.
  • Prepare an annual budget request when you receive the budget format by the Finance Committee. This budget should be discussed with your committee. You can find an example below.  Click the image to enlarge.
  • Submit the budget to the Finance Committee prior to the deadline date requested. If you don’t submit your budget requests you will only be allowed the amount (or perhaps even less) given the year prior. The Finance Committee must know what your budgetary needs are to prepare the budget planning for the entire church.
  • Keep a record of your committee expenditures watching that you are in line with the amount allowed in the annual budget for your committee.
  • Check the financial reports that you receive each month and compare your expense records to the report. If you have questions contact the bookkeeper.

Events and Activities

  • Some committees have annual events or activities they sponsor each year. Learn at the beginning of your term what these might be for your committee.
  • Reserve any dates you are planning with the administrator so they will be included on the church calendar. It is good for you and your committee to reserve dates you know your annual events as early in your year as possible. This will avoid last minute calendar conflicts.
  • When planning events consider other activities occurring that might be taking place at or near the time or date that you are requesting.
  • The church calendar is on our website found under the “News” tab scrolling down to “Calendar” and can give you all the information about dates, times, and venues available. This should be consulted prior to asking the Administrator to reserve a date. Don’t expect the Administrator to reserve dates without a written request.
  • Consider the venue you may want to use for your event or even a meeting (i.e., zoom, social hall, kitchen, classroom, sanctuary, etc.) Is it available? It must be reserved on the calendar.
  • Contact the Administrator if special set up is needed by Sexton. Send a diagram of what your needs will be. i.e. tables and location, chairs, number attending,
    lead time necessary for setup for event.
  • If you are planning a zoom meeting follow the instructions on our website found under the “News” tab at “Meeting Info”.
  • Contact the Tech Support chair if you will be needing any audio or video support.
  • Plan your event with your committee in advance to allow ample time for success. This planning also needs to consider any expenses that may come from your budget.
  • Send notices of events to the Unigram, Order of Service, and the Eblast and if appropriate include the website. These are to prepared ready for publishing. Do not expect the administrator to include anything in our publications if you have not already prepared a ready copy. Remember to keep your notices brief including all necessary details for easy understanding. Always include a contact name and email address in any notices.
  • Contact the Publicity Chair if you need help in promoting any event you may be having.
  • Contact the Website Manager if you want something special on the website or if information needs changing.
  • Look here for an example of what a particular committee’s responsibilities may be. Use this format to adapt to your committee.

The committee chairs are to work with the Leadership Development Committee to recommend possible replacements for their position.