Annual Report for Publicity Committee 2020-2021
Committee Chair: __Laura Hartwig
1 st _X_ 2 nd ___ 3rd ___ Check year of term
Committee Members:
started off with Beth Ann, Patty, and Olivia & Celeste, but covid has kept us from meeting.
Major accomplishments this year:
The congregation being closed has kept us from the usual making of signs and posters, flyers, etc.
– Created a Virtual Services banner for the front of the building and front sign
– Worked with membership on tracking and contacting virtual visitors
-Created new social media accounts including youtube, instagram, and twitter
-Posted sermons to YouTube & Website
-Posted services and events to facebook, instagram, & twitter
-Submitted a banner for printing about the in-person opening of the congregation.
We look forward to meeting in person again soon and helping advertise events among the congregation and the community.
Respectfully submitted: _Laura Hartwig