Worship Committee Annual Report 2023
Committee Chair: Richard McLeod
3rd and last year of term
Committee Members: Linda Brennison, Ivy Coleman, Laura Culler, Peck Drennan, Rebecca Drennan, Marc Drews, Anna Hamilton, Kate Heald, Jessica Kross, Richard McLeod, Pat Mohr, Connie Quirk, Larry Siegel, John Starino, Phil Turner, Judy Turnipseed. Board liaison: Marc Drews. Ex-officio: Rev. Stephen Robinson.
- Major accomplishments this year.
To expand our audience, we continued to successfully stream the in-person Sunday services, adding a Zoom connection for those who preferred interaction. Tech Committee personnel have been invaluable in completing this task.
The committee and church members were kept apprised of the committee’s progress through agendas, notes, committee reports, budget requests, attendance counts, and an annual report.
The committee serves as one of the sounding boards for the minister when input is needed for directions and details of church activities and general UUCC direction.
We sought and utilized a variety of guest speakers for days the minister was not in the pulpit, generally once each month. A list of potential speakers continues to be maintained and expanded: speakers from our own congregation, from the University of South Carolina, and representatives from recognized faith groups and community leaders. We organized “Voices of UUCC” speakers for a summer month when the minister was off.
Service leaders, members of the Worship Committee, brought the welcome for Sunday services with cooperation and input from the minister. An updated script was maintained for the service leaders that kept the congregation apprised of changes in church procedures, health restrictions, and pertinent announcements.
We scheduled and announced church needs for such occasions as potlucks, Board installations, congregational conversations, and Share the Plate speakers. Additionally, we accommodated seasonal occurrences such as Water Communion and Blessing of the Animals. With themed services, we recognized traditional holidays.
We encouraged participation of CYRE youth by welcoming families with children into our services, offering a Story for All Ages, and providing opportunities to sing and show other talents. Multi-generational services will be continued.
Ways to include and encourage our visitors has been a frequent discussion. We have changed the presentation and verbiage when we address them in the service to make them feel more welcome.
- Please briefly describe any factors that facilitated or impeded your work this year.
The new members that were added to the committee resulted in a wider range of perspectives and opinions. An increased variety of talents, suggestions, and viewpoints assisted the committee in making more appropriate plans.
The minister exhibited the leadership and the flexibility required to maintain smooth operation and scheduling of Sunday services. He was always willing to step in to fill any gap and to offer helpful coordinating advice.
The easing of the Covid-19 pandemic eased the restrictions in presenting services as well as the attendance and comfort level of the congregation.
Though we would like to have included more CYRE youth in Sunday services, we were a little impeded by their low attendance. However, we were encouraged by successful efforts by the CYRE leadership to increase participation and program offerings.
- Any special initiatives continuing into the next program year.
Until decided otherwise, we will continue to have committee meetings on Zoom at 4:00 the first Wednesday of each month. This practice has encouraged better attendance and seems to be more desirable for those who hesitate to drive at night for in-person meetings.
Through the talents and efforts of the music director, regular elements of a Sunday service were enhanced by participation of UUCC members and guest musicians. These appearances greatly enhanced the service and were appreciated by the congregation.
Through messages from the minister and guest speakers we will continue to address adherence to UU principles as well as current national and social issues.
We will continue to plan and maintain a calendar of services, which will provide advance publication information about upcoming services for media posts to our website, Facebook page, and to our mailing of weekly events (E-Blast).
- Future dreams or long-range plans for the committee.
We still have hopes for a capital plan to upgrade the sanctuary with expanded seating, a designated area for choirs, and additional improvements.
We are eager to be part of plans for increasing membership, such as services that appeal to younger people and those of racial and gender diversity.
- Constraints on accomplishing these plans.
It is difficult to determine the dynamics of the climate and majority attitudes of the UUCC. Thus, it is often challenging for the Worship Committee to plan appropriately. Components like budgets, membership, and relationship to UUA are variables difficult to assess.
Respectfully submitted:
Richard McLeod, Chair