UUCC Board Meeting Minutes 11-20-2013
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Board of Trustees
Minutes of November 20, 2013 Meeting
Trustees present: Ivy Coleman (Co-President), Robin Scherer (Co-President), Regina Moody (President Elect), Buzzie Kelly (Secretary), Bob Whitaker (Treasurer); Members at Large: Caroline Eastman, Jerry Moore, Phil Turner; Ex-Officio Members: Linda Brennison (Finance Committee Co-Chair) and Ann Johnson (Past President).
Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
The meeting was called to order by Ivy at 6:37 p.m. She noted a quorum was present.
Reading and Check-In
Regina read a poem of her own composition, which she dedicated to long-time member Helen Rader (see attached). All present gave brief personal updates to check in.
Approval of Minutes
On a motion from Ivy, seconded by Phil, the minutes of the October 16, 2013 meeting were approved. On a motion from Robin, seconded by Bob, the Board voted unanimously to remove a sentence from the meeting minutes as previously approved.
Safe Congregation Task Force Update
Board members are in the process of reviewing the document “Balancing Acts: Keeping Children Safe in Congregations,” which is available on the UUA website and on a printed copy that will be available starting on Sunday, November 24, in the announcements notebook (which is kept in the mailbox outside Andrea’s office). There is also a sign-off sheet in the notebook, where Board members should sign once they have read the document.
The Safe Congregation Task Force did not meet as planned. Robin has indicated she will draft a Disruptive Behavior Policy for the Task Force.
Linda announced that no more help is required for signing up for Fall Flings. It will be announced on Sunday that those interested in attending any of the remaining Fall Flings should either register with Linda or Mike Sullivan or sign up on line.
The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice has requested a contribution from the UUCC. The group is working on passing a sex education bill. After discussion, it was agreed to include the group as a choice for Share the Plate in 2014. Last year the congregation selected the 11 charities to be recipients for Share the Plate from a list of possible choices. The Social Action Committee is responsible for organizing the Share the Plate nominations and voting process.
Treasurer’s Report
Bob handed out the Treasurer’s Report and the Budget Variance Report and noted that there is a small positive variance this month. However, he pointed out that we are behind in pledges for the year. Usually Andrea prints the statements towards the end of the year so members can see if they are behind and catch up for tax purposes. Since Andrea has been out on medical leave, no statements have been printed recently. Bob will prepare a message for the Order of Service, the Unigram, and Sunday pulpit announcements indicating collections are behind and asking people with questions to see him, Linda, or Mike Sullivan.
The budget is still breaking even, as we are slightly under budget in salaries (because of Andrea’s absence and the delay in hiring Kate Noel). The Board reserve balance is $5,878.12.
Administrator Leave of Absence
Andrea Dudick remains out on medical leave as her recovery from back surgery is taking longer than anticipated. However, Ivy reported that Andrea plans to come in 1-2 hours a day this week to see if she is able to handle her duties. Ivy and others are providing fill-in services, including new name tags, which will be on the welcome table on Sunday. The main area of concern is the financial issue (e.g., tax statements as mentioned above). The new member directory also needs to get published.
Staff Bonuses
A motion from Phil, seconded by Regina, was made for the Board to approve the staff bonuses as budgeted ($525). A friendly amendment made by Phil and seconded by Regina changed the distribution of bonuses as follows: Kate Noel ($50), Jeff ($75), Andrea ($100), Lisa ($100), and Neal ($150), bringing the total to $475, and approved bonuses to be given provided no disciplinary actions are pending against the staff person. The motion as revised passed with one “no” vote.
Phil will check with the Personnel Committee regarding any disciplinary actions and notify the committee that checks be part of the normal bi-monthly payroll process at the end of November.
Website Progress
Caroline Eastman, Board liaison to the Technology Services Committee, reported that there has been negligible process on the website. Caroline will ask the Technology Services Committee to plan the suggested Open House (for committees that have not received training on how to update their webpages) to take place in 2014. Caroline also reminded Board members to check out other UU websites and pass on ideas to her.
Shandon Holiday Tour of Homes
Jean Capalbo, the coordinator of decorations and reception for the Shandon Holiday Tour of Homes, has sent out a request for cookies. Andy Wells will play the piano, a Fact Sheet about the UU building and our congregation is being prepared, and music from the coffee house will be available. Robin is assisting in the planning and asked Board members to volunteer as docents for the December 8 event.
Endowment Committee Nominees
The Leadership Development Committee has recommended a slate of candidates to serve on the Endowment Committee as follows: Pat Davie, Phil Turner, Tim Vandenberg, and Justin Young. All the individuals have agreed to serve. A fifth person is needed to serve. Ann will email the LDC and ask about another nominee. The final slate will be approved at the December Board meeting and voted on at the January congregational meeting.
Congregational Meeting
It was agreed to schedule a Congregational Meeting on January 12, where several items will be discussed, including voting on the candidates for the Endowment Committee. At the next Board meeting Buzzie will provide a list of other items to be voted on at the Congregational Meeting. A minimum of 15 days prior to the meeting Buzzie will prepare an announcement to be posted on the bulletin board in the social hall, included in the Unigram and Order of Service, and read as an announcement from the pulpit.
Janet Swigler requested that the UU sponsor quarterly Contra dances in the social hall that would be open to the community. Admission could be charged in order to pay for the band. On a motion from Ivy, seconded by Regina, the Board voted unanimously to notify Janet that such a suggestion should be included in the budget request through the appropriate committee in the spring. Robin will inform Janet of the Board decision.
Action Items
Below are the action items to be followed up at the next Board meeting.
- Phil will check with the Personnel Committee regarding any disciplinary actions against any personnel and notify the committee to approve bonus checks as part of the normal bi-monthly payroll process at the end of November.
- [carryover from previous Board meetings] Caroline will ask the Technology Services Committee to create an “open house” meeting in 2014 to train committee chairs who were unable to attend the Committee Night Training to learn how to access and update their committee’s web page.
- [carryover from previous Board meetings] Board members will check other UU websites and bring or email suggestions to Caroline for redesign ideas for the UUCC website.
- [carryover from previous Board meetings] Caroline will continue to provide an update on the website at Board meetings.
- [carryover from previous Board meetings] Caroline will investigate what visitor information can be gathered for the website and will explain it at the next Board meeting.
- [carryover from previous Board meetings] Robin will ask Andrea Dudick (UUCC Administrator) about the origin of the Lifetouch photography/directory project and will report to the Board at an upcoming meeting.
- Ann will email the Leadership Development Committee and ask about a fifth nominee for the Endowment Committee.
- At the next Board meeting, Buzzie will provide a list of all items to be voted on at the Congregational Meeting.
- Buzzie will prepare an announcement of the January 12 congregational meeting no later than December 27 to post on the bulletin board in the social hall, include in the Unigram and Order of Service, and be read as an announcement from the pulpit.
- Robin will inform Janet Swigler of the Board decision about the Contra dances.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Buzzie Kelly, Secretary
The Board is Spread
This poem is dedicated to Helen Rader, transplanted New Englander and founding member of UUFC, who yearly came forward in a late November service to recite portions of the Mayflower Compact.
As we light our chalice, let us, in this season of thanksgiving, be mindful of our congregation’s past.
This NOW, now begins.
What has been BEFORE, needs end;
Or never ends…
Moments fully clothed in memory—for some—
or lapse of memory—for some—
or dimly lit—for some—
or never known—for some—
Become the substance for imagining,
for cautious action,
or sometimes, bold.
Can we duly gathered in this place
Give credence to what has passed;
And, receptive to whatever grace,
With full intent, craft decisions for the best?
The Board is spread.
November 20, 2013
Regina Moody