UUCC Board Meeting Minutes 09-18-2013
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Board of Trustees
Minutes of September 18, 2013 Meeting
Trustees present: Ivy Coleman (Co-President), Robin Scherer (Co-President), Regina Moody (President Elect), Buzzie Kelly (Secretary), Bob Whitaker (Treasurer); Members at Large: Sandy Chubon, Marc Drews, Caroline Eastman, Jerry Moore, and Phil Turner; Ex-Officio Member: Linda Brennison (Finance Committee Co-Chair). Also attending (partial attendance): Jim duPlessis (Chair, Technology Services Committee)
Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
The meeting was called to order by Ivy at 6:36 p.m. She noted a quorum was present.
Reading and Check-In
Caroline read a selection by Albert Schweitzer. All present gave brief personal updates to check in.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the August 21, 2013 meeting were discussed. Several changes had been made since the second revisions were emailed to everyone. These revisions were read and agreed on; however, it was agreed not to approve the minutes until everyone had a chance to read the changes. Buzzie will email the final minutes to the Board members by Friday, and if approved by Saturday, they will be uploaded to the website.
The announcement schedule was sent around for members to sign up for additional days; the final schedule will be distributed by Saturday. A request from the RE Committee was made to sing the children out by 11:15 a.m. in order to give teachers enough time to cover the lessons. The possibility of putting the announcements at the end of the service was raised, but it was felt that would disrupt the sacred space of the worship service. Keeping Candles of Community short was also mentioned. It was agreed that only announcements not appearing in the order of service would be made, in order to keep the announcements as brief as possible.
New Member Dinner
The New Member Dinner is scheduled for October 11 at 6:30 p.m. All Board members are requested to attend (along with the Membership Committee) and will be responsible for bringing food.
Request from RE for Name Change
The RE Committee requested that the Board approve that it change its name to the Child and Youth Religious Education Committee (CYRE) to better reflect their mission and distinguish them from the Adult RE. It was noted that in the bylaws the RE Committee refers specifically to children and youth that that there is no Adult RE Committee. On a motion from Robin, seconded by Phil, the Board voted to approve the name change, with one dissention. However, the change will not be official until there is a change in the bylaws, which must be approved by the entire congregation at a congregational meeting. In the meantime, the name CYRE can be used informally, but will not be used in official UUCC materials and communications. Marc, the Board liaison to the RE Committee, will notify them of the Board’s decision.
On-Line Directory
The new directory being created, with photos taken by Lifetouch, was discussed. Since there was no money involved (Lifetouch made money by selling photo packages to individuals), there was probably no contract. It was noted that the prices of the photo packages were not uniform but were more like airline ticket prices, with the costs varying widely. It was also felt that the Lifetouch representatives used hard sell tactics. It was agreed that the Board should be involved in any future directory project involving photographs. No one knew where this project originated, so Robin will ask Andrea Dudick (UUCC Administrator) and will report to the Board at the October meeting.
Committee Reports
The DRE and Administrator’s Reports were accepted on the consent agenda.
Treasurer’s Report
Bob handed out the Treasurer’s Report and noted that the Board Reserve is now $6,228 (after paying $4,150 for the window repainting). He explained that revenues and expenses are almost even but that some of the current income is for up-front payment of pledges for the entire year as well as payment of pledges from the previous year, so it is likely that in coming months income will not cover expenses.
In response to a question about quarterly statements, Linda noted that the Finance Committee has worked to make them more user friendly. The Finance Committee is also following up on past due pledges. She further noted that Share the Plate income is down about 10%.
Jim DuPlessis, chair of the Technology Services Committee, reported that the chairs of all the standing committees have been notified that each committee will be provided with a page on the UUCC website and that the committees will be responsible for keeping information on their page current. Those attending October’s Committee Night will receive training on how to access and update their committee’s page.
It was agreed that the UUCC home page needs to be reworked and that the Technology Services Committee will need Board guidance. Currently the Administrator “owns” the content of the home page and provides content. It was recommended that Board members review other UU websites to get an idea of what is appealing and give suggestions for the redesign of the UUCC website. There is currently no standard template for how individual pages should appear, but since the website is an outward facing “advertisement” for the UUCC, having a polished and consistent image would be advisable. Once a “look” has been agreed on, the Technology Services Committee can create the layout. Jim duPlessis suggested that a subcommittee be formed to redesign the Home Page, though no formal motion was made.
The long-term vision for the website is a two-step process:
Step 1: make sure content is kept current
Step 2: redesign the website and make the pages consistent.
Caroline agreed to provide an update on the redesign efforts at each Board meeting.
It was also noted that the Technology Services Committee is currently not a standing committee, but it was recommended that the bylaws be changed to make it so.
Personnel Issues
On a motion from Phil, seconded by Jerry, the Board voted to approve the following individuals to serve on the Personnel Committee: Jerry Cover, Dave Crockett, Patty Drews, Elizabeth Harris, Dean Smith, and Glenn White (who has agreed to serve temporarily). Phil, the Board liaison to the Personnel Committee, will notify the individuals.
There are currently no candidates for the nursery position.
Shandon Tour of Homes
The scheduling conflict for the December 9 Shandon Tour of Homes has been resolved, and the UUCC will participate. Betsy Kaemmerlen has requested funds to include the UUCC in the Tour of Homes booklet. However, no money has been budgeted for this event. On a motion from Phil, seconded by Ivy, the Board agreed unanimously to approve $150 from the Publicity Committee budget to be spent on the event, pending identification of someone from the Publicity Committee to spearhead the event. This will leave $175 in the Publicity Committee budget. Linda and Robin agreed to ask Jean Capalbo to be the point person for the Tour of Homes.
On a motion from Robin, seconded by Sandy, the Board voted to create a UUCC Policy and Procedures Manual Task Force, which will:
- identify and collect policies adopted by UUCC Boards or congregational vote
- rewrite, update, and standardize language and format
- organize them in a searchable database, easily updated
- publish them in a user-friendly form (online and hard copy)
- identify any additional policies and procedures needed.
There was one no vote.
Regina agreed to spearhead the Task Force.
Action Items
A number of items were brought up that require action. Buzzie suggested she itemize them in the minutes then follow up at the next Board meeting.
- Marc, the Board liaison to the RE Committee, will notify the RE Committee of the Board’s decision to allow them to call themselves the CYRE informally until approval by the congregation.
- Robin will ask Andrea Dudick (UUCC Administrator) about the origin of the Lifetouch photography/directory project and will report to the Board at the October meeting.
- Board members will review other UU websites to get an idea of what is appealing and bring suggestions for the redesign of the UUCC website to the October Board meeting.
- Caroline will provide an update on the redesign efforts at each Board meeting.
- Phil, the Board liaison to the Personnel Committee, will notify the individuals who have been approved to serve on the committee.
- Linda and Robin will ask Jean Capalbo to be the point person for the Tour of Homes.
- Should there be mention of Neal’s sabbatical on the website? Robin will discuss this with Neal then notify the Technology Services Committee to make any necessary changes on the website.
- Board members should read “Balancing Acts” before the next Board meeting.
- Robin will create and hand out statements to be signed at the next Board meeting certifying that members have read “Balancing Acts.”
- Keitha has requested that two Board members serve on the Safe Congregation Task Force. Robin and Caroline volunteered and Bob was asked to notify Keitha so the Task Force can move forward with the October meeting.
- Bob noted that there is no money in the budget for the Memorial Garden, though there is a fundraising goal of $6,675 to build a meditation structure and maintain the garden. Since no one knew what the existing plans are, Robin agreed to ask someone from the Memorial Garden Committee to give the Board an overview at the October Board meeting.
Items for Congregational Meeting
Several items were brought up that require action by the congregation at the next congregational meeting. They will be listed in the Board minutes in order to maintain a record:
- A change in the bylaws to rename the RE Committee the Child and Youth Religious Education Committee (CYRE) to better reflect their mission and distinguish them from the Adult RE.
- A change in the bylaws to create the Adult RE Committee.
- A change in the bylaws to create the Technology Services Committee as a standing committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Buzzie Kelly, Secretary