Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia

Board of Trustees

Minutes of August 10, 2011 Meeting



Trustees present were:  Barry Ahrendt (President), Ann Johnson (President-Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer), Michael Sullivan (Secretary); Members at Large: Buzzie Kelly, Walter Patterson, and Bauer Westeren; and Ex-Officio Members Connie Hudson (Finance Committee Chair), Neal Jones (Minister), Don Mohr (Past Co-President) and Pat Mohr (Past Co-President).


Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum

The meeting was called to order by Barry at 6:46 PM.  He noted a quorum was present.


Reading and Check-In

Barry read a selection from the UU hymnal Singing the Living tradition (reading #434).[1]  All present gave brief personal updates by way of checking in.


Approval of Minutes

On a motion by Linda, seconded by Bauer, the minutes of the July 13, 2011 and July 17, 2011 meetings were unanimously approved.


Consent Agenda

The Minister’s Report and Administrator’s report were received on the consent agenda.  The DRE report was removed for discussion of the purchase of a projector (see below).


Treasurer’s Report

Linda reported that the closing fees on our new $70,000 term loan and $50,000 line of credit with BB&T Bank totaled $1,904.  These included attorney fees for merging our former corporate entity named the Unitarian Fellowship of Columbia, South Carolina into our current entity, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia.  The title and deed now reflect our current name.  We have a balance of $25,107 remaining from the proceeds of the $70,000 loan after paying off the closing fees and the $42,988 balance of our old line of credit.

In response to the Treasurer’s request for simplifying contingency fund disbursements, a motion was made by Michael, seconded by Walter, to authorize the Executive Committee to give email approval of disbursements of up to $200 from the Board contingency fund for necessary expenses of an urgent nature.   The vote in favor was unanimous.

              Linda reviewed the budget highlights through July 31, 2011, the first month of the fiscal year.  Pledges were strong and came in ahead of budget, with $18,364 received versus $17,018 budgeted.  Overall revenues of $22,934 exceeded expenses of $17,575, resulting in a month-end surplus of $5,358.

Jackie Breland, CPA, has begun her review of our financial procedures and controls after meeting with Linda, Barry, Connie, Neal, Ann Cargill, Andrea Dudick, and Gin Beery.  This review will take 2 to 3 weeks.


Purchase of Projector

Barry discussed the $500 contribution for a projector that was received by the RE program, and the opportunity this presents to get a more powerful and versatile projector for the congregation.  He has researched some suitable projectors costing $800.  A motion was made by Michael, seconded by Linda, to approve a disbursement of $300 from the Board contingency fund towards the purchase of an $800 projector.  The vote in favor was unanimous. 


Committee Appointments

Barry updated the Board on the status of Committee Chair appointments recommended by the Leadership Development Committee.  He moved, and Walter seconded, the appointment of Alison Thirkield as chair of the Membership Committee, and Robin Scherer as chair of the Personnel Committee.  The vote in favor was unanimous.  Barry also solicited volunteers for the remaining liaison assignments.  Buzzie agreed to serve as liaison to the RE Committee, and Walter agreed to continue as liaison to the Building and Grounds Committee.  Barry will continue recruiting for the voting Board member position on the Leadership Development Committee.


Renovation Project

Barry updated the Board on developments relating to our legal occupancy limit of 150 persons that was recently posted by the Columbia Fire Prevention Division.   After he and Don met with the fire marshal, Mike Paget contacted the Boudreaux Group about submitting the architectural drawings and plan that the fire marshal said were necessary to apply for an increase our occupancy limit to 299 persons.  (299 is the maximum allowed without a sprinkler system.)  As the firm that did our Master Plan, the Boudreaux Group is positioned to move on this matter expeditiously.  They proposed doing the work at their hourly billing rate of $135 up to a maximum of 32 hours ($4,320).  The Board felt that the legal and safety issues involved make this a priority.  Barry moved, and Walter seconded, approval of an expenditure of up to $4,320 from our general fund to retain the Boudreaux Group for performing all the services necessary to get our legal occupancy limit increased to 299 persons, contingent on a satisfactory letter of agreement.  The vote in favor was unanimous.

The addition of two sets of French doors to the social hall as part of the pending renovations is now an essential part of the plan to expand occupancy, as well as to accommodate our future growth.  Don updated the Board on the status of removing the hazardous materials necessary for the renovations project to be approved and begin.  There have been meetings with the S&ME engineering firm, which needs to update the hazardous materials study it did more than 3 years ago, and the R&R abatement firm that will do the actual removal of lead and asbestos in the affected areas. (We had a good experience using them previously.)  An estimate of the costs involved is anticipated shortly.  At that point we can reschedule the Congregational Meeting to approve the renovations project including these additional costs.




Pat briefed the Board on the planning that is underway for many Fall and Spring Fling fundraisers, and invited suggestions for hosting events.


Board Retreat

The Board discussed the agenda Barry put together for its annual retreat on August 20, 2011.   Committee chairs will present progress reports and their plans for the coming year.  Mike Paget will present the recommendations for the new strategic plan developed by the Strategic Planning team utilizing the congregation’s input.


Old Business/Upcoming Events

There was a brief review of several items and upcoming events, including replacement of the playground fence and participation in the SC Pride March on September 3, 2011.



The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Michael Sullivan, Secretary


[1] May we be reminded here of our highest aspirations, and inspired to bring our gifts of love and service to the altar of humanity.  May we know once again that we are not isolated beings but connected, in mystery and miracle, to the universe, to this community, and to each other.   —  (Anonymous)