Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Board of Trustees
Minutes of July 13, 2011 Meeting

Trustees present were: Barry Ahrendt (President), Ann Johnson (President-Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer), Michael Sullivan (Secretary); Members at Large: Ivy Coleman, Elizabeth Harris, and Walter Patterson; and Ex-Officio Members Connie Hudson (Finance Committee Chair), Neal Jones (Minister), Don Mohr (Co-Past President) and Pat Mohr (Co-President), Also present was Mike Allen (partial attendance).

Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
The meeting was called to order by Barry at 6:43 PM. He noted a quorum was present.

Reading and Check-In
Barry read a selection by James Luther Adams, quoted by Rev. Galen Guengerich in one of his daily meditations from All Souls Unitarian Church. All present gave brief personal updates by way of checking in.

Board Email Accounts
Mike Allen answered questions about the email accounts and other web services available to Board members through our Google website, <www.uucolumbia.org>. There will be a training session on July 27, 2011 for those interested.

Approval of Minutes
On a motion by Ivy, seconded by Elizabeth, the minutes of the following meetings were unanimously approved: May 22, 2011; June 8, 2011; June 27, 2011; and July 10, 2011.

Consent Agenda
The Minister’s Report and DRE report were accepted on the consent agenda. The Administrator’s report was removed for discussion of the fire inspection item (see Renovation Project below).

Treasurer’s Report
Linda reported that the closing on our new loan and line of credit with BB&T bank will take place on July 15, 2011. There will be a meeting with Jackie Breland, the CPA who will be doing an assessment of our fiscal controls, and staff on July 28, 2011. In order to give us the flexibility to make necessary purchases for the new playground, Linda recommended an increase in the Treasurer’s bank check card limit. A motion was made by Linda, seconded by Ivy, to increase the Treasurer’s check card limit from $500 to $2,000, with two approvals required for transactions over $1,000. The vote in favor was unanimous.
Linda reviewed the year-end budget through June 30, 2011. Pledge revenues exceeded budget, with $186,740 received versus $185,000 budgeted. Building rental income was also strong, with $7,548 received versus $3,000 budgeted. Both overall revenues and expenses were slightly under budget; however, expenses of $213,899 exceeded revenues of $208,843, resulting in a small 2.3% year-end deficit of $5,056. The excess cash fund absorbed this deficit and has a new balance of $4,515. The overall budget performance was very good considering the non-pledge revenue estimates that were overstated in the original budget by about $22,000.
Michael pointed out that the undisbursed Share the Plate funds from 2010 have now been sent to their intended recipients, with $351 remaining for dinners at the Family Shelter organized by the RE program. Barry asked that the minutes reflect the Board’s appreciation of Michael’s efforts in getting this cleared up. There was also brief discussion of a new fence that is needed for the playground.

Personnel Actions
Ann reported several recommendations of the Personnel Committee. The Board unanimously approved these recommendations, taking the following personnel actions:
• Hiring Jennifer McLeer as Nursery Supervisor at a salary of $10 per hour for 3 hours per week effective July 17, 2011 (motioned by Ann, seconded by Pat, passed).
• Terminating our contract with CMS cleaning service and adding 6 hours per week to the hours of our custodian, Jeff Kruse, at a salary of $10.30 per hour (motioned by Ann, seconded by Elizabeth, passed). He will be responsible for all custodial services. This arrangement will facilitate better coverage and save over $500 a year.
• Using up to $431 of the above savings to reinstate Youth Worker services by Morgan Gauthreaux effective July 17, 2011 rather than in September (motioned by Ann, seconded by Ivy, passed).

Appointment of Committee Chairs
Barry reported the recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee for new committee chairs. A motion was made by Walter, seconded by Elizabeth, to appoint the following persons as committee chairs: Sandy Chubon, Caring and Hospitality Committee; Don Mohr and Pat Mohr, Denominational Connections Committee; Michelle Andra, Green Sanctuary Committee; and Bauer Westeren, Social Action Committee. The vote in favor was unanimous. There was discussion of the need for new chairs for the Membership Committee and the Personnel Committee.

Appointment of Board Liaisons
Barry appointed the following Board liaisons, in response to individual preferences: Ann–Adult Education; Elizabeth–Membership Committee; Michael–Social Action Committee; Don– Worship Committee; Ivy–Denominational Connections; Linda–Finance Committee; Pat–Green Sanctuary Committee; Walter—Worship Committee. Assignments will also be made for Buzzie Kelly and Bauer Westeren.

Renovation Project
Two issues have arisen that may affect the proposed renovations to the Social Hall and lobby, and installation of a new patio area and Memorial Garden. The first issue is an occupancy limit of 150 persons that was posted by the Columbia Fire Prevention Division after a fire inspection of our building on May 13, 2011. The inspection revealed some repairs that were needed and subsequently done, as well as some aisle reconfigurations in the sanctuary. The fire marshal was scheduled to return for a follow-up inspection but hasn’t yet done so. Barry appointed a task force to meet with the fire marshal and find out what steps are needed to get our legal occupancy limit increased to 250, as we want to assure that renovations will be able to accommodate future growth. Reportedly the addition of a sprinkler system and fire alarms can increase legal occupancy, but we need confirmation and cost estimates. The task force will consist of Barry, Don, Neal, and Betsy Kaemmerlen.
The second issue that arose, in Don’s discussions with our prospective contractor, is the necessity to have any lead and asbestos removed by specially licensed personnel from the paint and walls of the areas to be renovated. Don is using the results of an asbestos and lead-based paint survey done on the building in 2007 to gather more information about removal and abatement costs. There was preliminary discussion of a need for reserve fund for the renovation project.
The Board will assess the additional information gathered regarding both concerns and evaluate its fiscal implications in advance of the Congregational Meeting scheduled for July 24, 2011.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Sullivan, Secretary