UUCC Board Meeting Minutes 02-15-2012
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Board of Trustees
Minutes of February 15, 2012 Meeting
Trustees present were: Barry Ahrendt (President), Ann Johnson (President-Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer), Michael Sullivan (Secretary); Members at Large: Elizabeth Harris, Buzzie Kelly, Walter Patterson, and Bauer Westeren; and Ex-Officio Members Don Mohr (Past Co-President) and Pat Mohr (Past Co-President).
Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
The meeting was called to order by Barry at 6:39 PM. He noted a quorum was present.
Reading and Check-In
In memory of Connie Myers, Barry led the Board in the responsive reading “They Are With Us Still” from the UU hymnal (#721) . Board members offered brief personal reminiscences of Connie, who was killed in a tragic car accident this week.
Approval of Minutes
On a motion by Barry, seconded by Walter, the minutes of the January 11, 2012 meeting were unanimously approved.
Consent Agenda
The following reports were received on the consent agenda: Minister’s Report, DRE Report, Administrator’s Report, and Memorial Garden Ad Hoc Committee Report. The Membership Changes report was removed for further discussion.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda reviewed the budget highlights through January 31, 2012, including her analysis of variances. Pledges have rebounded strongly and are now ahead of budget, with $123,946 received versus $119,128 budgeted. Overall revenues are also ahead of budget at $140,871, which includes a generous bequest of $5,000 from the estate of Betty Glad. Overall expenses continue coming in under budget at $130,460, leaving a surplus of $10,411, or 4.5% of the total budget.
With the change in the Share the Plate policy in January, the loose plate collection totals have begun improving to an average of $331 per month YTD, although they still lag behind the 7 month averages of the past two years ($414 in 2011 and $385 in 2010). Michael pointed out that the January half share retained by UUCC was $798, far more than the previous 6 month average of $254.
Linda reported that our UU Endowment Fund balance regained a recent loss, and is currently $11,149.85.
Finance Committee Chair and Appointment of Canvass Chair
Barry announced the resignation of Connie Hudson as Finance Committee chair; she will continue to serve on the committee and oversee the counting of collections. Pat announced that the Leadership Development Committee is unanimously recommending that Michael become the new chair of the Finance Committee in July. On a motion by Barry, seconded by Michael, the appointment of Sue Thayer to the Finance Committee as chair of this year’s canvass was unanimously approved.
Barry recommended a pledge target of $195,000, which is the same as last year. Michael made brief comments about the turnover in our membership this past year, detailed in his report to the Board (see Appendix). The volume of changes supports the conservative approach recommended by Barry. The Board had no objection.
Change in Monthly Board Meeting Schedule
There has been insufficient time for the Treasurer and Finance Committee to review and prepare reports for the Board on the prior month’s financial statements. On a motion by Linda, seconded by Ann, the Board unanimously approved changing its meeting dates from the 2nd to the 3rd Wednesdays of every month effective March 2012. Michael will submit notices of this change to the Unigram and Orders of Service.
RE Committee Proposals
Buzzie presented requests from the RE Committee for the formation of task forces to develop an official Safe Congregation policy and to address the needs of young adults in the congregation. Don noted that we have elements of the former in place, such as previously approved policies on sexual offenders and Lexis Nexis background checks. As different suggestions have been made regarding the composition of the ad hoc committees, Don moved that we commit to develop policies for a Safe Congregation and for addressing the needs of young adults in the congregation, as recommended by the RE Committee. Barry seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. Composition of the task forces will be deferred until next month when the Board has a chance to hear from Neal about these projects.
Construction Updates
Don updated the Board on the progress of the construction. The social hall and foyer have been transformed by the addition of the new doors and windows. The Planning Committee has been getting bids for new lighting installations in the courtyard and memorial garden areas. Due to the high costs being quoted ($11,000 to $18,000), they are exploring less expensive options. They are awaiting a bid from the contractor on running conduit to a handhole for future lighting options. The Memorial Garden Ad Hoc Committee, chaired by Ann, has been drafting a policy for the function and operation of the memorial garden.
Discussion of Gift from the Estate of Betty Glad
Barry discussed the $5,000 bequest from the estate of Betty Glad which was given for the purpose of improving our building. There are many deserving projects which would qualify for these funds:
• Unfinished renovations (sanctuary and audio room windows; replacement of the stage in the social hall; lighting)
• Ceiling refinishing (sanctuary and social hall)
• Memorial garden features and landscaping
• Restroom renovations and expansion
• RE wing renovations
• Exterior power washing and painting
• New locks
Linda will transfer the money to a restricted account pending a later determination.
Hosting February 2013 SED Racial Justice Conference
The Southeast District of the UUA has requested that we host their annual Racial Justice Conference next March 1-2, 2013. The Board tabled this item until next month when Neal will be present to provide details.
Ministerial Search and Transition Process
Pat presented proposals for the congregation to amend our bylaws to include the establishment of a Ministerial Transition Committee, and to approve members of this committee as recommended by The Leadership Development Committee. These congregational actions will enable us to begin the process of calling and installing Rev. Dr. Neal Jones as our settled Minister later this year. In this regard the Board unanimously approved the following motions:
1. Forwarding to the congregation for approval the following bylaw revision (moved by Pat, seconded by Ann):
10.1 Selection of Settled Minister.
A new minister is selected through one of the search and candidating or transition procedures recognized by the UUA. The Ministerial Search or Transition Committee shall consist of at least five (5) and no more than seven (7) Members nominated by the Leadership Development Committee and elected by the Congregation.
(Underlined language is to be added.)
2. Forwarding to the congregation for election as members of the Ministerial Transition Committee the persons recommended by the Leadership Development Committee (moved by Pat, seconded by Elizabeth): Sarah Corbett, Sharon Givens, Sonya Jones, Pat Mohr, Bethany Storlazzi, Bauer Westeren, and Bob Whitaker.
3. Setting March 11, 2012 as the date of the Special Congregational Meeting (moved by Ann, seconded by Elizabeth).
Other Business
• The Board discussed several spending requests and authorized the purchase of 20 paperback hymnals costing $18 each (moved by Barry, seconded by Ann, passed unanimously). Action on other spending requests was deferred.
• Our former administrator, Gin Beery, will be honored at our worship service on February 19, 2012.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Sullivan, Secretary