UUCC Board Meeting Minutes 02-09-2011
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Board of Trustees
Minutes of February 9, 2011 Meeting
Members present were: Don Mohr (Co-President), Pat Mohr (Co-President), Barry Ahrendt (President-Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer), Michael Sullivan (Secretary); Members at Large: Ivy Coleman, Marcia Fletcher, Andrea Pixley, and Walter Patterson; and Ex-Officio Members Neal Jones (Minister), Connie Hudson (Finance Committee Chair), and Joe Long (Past President).
Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
The meeting was called to order by Don at 6:35 PM. He noted a quorum was present.
Reading and Check-In
Pat read a brief selection from Proverbs (17:28)[1]. All present gave brief personal updates by way of checking in.
Approval of Minutes
On a motion by Ivy, seconded by Walter, the minutes of the January 12, 2011 were unanimously approved.
Change to Inactive Member Status
As required by the Bylaws, Michael presented the Board with the names of those persons who are being changed to Inactive member Status based on their moves away from the area or lack of interest and contribution during 2010[2]. This determination was made by the Membership Committee Chair and the Minister in accordance with the procedures specified. The Board made formal acknowledgement of these changes. Earlier this month we certified our 2011 active membership total to the UUA at 171 members, an increase from last year.
Consent Agenda
The Minister’s Report and Administrator’s Report were accepted on the consent agenda. The DRE Report was moved to the Treasurer’s item due to a fiscal request.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda reviewed the January 31, 2011 financial reports. Our pledge receipts are $4,852 ahead of budget projections. This reflects positively on publicizing monthly pledge receipts and starting the new year-round canvass. With 58% of the fiscal year completed, overall revenues are at 60% of budget and expenses at 57%.
The RE program has completed a number of sorely needed improvements to the nursery. In response to the DRE’s request, a motion was made by Barry, seconded by Andrea, to transfer $160 from the Main to RE Restricted budget (line item 507105) to fund necessary nursery expenses and supplies. The vote in favor was unanimous.
Rally to Fund Our Values
UUCC was a sponsor of the Ties That Bind conference last month, organized by a coalition of organizations that are fighting massive state budget cuts to education and human services. A motion was made by Michael, seconded by Barry, to co-sponsor the Rally to Fund Our Values that is being organized by the Ties That Bind coalition to be held at the Statehouse on March 12, 2011. The vote in favor was unanimous. Neal offered to inform the other UU congregations in South Carolina about this event and request their sponsorship as well.
Personnel Issues
On the recommendations of the Personnel Committee, which screened and interviewed candidates, the Board took two personnel actions:
- A motion was made by Marcia, seconded by Barry, to approve the hiring of Andrea Dudick as Assistant Bookkeeper effective 2/13/11 at the rate of $13.25 per hour for 10 hours a month. The vote in favor was unanimous.
- A motion was made by Andrea, seconded by Linda, to approve the hiring of Jeffrey Kruse as Custodian effective 2/10/11 at the rate of $10.30 per hour for 10 hours a week. The vote in favor was unanimous.
Minister’s Evaluation and Salary Adjustments
As part of next year’s budget-planning which Joe is overseeing, Don discussed the process for the Minister’s annual evaluation and salary adjustments. The Executive Committee was delegated to draft this and bring recommendations to the Board.
Request for Bids for Renovations
Don and Pat reported on the Request for Bids document that will soon be submitted to contractors for the renovations to the Social Hall and Foyer. Michael recommended the inclusion of documentation requirements for contractors’ liability insurance and worker compensation coverage, as well as references. Bids for the courtyard renovations and memorial garden construction are being solicited by Mike Paget, Betsy Kaemmerlen, and Glenn White.
Consideration of Changing to Two Services
Recent attendance at Sunday services has taxed our seating capacity. There was preliminary discussion of various options for managing this, including the potential addition of a 2nd Sunday service. Other options discussed were more efficient use of current seats, revamped seating arrangements, and potential renovations to the sanctuary stage or alcove areas.
Share the Plate Proposal
Michael presented the recommendation of the Social Action Committee for a Share the Plate collection of 3 months duration for a local charity, based on a model successfully used by the Unitarian Church in Charleston. The recipient organization would be Homeless Helping Homeless. A motion was made by Andrea, seconded by Ivy, to approve a Share the Plate collection of 3 months duration for the local organization of Homeless Helping Homeless. The vote in favor was unanimous. A representative from the organization will be invited to speak at our service on February 27, 2011, the start date for this special collection. The subsequent Share the Plate dates will be on the 2nd Sundays in March and April.
Announcement Protocol
Barry offered several practical suggestions for the announcement protocol used by the designated Board member at our Sunday services. These included:
- increasing audibility by speaking directly into the microphone;
- making empty seats more accessible by encouraging people to take seats towards the center of their rows;
- interrupting unauthorized announcements from the floor with a polite scripted response.
These were agreed to by the Board.
Upcoming Events
Don took note of several upcoming events, including the presentation of our Chalice Lighter grant check by the Thomas Jefferson District President on February 20, 2011.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Sullivan, Secretary
[1] Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise; when he shutteth his lips, he is esteemed as prudent.
[2] Doggette, Lynn
Field, Kimberly
Heriot, Mary
Matthusen, Heather
Paget, Chris
Perry, Michael Allen
Santos, Walter and Renee
Simons, Lise
Vickery, Ryan & Schnibben, Nicole