Topic: Mothers Day

Mother’s Day-International Day of Contemplation on Gun Violence

Mother’s Day-International Day of Contemplation on Gun Violence” We will join congregations around the country in setting aside Mother’s Day as a national day of contemplation and prayer on gun violence. Using the work of historian Adam Winkler, we will take an honest look at the history of gun control.  

Re-Thinking Motherhood

Does someone have to be female to have maternal instincts?If you care for other people in a nurturing way, aren’t you being maternal, even if you aren’t a mother? Think of it. We all experience men and women with maternal qualities of love, patience, empathy, strength, and humility. The Mother’s Day celebrations can be a … Continue reading Re-Thinking Motherhood

Multiple Intelligences

Rev. Jennie Barrington (Mothers Day, 2016) Mother’s Day brings to mind for me the nurturing of children– children who are, by definition, of a different generation than we who are trying to nurture and encourage them. Younger generations have their own interests, passions, perspectives, life experiences, and special talents and gifts. Conversations across generational lines … Continue reading Multiple Intelligences