Security Grant Program
You may not be aware of the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, which is funded by the Department
of Homeland Security and administered here by the State Law Enforcement Division. A team led by
Nancie Shillington-Perez and David Bryan submitted a proposal for UUCC, which has now been
approved. The principal goals of the program are to deter vehicular intrusion into vulnerable
doorways, control access to sensitive parts of the building as appropriate, and improve monitoring of
various kinds of threats.
The most visible feature will be a set of brick walls, very much like the one around the patio, to
protect the patio doors, the main front entrance, and the doors into the office area. There will be
pedestrian access in the same locations as at present, with reinforced posts on either side of the
interruptions to the wall. Access for wheel chairs will be maintained. The windows either side of the
main entrance doors will be reinforced with a steel screen. Aesthetics will be an integral criterion of
all design choices.
There will also be improved monitoring and sensor systems inside and outside the building, and
improved locks for the RE wing doors.
The work is being done under the supervision of a new subcommittee to Buildings and Grounds,
including David Bryan and Bill Dolley and chaired by Joe Long. The terms of the grant require a
formal bidding process for the work on the wall and closely related items; a bid specification is now
being finalized, and will be approved by the Buildings and Grounds committee and the Board before
being released.