Finance Committee Annual Report 2021-2022
Committee Chair – Linda Brennison
st _X_ 2nd ___ 3rd ___ Check year of term
Joe Long, Caroline Eastman, Deb Matherly, Beth Ann Rocheleau, Ginny Verne,
Ex-officio: Michele Currie, Bookkeeper
Major accomplishments this year.
o Presented a balanced budget to the Congregation.
o ACS budget balanced to Board Approved Budget
o Updated Policy for Document Review and Check and Legal Document
Signing within Financial Policies and Procedures Manual
o Created UUCC Line of Credit Policy
o Created Policy for Use of Undesignated Funds
o Conducted the Annual Pledge Drive
o Managed Weekly Counting of Offerings
• Please briefly describe any factors that facilitated or impeded your work this
o Better coordination with the Personnel Committee is needed to
complete the Annual Budget in a timely manner.
o New Bookkeeper is a great asset to the Finance Committee
• Any special initiatives continuing into the next program year.
o Coordinate with the Personnel Committee to produce a timely
salaries budget for the annual budget
o Obtain more individuals to collect Sunday offering and prepare the
o Create a new budget format that is simpler
o Increase fundraising via our subcommittee
• Constraints on accomplishing these plans.
▪ Volunteer turnover
▪ Lack of interest in leading fundraisers
▪ Lack of follow through
▪ Poor communication with staff
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Brennison, Chai