Committee Chair:  Philip Turner

                                    1st _X_   2nd ___ 3rd ___   Check year of term (I think this is accurate).

Committee Members:   Ann Cargill,  Craig Chattin, Joe Long, Daryl Shier, and John Logue, ex officio


  • Major accomplishments this year. Our goal this year was to finally publish a professional-grade Endowment Brochure.  Ann Cargill made arrangements for a design person, who is starting his own business, to take our draft and bring it up to publishing standards.  We are VERY close to finishing but have been delayed by the pandemic.


  • Please briefly describe any factors that facilitated or impeded your work this year. I have been disappointed that we have been unable to obtain a status report from the UUCC treasurer this year.  This prevents us fulfilling our obligation to the board of reporting.  I can obtain the overall report from the UUCEF, but breaking the total amount into sub fund holdings has not been available.  In any case, I am attaching a snapshot of the total fund as of 4/13/2020.  As you can see, the account has decreased  about 10% this year (See attached.)


  • Any special initiatives continuing into the next program year.

We need to take the final step to publish the brochure.                   


  • Future dreams or long-range plans for the committee

While RMD’s are suspended for 2020, it is highly likely they will resume in 2021 and it would be great to develop a workshop on financial planning around RMD’s and deferred taxation charitable giving.

  • Constraints on accomplishing these plans.

The largest constraint is the impact of this pandemic on our individual financial status.    


Respectfully submitted,

Phil Turner, Chair UUCC Endowment Committee              

Endowment Balance Sheet