The bylaws of the UUCC state, “…All Standing Committee Chairs shall be Members of the Congregation. No one shall serve for more than three consecutive years as chair of the same committee.” We will ask current chairs who have been in their position less than 3 years if they wish to continue. For those who are completing their 3rd year, we ask for their input on possible chairs for the upcoming year.

Standing Committees

2016-17 Chair

FY17 liaisons

Adult RE Pat Mohr Emilio Perez
Building and Grounds Carolyn West Phil Turner
Caring and Hospitality Sandy Chubon Sandy Chubon
Children and Youth RE Keitha Whitaker Tim VanDenBerg
Denominational Connections TBD Joan Watterson

[elected by congregation]

Sej Harman Phil Turner


Joe Long Bob Whitaker
Green Robin Scherer TBD
Leadership Development

[3 elected by congregation]

Andrea Derrick

Terrance Sullivan

Regina Moody

Marc & Patty Drews (ppres)

Board rep (TBD)

Cheryl Soehl


Patty Drews Patty Drews


Marc Drews None required
Shared Ministry Interim Year None required
Social Action


Linda McLeod Cheryl Soehl
Technology Services David  Roof Donald Griggs


Richard McLeod Marc Drews
Congregational Services and Program Groups    
Animal Ministry Anita Grossman
Forum Mike Kelly  
Partner Church    
Ad Hoc Committees    
Capital Campaign for Building Renovation Pat Mohr (Chair)

Dot Brown

Kevin Meredith

Nancie Shillington-Perez

Don Dodson

 Building Renovation Richard Culler (Chair)

Pat Mohr

Carolyn West

Richard McLeod

Quillin Davis

Transition Team Kevin Meredith

Ann Johnson

Pat Mohr

Nancy S-Perez

Ministerial Search Linda Brennison

Rod Brown

Dave Crocket (Co Chair)

Rebecca Drennan

Brian Dudick

Ann Johnson (Co Chair)

Buzzie Kelly

Governance Task Force Richard Culler

Regina Moody

Bob Whitaker

Keitha Whitaker (Chair)