Annual Report for Security Committee – subcommittee of Building and Grounds Committee 2020-2021
Membership: David Bryan, Bill Dolley, Joe Long (chair)
UUCC has received a grant for about $85,000 from the Department of Homeland Security, administered by the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Department, as part of a program to improve the security of non-profit organizations to various kinds of terroristic activities.
The biggest single item (about $48k) is a masonry wall to prevent vehicle intrusion into the patio doors, the main entrance, and the doors into the RE wing. The wall will be aesthetically similar to the existing walls at the patio and the Memorial Garden. Final plans are now being drawn up so it can be put out for bid (a requirement of the grant). I sincerely thank Peck Drennan for his help with this part of the project. Because the grant constitutes reimbursement to us after each part of the project is complete, the Finance Committee is applying for a bank letter of credit to finance this work. The biggest concern is getting masonry done in the current business climate.
Other items include an attractive steel screen for the windows on each side of the main entrance doors (to prevent intrusion), improved locks on RE classroom doors, and better monitoring systems.
Submitted by Joe Long