Annual Report for Caring Committee 2020-2021
Committee Name: Caring and Hospitality
Committee Chair: Keitha Whitaker
1st __ 2nd ___ 3rd _X__ Check year of term
Committee Members: Charlie Calkins, Jean Capalbo, Sandy Chubon, Ceren Farr, Jane Gillespie, Jane Lawther, John Logue, Mary Maclachlan, Morgan Maclachlan, Cheryl Soehl, Joan Watterson, and Keitha Whitaker
Major accomplishments this year:
- Delivered meals or shared resources for meals and other services.
- Provided transportation to medical appointments.
- Sent cards and remembrances.
- Helped with errands and other needs for members and friends incapacitated by illness or injury or shared resources for assistance with these needs.
- Met monthly via Zoom.
- Shared Zoom links for UUCC events, meetings, and services.
- Assisted with a congregational survey to ascertain members’ and friends’ ideas and wishes for re-opening.
- Stayed safe in our homes or practiced social distancing when we needed to go out to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
- Got our vaccinations!!
- Please briefly describe any factors that facilitated or impeded your work this year.
- Facilitated: the most absolutely stupendously, wonderful, committed, compassionate group of committee members and volunteers on the planet!
- Impeded: Covid-19
- Any special initiatives continuing into the next program year.
- Continue to reach out to Folks who are isolated in their homes or extended care facilities.
- Keep up to date on community resources and services.
- Future dreams or long-range plans for the committee.
- A longer list of congregation members who are willing and able to assist with transportation and contact with members and friends who lack transportation or who are house bound or living in extended care facilities.
- Constraints on accomplishing these plans.
- Uncertainty about the impact and future constraints of coronavirus; hoping the vaccines offer long-term protection and that we don’t have to completely shut down again for an extended length of time..
- Budgets.
Happy to have found two Folks to co-chair this outstanding committee beginning in July! Welcome new co-Chairs, Jane Lawther and Cheryl Soehl!
Respectfully submitted:
Keitha Whitaker
Chair, Caring and Hospitality Committee