8-20-2014 Board Meeting Summary
UUCC Board of Trustees
Summary of August 20, 2014 Meeting
The Board of Trustees met August 20 from 6:38 to 9:20 PM. Regina Moody chaired the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Bob Whitaker reported that we had a 8.25% shortfall on pledge and non-pledge giving in the last fiscal year. That was partially offset by under-spending, primarily due to the medical leave of the Administrator. Giving in the new fiscal year (one month only) was 6.67% of the projected amount.
Committee Business
We still have no chairperson for the Children and Youth Religious Education Committee or for the Building and Grounds Committee.
Trustees approved Linda Brennison as a member of the Endowment Committee.
The Buildings and Grounds Committee has proposed a plan to add wall shelving to the stage storage room. Without shelves that room has become quite cluttered with everything in piles on the floor. Trustees were concerned about the projected cost estimate for the project. The Committee will present more details at our next meeting.
UU Coffeehouse
The unwritten policy has been for the Coffeehouse to give the UUCC any money earned in excess of $1500 each year. They have given the UUCC $1300+ for last season.
There are no written policies for the Coffeehouse. Marc Drews is leading a small group developing such policies.
Safe Congregation Policies and Procedures
Work on this project began in June, 2012 and first resulted in Safety Policies for Children and Youth Served which was approved by the Board in August, 2013. During the past year the UUCC Safety Task Force led by Keitha Whitaker has worked on a comprehensive overview of safety issues titled UUCC Safe Congregation Policies and Procedures which will be combined with the Safety Policies for Children and Youth Served. During this first reading of the latest policies Trustees raised questions, sought clarification on some wording, and suggested some changes. The UUCC Safe Congregation Policies and Procedures will be presented at the September Trustees’ meeting for a final reading and approval.
Submitted by
Sandy Chubon, Secretary