Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia

Board of Trustees

Minutes of May 18, 2016 Meeting


Marc Drews & Patty Drews (Co-Presidents), Sandy Chubon (Secretary), Linda Brennison (Treasurer).  Members at large: Richard Cullen, Donald Griggs, Tim VanDenBerg.  Regina Moody (Past President), Joe Long (Chair, Finance Committee), Rev. Jennie Barrington (Interim Minister).  Guests: Richard & Linda McLeod, Peck & Rebecca Drennan.

Absent: Janet Swigler, Patrick Saucier, Phil Turner.

Call to Order

Marc Drews called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.  Patty Drews presented a reading for Tim VanDenBerg who was late for the meeting.  Members re-affirmed our Board Covenant.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the March 16 and April 20, 2016 meetings were approved.

Policy on Share the Plate

Linda McLeod presented the policy developed by the Social Action Committee.  She gave a brief history of the process of the policy development and pointed out ways that members/friends of the congregation can have input into the process each year.  The policy will be voted on at the July board meeting (third reading).

Conference with Roger Ray in August

Richard McLeod, Chair of the Worship Committee, and Rebecca Drennan talked about their plans for a conference on Progressive Religion to be held at the UUCC August 12-14, 2016.  Roger Ray will be the keynote speaker.  The plan is for the conference to be self-supporting but not a money-maker.  Tickets will be sold for $20; they hope to sell 200.  They have requested a loan of $1000 from the UUCC for start-up money to purchase publicity, refreshments, etc.  Roger Ray is willing to absorb the cost if we do not sell enough tickets.  They plan to do registration on line.  Child care will be provided if requested.

Richard announced that Glenn Farr has offered to donate a piano to the UUCC.  We would need to pay the cost of having it moved from his home to the church, $240.

Staff Reports

Reports from the staff and Rev. Jennie were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report

Pledge income dropped sharply in April.  We currently have a pledge shortfall of $10,695 for the fiscal year.  Expenditures remain lower than budgeted.  Linda suggested that committee liaisons talk to committee chairs about whether they can return some of their allotted funds.  The Finance Committee will send out third quarter statements to all members to remind folks who are behind in their pledge payments.

Committee Reports

Building & Grounds   Regina reported that the mold treatment is done and paid for.  There were some problems with the company’s communication with Andrea Dudick about when they would be working and what effect their work would have on the staff.  Linda Brennison filed a claim with our insurance company because our policy has some coverage for mold treatment.  A representative from the company is scheduled to visit the building tomorrow.

Denominational Connections   Richard Culler reported that Carolyn West, John Logue, and Bob and Keitha Whitaker are planning to attend UUA General Assembly in June.  All are willing to serve as delegates.  We are entitled to 5 member delegates plus Rev. Jennie.  We have a balance of $886 in our Leadership Training Budget for this fiscal year.  The Whitakers declined any monetary assistance.  Richard recommended that we accept all four as delegates and provide $200 each for Carolyn West and John Logue to help pay for their registration.

Finance Committee   A budget hearing for all members and friends is scheduled for Friday evening, May 20, at 7:00 PM.  The picnic to celebrate the end of the canvass is Saturday, May 21, at 3 PM at Suzy Garland’s home.

Leadership Development Committee    Marc Drews announced that Patrick Saucier resigned from the Board of Trustees and will not serve the remainder of this year.  Sandy Chubon announced that Patrick also withdrew his consent to serve on the board for the next two years.  The LDC met and attempted to fill the position but they were not able to find any capable and willing candidates.  The LDC recommends that the Board operate with one less member for the coming fiscal year.  Rev. Jennie reports that we have a larger board than many churches of our size.

UUCC Website Update   Regina noted that we have no plan or process for maintenance of the website.  She suggested that we need a group with a very clear mandate, including responsibilities assigned to them by the board.  Some of that group could be recruited from the present Technology Committee.

Ad Hoc Committee on Organization Governance   Regina has requested an ad hoc committee to address organizational governance and structure.  She sent a letter to these colleagues asking if they are interested in serving with her: Bob & Keitha Whitaker and Don Dodson along with Rev. Jennie.  Linda Brennison moved that we approve the Co-Presidents’ recommendation to name a committee to review, analyze, and revise our UUCC governance and structure.  Richard seconded.  The motion was approved.

NEW BUSINESS  (Action on Items Discussed Above)

Delegates to GA   The Board approved Carolyn West, John Logue, Bob Whitaker, and Keitha Whitaker as delegates to the UUA General Assembly in June.  The Board also approved paying $200 each to Carolyn West and John Logue to cover part of the cost of their registration.  That money will come from the Leadership Training Budget.

Mold Removal and Duct Cleaning in RE Wing   The Board re-affirmed an earlier e-mail vote to pay for mold removal ($6389 which includes a 10-year warranty) and duct cleaning ($1600) for the RE wing.  That work is completed and paid for.

Payment for Piano Moving   The Board approved the Worship Committee’s request for $240 to move a donated piano to the church.  That money will come from the Board Contingency Fund.

Seed Money for Conference in August   The Board approved a loan of $1000 to the Worship Committee to be used as seed money for the Conference on Progressive Religion in August, 2016.  That money will come from this fiscal year’s Board Contingency Fund.  The funds will be set aside in a restricted reserve account to be used in the new fiscal year.

Policy on Share the Plate   The Board approved the first reading of the policy from the Social Action Committee.

Second Reading of the Budget   The Board approved the budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 of $209,000 with a shortfall of $71.94.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 PM.

Minutes recorded by

Sandy Chubon, Secretary