11-19-2014 Board Meeting Minutes
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Board of Trustees
Minutes of November 19, 2014 Meeting
Regina Moody (President), Sandy Chubon (Secretary), Bob Whitaker (Treasurer), Marc Drews (Co-President Elect), Patty Drews (Co-President Elect, Chair Membership Committee), Members at Large: Richard Culler, Carolina Eastman, Janet Swigler, Tim VanDenBerg; Ivy Coleman and Robin Scherer (Co-Past Presidents), Dot Brown (Chair Finance Committee), Neal Jones (Minister), Nancie Shillington-Perez (Director of Religious Education).
Absent: Gareth Fenley (Member at Large) (illness).
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Regina Moody at 6:45 PM.
Chalice Lighting
Janet Swigler lit the chalice and provided a reading. We re-affirmed our covenant and had a brief check-in. We welcomed Nancie Shillington-Perez to our meeting and to her new position as Director of Religious Education.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the October 15, 2014 meeting were approved as circulated.
Treasurer’s Report
Bob Whitaker reported that we are 1/3 of the way through our fiscal year. We are virtually spot-on in most line items. We are doing well in collections and generally are not going over in expenses. Our revenue to date exceeds our expenses to date so we have a $12,677.39 positive variance.
Trustees asked whether members could have their pledges automatically withdrawn from their bank accounts and electronically transferred to the church. Bob responded that we do not have the capability to do that now. No one knew what we would have to do to be able to accept those bank drafts. Bob and Dot Brown will investigate that. Marc Drews pointed out that if we develop such a system and it is widely used, visitors will think we are a non-giving congregation when the plate is passed during services. Suggestions were offered of how other congregations have handled this concern.
Staff Reports
Reports from the Minister, the Administrator, and the Director of Religious Education were approved.
Standing Committee Reports from Liaisons
Finance Committee Dot Brown reported that we have had several successful Fall Flings; more are planned and some of those are sold out already.
Building and Grounds The future looks bright.
Children and Youth Religious Education Kate Noel Wells has resigned as Religious Education Assistant. The Personnel Committee is advertising for her replacement.
RE Outreach to USC Nancie Shillington-Perez recently met with Del Maticic; he is interested in having some students with leadership potential come to the UUCC to learn more about us. The Trustees agreed to invite those students to Committee Night on December 3.
Social Action Janet Swigler reported that we collected $800 for UUSA. Ballots for Share the Plate recipients for 2015 have been circulated and voting is underway this month.
Technology Caroline Eastman reported that the part of the committee which works on the sound system is doing well. The group working on computer issues is not operating as smoothly. Regina questioned what has happened to the inventory of coffeehouse sound equipment. Caroline will check on it.
Worship Kate Noel Wells has resigned as chairperson. Richard McLeod has agreed to replace her.
Ad hoc Committees Update
Facilities Assessment Task Force Richard Culler reported they held their first meeting last Sunday, November 16. He said “they hit the ground running.”
Wall Mounted TV Ivy Coleman reported that the small flat screen TV that she donated last year was used on Sunday to project pictures of the partner church during the lunch to raise funds for the Partner Church Committee. She reported that the Technology Committee would like another WiFi in the social hall. She also suggested having a wooden cabinet with closing doors to surround the flat screen when it is installed. This might decrease the likelihood of theft.
Publicity Development Group Regina reported this is not yet a committee and should not be called a committee, but rather a group considering publicity needs and recommending a structure. A chair is needed for the group as Alison Thirkield is no longer holding that role.
Responsibilities of Board Liaisons to Committees
Richard Culler presented a draft of the responsibilities of Board Liaisons to Committees. One word was added to his description and it was approved. It will be given to all new board members in the future. A copy of the document is attached to these minutes. (Appendix A)
Tim VanDenBerg clarified that the four endowment funds were approved last year: the “current” endowment (which was in place before the Endowment Committee was formed), the Mohr fund, a Capitol Improvement Fund, and a Religious Education Fund. Tim has revised the MOU for the Lifespan Religious Education Fund and will present it at the December meeting.
Policy on the UUCC Newsletter
Some questions were raised about the terminology used. After clarification, the Policy on the UUCC Newsletter was approved for its first reading. Final approval will be sought at the December meeting.
Finance Policies
Members of the Board considered the UUCC Financial Policies and Procedures Manual, dated June 2014, compiled by the 2013-2014 UUCC Finance Committee, co-chaired by Linda Brennison and Michael Sullivan with substantial contributions from their consultant, Jackie Breland, CPA. This 38-page document was circulated to Board members before tonight’s meeting for our final approval at this meeting.
Regina had prepared and circulated an accompanying document in which she separated policies from procedures and proposed that the Board is charged only to approve policies. Bob Whitaker and Dot Brown maintained that the Board was being asked to approve the entire Manual. After a protracted discussion, Tim VanDenBerg moved that the Board approve the policies contained in the UUCC Financial Policies and Procedures Manual, June 2014. Richard Culler seconded. The motion was approved.
UUCC Coffeehouse Policy
Marc Drews reported that the UU Coffeehouse Policy Development Team continues to have new issues raised. They are dealing only with concerns related to the relationship between the congregation and the Coffeehouse. They need more time to consider some questions. They plan to bring the policy back to the Board in December.
Definition of Membership
Trustees reviewed a proposal to change the definition of Membership in our Bylaws. The current bylaws allow individuals to be members without contributing anything for as long as two years. The proposed changes would have non-contributers moved to inactive status after a one-year lapse in contributions. Trustees made a few clarifications in the proposed changes. Marc Drews moved to accept all the proposed changes, as revised. Bob Whitaker seconded the motion. The motion passed. The accepted proposal is appended to these minutes as Appendix B.
The Finance and Membership Committees want to use these new policies next spring during the budget process; the bylaws revision needs approval by the congregation. Marc Drews moved that we have a Congregational Meeting January 11, 2015 to approved these Bylaw changes. Bob Whitaker seconded the motion. It was approved.
Trustees expressed appreciation to Dot Brown and Patty Drews for the work they have invested on this issue.
Approval of Committee Chair and Committee Member
Richard Culler moved that the Board approve Richard McLeod as Chair of the Worship Committee and Tiffany Rushton as a member of the Leadership Development Committee. Caroline Eastman seconded. The motion passed.
UUCC Response to Legal Same Sex Marriage in South Carolina
The Federal District Court has ruled that South Carolina’s law prohibiting same sex marriages is unconstitutional. County courts are beginning to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. In a celebratory recognition of this achievement, Neal Jones offered to officiate at same sex weddings, free of charge, on two afternoons: November 29 and December 20. If couples wish to use the social hall or the kitchen, they will be charged half the usual fees during the month of December. A trustee commented that we might be accused of discriminating against straight couples. Neal responded that if a straight couple requests a free wedding during December, the offer will apply to them as well. Neal will recruit someone from the congregation to be at the church and serve as host/hostess as couples and their friends come in on November 26 and December 20. Bob Whitaker moved that we provide free weddings for same sex couples in our church on November 26 and December 20. Richard Culler seconded. The motion passed. Robin Scherer will publicize our offer to the LGBT community.
Equalizing Staff Salaries
Regina suggested that we invite a compensation consultant from our district headquarters to work with us on equalizing staff salaries. Patty and Marc Drews will investigate the availability and cost of such a service.
Action Items
Below are the action items to be followed up at the next Board Meeting.
- A trustee will volunteer to serve as liaison to the Denominational Connections and the Green Sanctuary Committees.
- Marc Drews will continue work on the Policy on the Coffeehouse.
- Tim VanDenBerg and Buzzie Kelly will continue revising the 2006 Disruptive Behavior Policy.
- Ivy Coleman and members of the Interiors Team will continue developing plans for the use of a flat screen TV in the social hall.
- The Endowment Committee will submit revised Memoranda of Understanding for two new funds in our endowment: A Religious Education Lifespan Fund and a Capitol Improvement Fund.
- Bob Whitaker and Dot Brown will report on the feasibility of having congregants’ pledges electronically transferred to the UUCC.
- Patty and Marc Drews will report on the feasibility of having a district consultant come to address staff salaries.
Minutes submitted by Sandy Chubon, Secretary
Appendix A
Liaison Responsibilities
The Board of Trustees will assign a Liaison to each standing committee or affiliated group which requires regular contact with the Board. The Liaison will be a member of the Board who will:
- Regularly attend meetings of the designated committee
- Participate, but not necessarily assume committee responsibility
- Act as a conduit for information between the Board and the committee to facilitate congregational operations and to bring committee concerns to the Board
- Liaison will report and explain to the committee Board actions and requests
- Liaison will report to Board on committee activity
- It is not intended that efforts of liaisons replace other lines of communication already in place
- Formal reports of liaisons are not intended at each Board meeting
Appendix B
Revised Bylaws
5.1 Categories of Affiliation
(a) Member
- A Member is a person who:
(A) demonstrates an active interest in the Congregation’s programs and activities through the contribution of both time and financial resources
(B) has signed the membership register, and
(C) either
(1) has made a pledge and fulfilled a contribution of at least the minimum amount, as determined by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board, documented in the books of the Congregation by the last business day of the prior fiscal year consistent with Section 5.1 (a) (ii) below,
(2) has received a waiver, which allows for contribution of less than the minimum amount during the preceding fiscal year, or
(3) has joined within the current fiscal year and has signed a pledge card.
- Waivers of the financial contribution requirement, both for new and continuing Members, may be recommended by the Minister or the Membership Committee Chair and approved by the Executive Committee of the Board. A waiver may allow for a member to contribute less than the minimum amount, or not at all, depending on the circumstances. The Board Secretary shall report the waivers to the Treasurer as a matter of record. The Executive Committee of the Board shall renew waivers annually upon renewed recommendation by the Minister or the Membership Committee Chair. All consideration of waivers shall remain confidential.
- Members shall be counted for purposes of a quorum and included in the formal membership statistics submitted to the UUA.
- Members may participate fully in the activities and committees of the Congregation, including being members of the Board or Chairs of Committees, and may vote at Meetings of the Congregation.
- “Congregation” as used in these bylaws means all current Members, collectively.
(b) Inactive Member
- An Inactive Member is a former Member whose status changes to non-voting upon any of these conditions:
(A) Announced Move.
(1) The individual has moved from the geographical area for an extended period and has expressed orally or in writing to the Board Secretary, the Minister or Membership Committee a desire to remain formally connected to the congregation.
(2) Inactive status will be effective upon receipt of the request. The status change shall be reported to the Board, the Membership Committee and the Treasurer as a matter of record.
(B) Unannounced Move, Lack of Interest / Contribution
(1) The individual has moved from the geographical area and has not expressed any desire to remain formally connected to the congregation and has made no financial contribution for a period of at least six (6) months.
The individual’s level of interest in and contribution to the Congregation’s programs is negligible.
(2) At the end of each fiscal year,
The Treasurer shall report to the Membership Committee the names of those Members who have not made or fulfilled a pledge or obtained a waiver during the past fiscal year.
The Membership Committee, in consultation with the Minister, shall mail written notice to their last known address.
(3) At least fifteen (15) days after mailing notice, the Membership Committee shall submit to the Board Secretary the names of those Members for the Board’s formal acknowledgement of the change to Inactive status.
- Inactive Members may not vote at congregational meetings and shall not be counted for purposes of a quorum, nor included in the formal membership statistics submitted to the UUA.
- Inactive Members may request a return to Member status by written notice to the Board Secretary, the Minister or the Membership Committee Chair at any time. Such a request will be forwarded to the Treasurer and reported at the next regular meeting of the Board. The status change will become effective upon the receipt of a financial contribution of record or approval by the Executive Committee of the Board of a waiver of the contribution requirement, or receipt of a fulfilled pledge.