Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia

Board of Trustees

Minutes of September 19, 2012 Meeting




Trustees present were:   Ann Johnson (President), Ivy Coleman (Co-President Elect), Robin Scherer (Co-President Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer); Members at Large: Caroline Eastman, Elizabeth Harris, and Bob Whitaker; and Ex-Officio Members Barry Ahrendt (Past President), Neal Jones (Minister), and Michael Sullivan (Finance Committee Chair),


Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum

The meeting was called to order by Ann at 6:36 PM. She noted a quorum was present.


Reading and Check-In

Ann read a selection by Margaret Mead from the UU hymnal Singing the Living Tradition. All present gave brief personal updates to check in.


Approval of Minutes

Ann advised that minutes of the August 15, 2012 meeting had just been emailed to board members, and were available for review via email attachment, with approval of the August minutes to follow at the next board meeting, in October.


Resignation and Replacement of Board Secretary

Ann announced the resignation of the current Secretary, Bauer Westeren, effective today, and advised that Bob Whitaker had agreed to assume that post, with Board approval needed according to the by-laws.  A motion was made by Caroline, seconded by Elizabeth, that Bob be named as Secretary.  The vote in favor was unanimous.  At Mike’s suggestion, Ann will contact the Administrator to print an announcement of this change in the Order of Service and in the next Unigram.


Ann asked for suggestions for persons to fill behind Bob as Board Member-at-Large, and to email any candidates to her.  If no candidates are identified, Ann stated that it would be referred to the Leadership Development Committee for a recommendation.


Consent Agenda

The Minister’s and Administrator’s Reports were received on the consent agenda.  The DRE Report was removed for discussion of a portion of it, wherein the RE Committee requested board action regarding building security.




Report on Police Department Survey

Neal provided a two-page summary of the Columbia Police Department’s August 27, 2012 security survey and discussed the highlights of their findings.  We were found to be fundamentally secure, but there are 10 recommendations to improve.  The results were also discussed at the September 18, 2012 meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee to develop a Safe Congregation Policy.


After much discussion it was agreed that the most critical security concern is the long-discussed lock situation, and Neal will ask the Buildings and Grounds Committee study the options for replacing the locks, including cost estimates,  and make recommendations to the board at the October meeting.  Neal will also have the Administrator order two recommended Columbia PD warning signs, at $26.75 each, which will facilitate the entry of police onto the premises in the event of an incident, and possibly serve to deter intruders.  Neal will then coordinate with Buildings and Grounds for sign placement at the street on the Heyward and Woodrow sides.


UUA Southern Cluster

Ann invited participation and stimulation of interest to attend the Southern Cluster, to be held October 13, 2012 at UUC Augusta, Georgia.  Keynote speaker is Rev. Jake Morrill, District Representative to the UUA Board of Directors and minister at Oak Ridge UU Church, Tennessee.  Details can be found on the website of the Southern Cluster of the Southeast District.


Treasurer’s Report

Linda reviewed highlights of her monthly variance report for August.  Our YTD revenues were $10,422.07 ahead of budget and expenses were $1,960.09 under, which totaled to a $12,382.16 positive variance as of August 31.  Positive points included YTD pledges at 3% above the budgeted amount, Share the Plate collections 5% higher, and utilities back to normal after abnormal usage for sod watering.  Building rental income was below budget, but fees received September 5 will bring the line item ahead of budget on September 30.


Staff compensation was under budget, but will be back in line by extra hours by the custodian for painting the RE wing.  Office supplies and Leadership and training were over budget, but this was expected, and should self-correct over the year.


Linda reported that she had completed the Yearly Payroll Audit for Church Mutual, in connection with our General Liability Insurance, and that our premium has been recalculated $188 lower than anticipated.  The contract has been signed with Jackie Breland, CPA, for the bookkeeper review covering last FY and the year to date.  This review will begin in early October.




Finance Committee Fundraising Activities Update

Mike reported that the mail-out of reminders on unpaid 2011/2012 pledge balances netted $5,494.50, which erased the shortfall of $4,245.99 existing at June 30.


In response to the mail-out requesting contributions for Neal’s installation, 27% of the members have responded thus far, with a total of $3,595 received through September 16. Discussion followed on the subject of the installation fundraising, and it was determined that Mike Sullivan would arrange for announcements at the upcoming September 23 and September 30 worship services, and reminders would be placed in the Order of Service and Unigram.  The requested deadline for Installment contributions is September.


A total of 15 Fall Flings have been organized, initiated, and publicized.  Included was a Preview Fantasy Football League event which netted $450.  Sign-up will continue after the services and online through the UUCC website. The total funds raised thus far through Finance Committee activities is $9,654.50.




Executive Session

The board voted to go into executive session to protect the privacy of a donor of an extraordinarily generous planned gift, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time.  The gift of $100,000 in stocks will be subject to restrictions of not being used for any operating expenses, except for a major emergency determined by a 2/3 vote of the congregation, and other possible restrictions including maximum annual withdrawals. On the recommendation of the Treasurer and the Finance Chair, Robin moved, and Elizabeth seconded, that we open a brokerage account at BB&T bank, accept the gift subject to the donor’s restrictions, and deposit the stock in the newly created account. The vote to approve was unanimous. Further decisions on uses of the gift will be researched, and recognition of the donor will be forthcoming.  The executive session began at 7:30 and ended at 7:55.


Fees Relating to Use of Sound Equipment During Rentals

Caroline moved, and Robin seconded, a motion to amend the Rental Policy to include a $50 per hour charge from the renter to be paid directly to a member of the Technology Services Committee who agrees to operate the UUCC sound system for a rental event. The vote to approve was unanimous.


UUCC Congregational Retreat

A motion was made by Elizabeth, seconded by Robin, to create an Ad Hoc Committee to plan and publicize the 2013 annual retreat at The Mountain Camp and Conference Center, Highlands, NC.  The vote in favor was unanimous.  Ivy, Robin, and Elizabeth volunteered for the committee, and Bethany Storlazzi was recommended to be asked to join.


Need for Board Liaison to Publicity Committee

There was a discussion of the need to coordinate publicity with the various committees which are involved at some level.  No action was taken, pending future availability of a board member for this task.


Security Concerns Raised by DRE Report

Ann removed the DRE report from the consent agenda for discussion of safety and security issues it raised.  These related to an incident of individuals being in the building at an unauthorized time and an incident of exterior doors not being locked.  The RE Committee and Neal have addressed the first incident with the youth involved.  The Board discussed both incidents extensively and took the following steps in response:

Requested a recommendation for new exterior door locks from the Building and Grounds Committee including costs, for the October Board meeting;

Requested the Administrator to adapt the building closing checklist to a form that the designated Board member can sign and date on Sundays;

Requested the Administrator to notify the Board of any meetings  that are scheduled after Sunday services, so that the Board member responsible for locking the building will know who is authorized to remain;

Requested the RE Committee to communicate any future safety and security concerns directly to the Board;

Requested the RE Committee to update the Board about current RE policies and to submit proposed policies for approval prior to implementation;

Requested that someone be designated to lock up the building on Committee nights.



The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 PM.


Respectfully submitted by Bob Whitaker, Secretary