Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia

Board of Trustees

Minutes of July 18, 2012 Meeting



Trustees present were:  Ann Johnson (President), Ivy Coleman/Robin Scherer (Co-Presidents-Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer), Bauer Westeren (Secretary); Members at Large: Bob Whitaker, Buzzie Kelly, Caroline Eastman, Michael Walker; and Ex-Officio Members Neal Jones (Minister) and Barry Ahrendt (Past President) and Michael Sullivan (Finance Chair).


Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum

The meeting was called to order by Ann at 6:43 PM.  She noted a quorum was present.


Welcoming New Board Members and Reading

Ann welcomed Bob Whitaker, Caroline Eastman, and Michael Walker as new members of the Board.  Ann read a passage by Christine Robinson.


Question on Meeting Time

Ann asked if the meeting time of 6:30pm was agreeable to everyone, or if it should be changed to accommodate work schedules.  It was agreed that the meeting time should stay at 6:30pm.


Approval of Minutes

On a motion by Ivy, seconded by Elizabeth, the minutes of the June 20, 2012 meeting were unanimously approved.


Consent Agenda

The Minister’s Report, Administrator’s Report, and DRE Report were received on the consent agenda.  The Treasurer’s Report was removed for further discussion.


Treasurer’s Report

Barry asked if a Building’s and Grounds bill (for the roof, $1,700) had been paid by fiscal year’s end.  Linda stated it had not been paid.


Barry also asked about $2,500 from the Betty Glad fund that had been designated for the new budget.  Michael Sullivan reported that this money will be shown in the 2012-2013 budget under “Revenue”.


Neal asked about an error in the Minister’s Discretionary Fund.  Linda reported that it had been fixed.


Linda stated that we are under on the amount collected for pledges (goal of 100%) by 2%.  We are over budgeted amounts in Plate Collections by 13%, Gifts by 14%, and Building Rentals by 18%.


Ann reported that Andrea Dudick had asked about letters to be on file regarding salary raises for employees.  Neal agreed to add these as “supervisor” to employees.


Report on Share the Plate

Michael Sullivan shared a history of the Share the Plate process and the outcome of the new policies (giving 50% to the chosen charity, and 50% to UUCC).  Per his report, “(t)he former Share the Plate Schedule…raised $768 per month for the charity, and $253 per month for the operating budget.  Under the new policy, (the UUCC) raised $876 per month for the charity, and $876 per month for the operating budget.  (T)his ‘spirit of abundance’ change produced a 71% increase in overall giving, with a 14% increase in giving to Share the Plate recipients and a 345% increase in giving to UUCC.”


Michael recommended that this become a permanent policy.  Ivy and Robin made a motion to adopt the policy permanently.  Elizabeth seconded, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.


*A 10 minute break was taken to allow for board members to get their pictures taken.*


Report on Racial Justice conference in March 2013

Neal reported that the planning committee had met 3 times.  The settled on a theme of “Organizing for Change”, and have begun to compile a list of speakers.


Report on Ministerial Transition

Bob Whitaker reported that the congregational survey is almost complete.  The committee is on track to interview Neal in late August or early September, with a report to the Board expected in October.


Signing Confidentiality/Conflict of Interest Statements

During the assessment of our financial procedures last year, Jackie Brelandrecommended that Board members and all Employees sign such pledges.


Statements of Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest were circulated and signed by all Board Members.


Discussion on what other members should sign determined that Finance Committee members (including money- counters) should sign.  Michael Sullivan (Finance Chair) said he would get the appropriate signatures.


Assigning Committee Liaisons


The Board approved the following liaisons to the committees:


Leadership Development- Elizabeth Harris, Board representative

Technology- Caroline Eastman

Membership- Buzzie Kelly

Social Action- Bauer Westeren

RE- Michael Walker

Adult RE- Ann Johnson

Buildings and Grounds- Michael Walker

Worship- Ivy Coleman and Robin Scherer

Green- Elizabeth Harris

Finance- Bob Whitaker and Ann Johnson

Ministerial Transition- Bob Whitaker and Bauer Westeren


Review of Board Announcements

Ann explained the process of Board members giving announcements during services, including new members signing up on the rotation, as well as policies on accepting or denying announcements.


Approval of New Committee Chairs

On a motion by Buzzie, seconded by Robin Scherer, Kevin Eason was approved as Chair of the Buildings and Grounds Committee.    The Board is deferring to the Bulding and Grounds Committee to select their own subcommittee chairs.

Robin Scherer made a motion to approve Joan Watterson to the Finance Committee as well as approve Beth Johnson as RE representative to the Finance Committee.  Elizabeth seconded, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.


Adoption of Finance Committee Recommendation for Interim Policy on Fundraisers

Michael Sullivan submitted the following recommendation to the Board:

“The UUCC Bylaws require that all fundraising activities be coordinated by the Finance Committee (8.1.d).  In order to implement this, it shall be the responsibility of the committee or program area sponsoring a fundraising activity to notify the Finance Committee of the date and purpose of their fundraiser in advance.  Fundraising activities lacking committee or program sponsorship are not authorized.  It is the expectation that the fundraising activity will directly benefit the UUCC, in whole or in part.


The Finance Committee will maintain a calendar of all fundraising activities.  Only those fundraising events in this centralized calendar shall be publicized in the Unigram or the Orders of Service, or by an other means within UUCC.


Final Authority over the appropriateness and timing of any fundraising activity resides with the Board of Trustees.”


Barry moved that we adopt this interim policyThe motion was seconded by Bauer, and was approved unanimously.


Creation of an Ad Hoc Music Committee

Bill Moody had asked that a part time music coordinator be hired.  Many positions previously done by volunteers are now done by staff, with the exception of Music.  Robin moved to create an Ad Hoc music committee, chaired by Morgan McLachlan, by March, 2013.  Bob Whitaker seconded, and the Board approved the motion unanimously.  Morgan will chair this committee with both Neal and Kevin Meredith (Worship Committee Chair) as ex officio members with two other members (one from the choir and one from the congregation, Brad Edwards, who is a professional musician).


Funding OWL Training for Two Members

Mike Walker moved that we fund (from the budget surplus from the prior fiscal year) $560 for two members (Beth Billings and Ivan Segura) to attend OWL (Our Who Lives) training in Atlanta.  Robin seconded the motion, and the Board passed the motion unanimously.


Michael Sullivan pointed out that this would change the budget for the new fiscal year.


Additional Business

Spending of surplus funds from 2011-2012 for pending projects:  Robin raised questions regarding the creation of a “reserve fund”.  What might it do, and what policies would be needed?


Barry said there are additional Buildings and Grounds priorities that need to be addressed.


Ivy mentioned ideas to cut down on paper and be more “electronic”.


Ann placed these points on the agenda for the next Board meeting.


Ann reminded the Board that the Board Retreat would take place on August 25th.



The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 PM.