06-17-2015 Board Meeting Minutes
Board of Trustees
Minutes of June 17, 2015 Meeting
Regina Moody, Marc Drews, Patty Drews, Sandy Chubon, Bob Whitaker, Richard Culler, Caroline Eastman, Gareth Fenley, Janet Swigler, Tim VanDenBerg, Dot Brown, Phil Turner, Linda Brennison, Donald Griggs.
Absent: Ivy Coleman, Robin Scherer.
Call to Order
Regina Moody called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.
Chalice Lighting
Gareth Fenley lit the chalice and provided a reading. Trustees reaffirmed their Covenant.
Approval of Minutes
At the May 20 meeting Caroline Eastman moved that the Board ask the Adult RE Committee to investigate and recommend possible activities in support of the UUA Initiative on Escalating Inequality. After seeing the written minutes, Pat Mohr requested that the motion be changed to: “the Board ask the Adult RE Committee to set up an exploratory task force to examine the question of whether the congregation should engage in the UUA Initiative on Escalating Inequality and if so, how.” After some discussion, the Board approved Pat’s request.
The amended minutes of the May 20, 2015 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Bob Whitaker reported that we are in very good shape as we approach the end of the fiscal year. We are close on our projected revenues and way under our planned expenses. To date, we have a positive variance of $28,406.23.
Ginny Verne prepared two new reports for the Board this month. One summarizes the 3 pages of information we usually receive into a 1-page document by combining items into broader categories. The second 1-page report summarizes the Assets and Liabilities.
Staff Reports
Reports from the Minister and the Administrator were accepted.
Committee and Interest Group Reports
Membership Patty Drews announced there will be a New Member Joining Service October 11. They plan to have the New Member dinner that weekend and Board Members will be asked to bring a casserole.
Adult RE had a class on Humanism and more than 30 people attended.
Buildings and Grounds Richard Culler reported that they met on Sunday.
Animal Ministry Linda Brennison announced that they are sponsoring a video on ethical eating on Friday.
Outdoor Group Phil Turner reported that they are having a picnic on Sunday.
Technology Committee Caroline Eastman reported that they have a computer ready for Rev. Jennie to use.
Disruptive Behavior Policy Tim VanDenBerg presented the revised Disruptive Behavior Policy as it is newly incorporated into the Safe Congregation Policies and Procedures. After a brief discussion, Gareth moved that we approve the Disruptive Behavior Policy as a part of the Safe Congregation Policies and Procedures. Janet seconded. The motion passed.
Staff Compensation Consultation Janet Swigler reminded us that we will meet in the social hall Saturday, June 20, for a report from Denise Rimes, the regional consultant. Janet shared the written report Denise sent. This meeting is to provide information and an opportunity to ask questions of the consultant. Decisions will be made later by the Task Force on Staff Compensation.
UUCC Website Devon Hicks will write an article for the Unigram to promote the new website. The Board will have an opportunity to examine the site in detail before it is opened to the public.
Exit Interview Board members are asked to fill out the form provided, put an x beside your name and send it directly to Connie Goodbread. She would like to receive all forms by June 22.
Facilities Assessment Task Force Richard Culler reminded Trustees that he was asked in August, 2014 to gather and summarize data about progress made on the building and facilities since the 2005 study. A task force was appointed and met. They collected a large mass of data which Richard summarized and presented to the Board. The task force also assigned priorities to the projects that have not been completed. Richard will add a summary text to the report. The next step will be to get cost estimates which may help determine priorities. Regina thanked the task force for their work and accepted their report. It was suggested that we create a smaller committee to determine costs of the various projects. Tim suggested that we need a vision of what we want in 10-15 years and then work toward that vision.
Two board members attended the most recent meeting of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. That committee, along with the CYRE Committee, is very frustrated because they want new floor coverings in the RE wing. They requested new flooring a long time ago and that project was on the B&G Committee’s to-do-list but somewhere in the multiple shifts of leadership of B&G, it got waylaid. Since the recent B&G Committee meeting the two committees have been working on a plan to begin raising funds for new floor coverings. It was suggested that the Committees get a cost estimate and work with the Board to determine what funds are available as we begin the new fiscal year. Regina will talk with the B&G and CYRE leaders.
Budget Modification
On Sunday, May 31, Bob Whitaker called a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board because additional pledges ($2,000) had come in since the Board approved the budget. Bob proposed that we increase our GIFT contribution for 2015-2016 to 7% of our budget, instead of 5%. The Executive Committee agreed to this request. Subsequently, Regina sent an email to board members with this motion: The Executive Committee recommends that the proposed budget to be voted on at next week’s annual meeting reflect an increase in our GIFT contribution for 2015-2016 to reflect the UUA’s requested percentage (7%). The rationale given for the motion: Two years ago we contributed 7% of our budget; last year funds were less abundant and we contributed only 5%. The difference this year between 5% and 7% is $4,572.00. We could cover this by using the additional $2,000 in pledges plus funds from the Board Contingency Fund. Board members voted unanimously in favor of the increased GIFT contribution. The motion passed.
Budget Correction
In the process of modifying the budget and passing it from the computer of one member of the Finance Committee to another an accidental error in addition occurred. As a result, the budget which the congregation approved on June 21 was flawed. To correct this problem, Bob Whitaker moved that we modify the approved budget to reduce the amount in the Board Contingency Fund (line 626303) by $2800 to $3136.11. Richard seconded. The motion passed.
Delegates to General Assembly
Four members of our congregation are attending GA this month and have agreed to serve as delegates. Gareth moved that we approve Jean Capalbo, Anita Grossman, Pat Mohr, and Alison Thirkield to serve as delegates to GA. Bob seconded. The motion passed.
Transition Team
Regina announced the members of the transition team: Kevin Meredith, Chair; Ann Johnson, Buzzie Kelly, Pat Mohr, and Barbie Seymour.
Rev. Jennie Barrington will begin as our Interim Minister on August 1; her first Sunday in the pulpit will be August 16.
Office Furniture
Neal bought back the red couches from his office for $750. Regina suggested taking $250 from the Board Contingency Fund and using the sum ($1000) to replace the couches. Gareth moved that the Interiors Committee replace the couches. Tim seconded. The motion passed. The Interiors Subcommittee of the Buildings and Grounds Committee will buy needed furnishings for the minister’s office.
Committee Chairs for 2015-2016
Marc announced the list of Committee Chairs for the new fiscal year.
Adult Religious Education Pat Mohr
Children and Youth Religious Education Keitha Whitaker
Caring and Hospitality Ann Johnson
Denominational Connections Tom & Judy Turnipseed
Finance Joe Long
Green Sanctuary Robin Scherer
Leadership Development Tiffany Rushton
Membership Patty Drews
Personnel Glenn White & David Crockett
Social Action Linda McLeod
Worship Richard McLeod
Technology Caroline Eastman
Marc moved that we approve the roster of Committee Chairs. Janet seconded. The motion passed.
Nursery Supervisor
Glenn White (Personnel Committee) recommended to the Board that we hire Erin Gibson as the Nursery Supervisor. The appointment was approved.
The new Board will be installed during the June 28 service.
Committee Night will be July 1.
The Board Retreat will be August 22.
There will be no Board Meeting on August 19.
The Board Retreat will be held at Phil and Lis Turner’s home.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 PM.
Action Items
Below are action items to be followed up at the next Board meeting.
- Richard Culler will provide a short narrative to accompany the Report from the Facilities Assessment Task Force.
- Janet Swigler will update us on the Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Compensation.
- Marc and Patty will create a committee/task force to determine costs of Buildings and Grounds projects.
- The Interiors Subcommittee of the Buildings and Grounds Committee will buy new couches for the minister’s office.
- Marc Drews will report on the conversion of the UU Coffeehouse to an independent entity.
Minutes recorded by
Sandy Chubon, Secretary