05-20-2015 Board Meeting Minutes
Board of Trustees
Minutes of May 20, 2015 Meeting
Regina Moody (President), Sandy Chubon (Secretary), Bob Whitaker (Treasurer), Members at Large: Richard Culler, Caroline Eastman, Gareth Fenley, Tim VanDenBerg. Dot Brown (Finance Committee Chair), Neal Jones (Minister). Guests: Devon Hicks, Pat Mohr, Ginny Verne.
Absent: Marc Drews (Co-President Elect), Patty Drews (Co-President Elect, Chair Membership Committee), Janet Swigler (Member at Large), Ivy Coleman & Robin Scherer (Co-Past Presidents ).
Call to Order
Regina Moody called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Chalice Lighting
Bob Whitaker lit the chalice and provided a reading. Trustees re-affirmed their Covenant.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the April 6 and May 12, 2015 called meetings were approved. Minutes of the regular monthly meeting on April 15, 2015 were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Bob reported we are 5/6ths of the way through our fiscal year. We continue to have revenue exceeding our expenses largely because our expenses have been lower than expected. Several committees plan to make purchases before the end of the year.
Staff Reports
Reports of the minister, administrator, and DRE were accepted. Regina called Trustees’ attention to the DRE’s report on the CYRE’s Retreat and the goals they will be working toward during the coming year.
Standing Committee Reports
Adult RE Committee will take over the “New to UU” and “History of UU” classes when Neal leaves.
Buildings and Grounds Committee will not meet on Committee Night. They will meet every six weeks after Sunday Services.
Worship Committee will designate someone to collect and edit Candles of Community. They will have a special e-mail address for Candles of Community. Sarah Pregnall will coordinate music for Sunday services.
Technology Committee Caroline Eastman will chair the committee next year.
Disruptive Behavior Policy discussion deferred to June meeting at request of Regina.
Staff Compensation Consultation Denise Rimes will come here to discuss her report at 10 AM on Saturday, June 20, 2015.
UUCC Website Devon Hicks demonstrated some of the features of our updated website. He showed us how information will be organized, how users will be guided through the site to easily find what they are seeking. Eventually, someone from each group will be responsible for updating the content in their portion of the website.
2015-2016 Budget, Second Reading Bob Whitaker reported that the budget includes pay raises for all employees; all have reached at least the midpoint of the range recommended by the UUA. We have an excess of pledges over projected expenses, about $8,500. To make the budget balance, the Finance Committee put that money into the category of Board Contingency Fund. There was some discussion about the money needed by the Buildings and Grounds Committee. They have some projects that obviously need to be done but first they need the report from the Facilities Assessment Task Force. Tim pointed out that we need a long term facilities plan. Richard reported he is collecting feedback from the Facilities Assessment Task Force. He said they plan to propose everything that needs to be done, a process will be developed for prioritizing as dollars are attached to items on that list. Everyone wants the greatest impact for the lowest price possible. It is likely we will identify capital needs that will require a capital campaign in the near future.
Petty Cash Fund/RE Ginny Verne requested instituting a petty cash fund for the RE program. She illustrated the need by describing a volunteer teacher who while preparing for a class realizes she needs some small item, like a box of pipe cleaners. The volunteer can buy the item s/he needs and request reimbursement from the church; the process to reimburse him/her requires input from at least three other people, numerous paper forms, and eventually a check signed by the Treasurer. Some volunteers cannot afford to pay out of pocket and wait for reimbursement; some can’t be bothered and they just absorb the cost. Sometimes volunteers omit that part of their presentation and the children receive a less effective class. To avoid these problems, Ginny would like to institute a petty cash fund; she is willing to buy a lockable box and stock it with her money to get the process started. The DRE, the administrator, and Ginny would have access to the box. Ginny will train the volunteers on how to use the system. The roadblock to Ginny’ plan is a statement in the UUCC Financial Policies and Procedures Manual (2014) which says there will be no petty cash fund. Gareth Fenley moved that a petty cash fund be established for the CYRE and that the Board will strike the line forbidding petty cash funds from the UUCC Financial Policies and Procedures Manual (2014). Bob seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Escalating Inequality Delegates at the 2014 General Assembly of the UUA selected “Escalating Inequality” to be the Congregational Study/Action Issue (CSAI) for the years 2014-2018. A CSAI is an invitation for congregations to take a topic of concern and engage it, reflect on it, learn about it, respond to it, comment on it, take action – each in their own way. Pat Mohr presented the idea to the Board. Our Adult RE and Social Action Committees could collaborate on this, set up a tsk force to coordinate activities. The UUA provides a curriculum and a study guide. Caroline Eastman moved that the Board ask the Adult RE Committee to investigate and recommend possible activities in support of the UUA Initative on Escalating Inequality. The motion Passed. [See Minutes of June 17, 2015 meeting for amendment of this motion.] Pat will provide Trustees with websites to read so we can begin talking up our participation.
Pastoral Ear Team Regina talked about meeting congregational needs for ministry or counseling after Neal leaves. Andrea has a list of ministers in the area who are willing to perform marriages or conduct memorial services. Andrea also has a list of local counselors to whom we can refer people with psychological/emotional needs.
Update on Interim Minister Jennie Barrington has signed a contract beginning August 1, 2015 and ending July 31, 2017.
Transition Team We need a group of 5-7 individuals in the congregation to serve as a Transition Team for Rev. Jennie. These individuals are to be widely known and respected and well acquainted with the congregation’s history. Their role is to provide the Interim Minister with insight, organizational and facilitative talent and willing hands. People who have served on the Shared Ministry Committee during Neal’s ministry are not permitted to serve on the Transition Team. Regina had selected members to serve on the Team and had obtained consent to serve from some. Marc sent an email to Trustees asking them to submit names of people to serve on the Team. There was not consensus on who should be asked to serve. The issue was not resolved.
Exit Interview with Connie Goodbread Regina circulated the questions Connie intends to ask the Trustees about Neal’s ministry. Connie plans to do the interview via Skype some time in June.
Sponsorship of Seminary Student Neal requested that we agree to be the sponsoring congregation for Pippin Whitaker who has completed her first year at Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago. Sponsorship indicates our confidence in the individual’s potential and suitability for UU ministry. Neal has mentored Pippin this academic year and he recommends her highly. Caroline Eastman moved that the UUCC become Pippin Whitaker’s sponsoring congregation. Tim seconded the motion. The motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.
Action Items
Below are action items to be followed up at the next Board meeting.
- Richard Culler will report on the work of the Facilities Assessment Task Force.
- Regina will resolve the membership of the Transition Team.
- Tim VanDenBerg will present the Disruptive Behavior Policy.
- Janet Swigler will update us on the Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Compensation.
- Regina Moody will update us on the progress in updating the Website.
- Pat Mohr will update Trustees on UUCC’s participation in “Escalating Inequality”.
- Marc Drews will report on the conversion of the UU Coffeehouse to an independent entity.
- All Trustees will review information about the UUA’s CSAI of “Escalating Inequality” and be prepared to suggest/discuss activities to inform the congregation about it.
Minutes recorded by Sandy Chubon, Secretary