04-17-2013 Board Meeting Minutes
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Board of Trustees
Minutes of April 17, 2013 Meeting
Trustees present were: Ann Johnson (President), Ivy Coleman (Co-President Elect), Robin Scherer (Co-President Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer), Bob Whitaker (Secretary); Members at Large: Caroline Eastman, Elizabeth Harris, Buzzie Kelly, Jerry Moore, Phil Turner; and Ex-Officio Members: Michael Sullivan (Finance Committee Chair) and Neal Jones (Minister).
Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
The meeting was called to order by Ann at 6:29 PM. She noted a quorum was present.
Reading and Check-In
Buzzie read “A Person Is a Puzzle” by Mark Mosher DeWolfe. The reading appears in end note[i]. Linda volunteered to provide the reading for the May Board meeting.
Welcome of New Trustee
Ann welcomed Jerry Moore to the Board as an at-large member to fill behind Mike Walker.
Approval of Minutes
On a motion by Phil, seconded by Ivy, the minutes of the March 20, 2013 Board meeting were unanimously approved.
Consent Agenda
The Minister’s, DRE’s, and Administrator’s Reports were received on the consent agenda.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda explained that Board action in March erroneously directed the use of remaining funds in the Betty Glad Fund to cover a portion of the cost of new locks. She advised that the fund had already been used in November, 2012, to fund the Memorial Garden scatter plaque. Linda moved and Buzzie seconded a motion to rescind the previous action and fund the new locks entirely from the Board Reserve. The motion was unanimously approved.
Linda also explained that the February addendum to Neal’s Letter of Agreement (LOA) signed in January needed further clarification to prevent confusion in the future. Linda moved and Phil seconded a motion to effectuate a second Addendum to the LOA to clarify as follows: “The Agreement is amended as follows: Beginning with the fiscal year 2013/2014, and effective July 1, 2013 Salary shall be defined as: Salary* + housing allowance. *(FICA Equivalent permanently included in salary effective January 1, 2013 per the First Amendment to Letter of Agreement.)” The motion passed unanimously. Ann and Neal agreed to sign the second addendum without the need for public ceremony.
Linda reported on the results of her and Ann’s visit to BB&T for preliminary information regarding refinancing both the church mortgage and the Line of Credit early during this time of relatively low rates. Following discussion Robin moved and Elizabeth seconded a motion that Linda and Ann proceed with an application to refinance at BB&T. The motion passed unanimously.
Finance Committee Canvass Update
Michael Sullivan reported quarterly giving statements were mailed out by members of the Finance Committee on the previous Monday, and that 45 or 50 reminders had been included in the mail out. He reported that as of this date approximately $186,000 in pledges have been received so far, bringing us to 81% of our 2013/2014 pledge target of $230,000.
Development of the UUCC 2013-2014 Budget
Mike presented for discussion the rough draft of the 2013-2014 budget after the April 3, 2013, review and discussion by the Finance Committee. The budget exceeds $250,000 and contains 103 line items, each of which has to be individually calculated based on relevant information. Development of the budget is an extremely complex and time-consuming process and was done this year by the Chair of the Finance Committee. This was the first time in years that the Finance Committee created the annual budget, as called for in the bylaws. All committees that submitted budget requests had their requested amounts included. The backup documentation provided by the Committee chairs was very helpful in this regard.
Much discussion followed as the Board adjusted projections to create a balanced budget for presentation to the congregation for approval at the June 9, 2013 congregational meeting. Final amounts of any line item may be changed based on pledges received and Board or congregational revisions.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Bob Whitaker, Secretary
“A Person Is a Puzzle”
A person is a puzzle. Sometimes from the inside, it feels like some pieces are missing.
Perhaps one we love is no longer with us. Perhaps one talent we desire eludes us. Perhaps a moment that required grace found us clumsy. Sometimes, from the inside, it feels like some pieces are missing.
A person is a puzzle. We are puzzles not only to ourselves but to each other.
A puzzle is a mystery we seek to solve—and the mystery is that we are whole even with our missing pieces. Our missing pieces are empty spaces we might long to fill, empty spaces that make us who we are. The mystery is that we are only what we are—and that what we are is enough.
In the gray stillness of this morning, into the accepting peace of a still sky, let us offer our failings, our inadequacies, into the silence. And let us know that we are accepted, by God and by this company, exactly as we are. Accepted—missing pieces, and all.
1997 UUMA Worship Materials Collection
Copyright: The author has given Unitarian Universalist Association member congregations permission to reprint this piece for use in public worship. Any reprints must acknowledge the name of the author.