Board of Trustees

Minutes of April 15, 2015 Meeting


Regina Moody (President), Marc Drews (Co-President Elect), Patty Drews (Co-President Elect, Chair Membership Committee), Sandy Chubon (Secretary), Bob Whitaker (Treasurer), Members at Large: Richard Culler, Caroline Eastman, Gareth Fenley, Janet Swigler.  Robin Scherer & Ivy Coleman (Co-Past Presidents), Joe Long, Finance Committee.

Absent:  Tim VanDenBerg, Dot Brown, Neal Jones.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Regina Moody at 6:39 PM.

Chalice Lighting

Regina lit the chalice and provided a reading.  Trustees re-affirmed our Covenant and checked in.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes were amended as suggested and then approved.

Treasurer’s Report

We are three-fourths of the way through the fiscal year.  We continue to do well in collections and a little lower than expected in expenses, giving us a positive variance.  Recently some committee chairs have questioned how much of their budget has been spent.  It is apparent that they are not using their UUCC email where their budget reports are sent.

Staff Reports

Reports of the minister, administrator, and DRE were accepted.

Ad Hoc Committee Reports

Facilities Assessment    Richard Culler received a suggestion of a contractor tonight, he plans to contact him soon.  He is working on a document and will be getting the committee’s input.


Staff Compensation Consultation

Janet Swigler sent the packet of requested information to Denise Rimes.  To date Janet has not received Denise’s assessment of those materials.  Denise would like to come to Columbia to meet with us on a Saturday;  she lives in Virginia.  June may be the earliest we can schedule her visit.


UUCC Website

Devon Hicks is aware of the problems with our website.  Regina is working with him.  The current website is a problem in the search for an interim minister.  Potential candidates pay particular attention to the website to get information about the congregation.  It was suggested that we put an “Under Construction” sign on the site.  A website that is up-to-date and easily navigable would make us more marketable.

A question was raised about the cost of hosting fees for the website.  An estimate of $13/month was offered.


2015-2016 Budget: First Reading

On behalf of the Finance Committee Joe Long offered a motion to acknowledge the first reading of the 2015-2016 budget and to treat the proposed budget as guidance for the Interim Task Force in determining compensation for the Interim Minister.  Caroline Eastman seconded the motion.

The Finance Committee assumed that the Interim Minister will begin service here August 1 and will be here for 1-2 years.  They offered guidelines for his/her salary and benefits.

The Finance Committee proposed:  2  weeks of paid vacation for the Administrator, increasing staff wages to the midpoint of UUA’s recommendations, increasing the DRE’s hours from 32 to 36, increasing the wages for the DRE, increasing the Administrator’s hours from 28 to 30,  $4000 proposed budget for a called ministered search.  This is a desired budget and cannot be implemented unless we get more pledges in our current canvass.  The final budget to be approved in June will be a balanced budget.

After some discussion, the motion passed.

Caring Committee Chair

Ann Johnson plans to have surgery in June and Sandy Chubon has agreed to chair the Caring Committee during Ann’s medical leave.  The board approved.

Minister’s Discretionary Fund

Sandy Chubon has agreed to handle the Minister’s Discretionary Fund after Neal leaves.  She previously took this responsibility during Neal’s sabbatical.  The board approved.

Interim Task Force

Marc Drews reported that the task force members met with Andrea Dudick and completed most of the application for an interim minister.  They requested advice from the Finance Committee about the salary we should offer.  That advice was provided earlier in this meeting.

There were some questions on the application about the congregation’s strengths and weaknesses.  The task force collected opinions from board members and some other leaders in the congregation.  Marc would like to share that with others, at least the board of trustees.  Sandy Chubon will synthesize those responses and circulate that information to the Trustees.

Ministerial Transition

Some trustees suggested that we ask Neal to answer the questions on the application for the interim minister to give us a picture of what he identifies as our strengths and weaknesses, etc.    Others asked whether the UUA has any suggestions about an exit interview with the departing minister.

Neal’s last Sunday with us will be June 7, also the date of our Annual Congregational Meeting.  We discussed ideas for a “farewell event” for Neal.  We agreed we do not want to do that on June 7.  It was suggested that we reserve Friday and Saturday evenings (June 5 & 6) and that we not spend money on the event.  A pot luck meal was recommended.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Action Items

Below are action items to be followed up at the next Board meeting.

  1. Richard Culler will report on the work of the Facilities Assessment Task Force.
  2. Janet Swigler will report on the work of the Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Compensation.
  3. Regina Moody will update us on the progress in updating the Website.
  4. Sandy Chubon will synthesize the information gathered during the preparation of the application for an interim minister and circulate it to the Trustees.

The following action items need to be addressed before the end of the fiscal year.

  1. Ivy Coleman will report on the policies for the use of a flat screen TV in the social hall.
  2. Marc Drews will report on the conversion of the UU Coffeehouse to an independent entity.
  3. Tim VanDenBerg and Buzzie Kelly will determine how to merge the Disruptive Behavior Policy into the Safe Congregation Policies and Procedures.


Minutes recorded by

Sandy Chubon
