Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia

                                                           Board of Trustees

                                        Minutes of February 20, 2013 Meeting



Trustees present were:   Ann Johnson (President), Ivy Coleman (Co-President Elect), Robin Scherer (Co-President Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer), Bob Whitaker (Secretary); Members at Large: Buzzie Kelly, Caroline Eastman, Elizabeth Harris, Phil Turner; and Ex-Officio Members Michael Sullivan (Finance Committee Chair, Neal Jones (Minister), and Barry Ahrendt (Past President) by Skype.  Also present were Walter Patterson (Buildings and Grounds Committee  Member) (partial attendance), and Mike Walker (partial attendance).


Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum

The meeting was called to order by Ann at 6:37 PM. She noted a quorum was present.


Reading and Check-In

Ann read an inspirational piece from Singing, the Living Tradition, and Robin volunteered to provide the reading for the March Board meeting. All present gave brief personal updates to check in.


Vacancy on Board

After discussion of the current vacancy on the Board, Ann will contact the Leadership Development Committee to recommend a replacement for the vacancy of Board Member-at-Large-5, with an eye toward that nominee being agreeable to serve not only until the next annual meeting of the congregation, but to then stand for election to a full term in that position.


Consent Agenda

The Minister’s and Administrator’s Reports were received on the consent agenda. The DRE’s report had not been received as of the meeting time.


Treasurer’s Report

Linda provided a summary showing the current values of stocks in the Mohr Family Fund portfolio and her monthly variance report for the month ending January 31, 2013.   At the 58% time mark the total of all pledges received for last year, this year, members and non-members was 5.5% ahead of the budget mark for January 31, 2013. Plate collections continue strong, now 30% more than budgeted.  Total revenues are $17,259.51 ahead of budget and expenses are $581.45 under budget, which yields a positive variance of $17,840.96. Our positive variance is due to strong fundraising and collection of prior year’s pledges, and higher than expected Share the Plate collections.


Phil raised a question regarding definitions, and it was explained that system peculiarities in the accounting system used by the Administrator have been researched and a work-around found to enable more accurate reporting of pledge payments by members and non-members, whether formally pledging or paying “as can”.


Linda explained an inadvertent ambiguity that appears in Neal’s Letter of Agreement (LOA) signed in January. The LOA provides the UUCC pay for pension coverage and for out-of-pocket expenses limited to a percentage of salary, but does not clearly define salary.  Phil moved and Elizabeth seconded a motion to effectuate an Addendum to the LOA to clarify salary as follows: “Salary shall be defined as: Salary + housing allowance + FICA equivalent.”   The motion passed unanimously.  Ann and Neal agreed to sign the Addendum without the need for public ceremony.


Finance Committee Fundraising Activities Update

Michael Sullivan presented copies of the Finance Committee’s Pledge Drive brochures, to be used in the upcoming Celebration of Giving and Receiving.  Plans for the event were summarized.


The GIFT Program

Michael Sullivan summarized for the Board the recently announced “Generously  Investing For Tomorrow” (GIFT) program being piloted in the Southern Region of the UUA, and explained the need to establish a GIFT Contact Team in the congregation, of at least three persons to serve as liaison to the Regional GIFT Team.

The GIFT program replaces the prior system of per capita dues to UUA and the District, which was based on membership numbers only.  Now dues will be in the form of a single request, to be shared by the UUA and the District/Region, and will be based on a percentage of each congregation’s budget expenditures, at levels of 5% (Supporter), 6% (Visionary) or 7% (Leadership).  Through a stroke of luck, UUCC can participate at the Leadership level and still pay less than if the dues computation method had not changed.  This was because of our extraordinary membership growth in 2012.

Robin moved and Bob seconded a motion that the UUCC contribute at the Leadership level for the July 2013 assessment.  The motion passed unanimously. Phil moved and Buzzie seconded a motion that the GIFT Contact Team for UUCC, effective July 1, 2013,  be comprised of  Rev. Dr. Neal Jones, co-presidents Ivy Coleman and Robin Scherer, and Finance Committee Chair Michael Sullivan, with Administrator Andrea Dudick replacing Neal during his sabbatical September 2013 through February 2014. The motion passed unanimously.


Discussion of UUCC Master Landscaping Plan

Walter Patterson made himself available for questions about the proposed Master Landscaping Plan.  Questions related to the use of the property by groups installing ceremonial symbols as well as routine lawn maintenance. Phil moved and Linda seconded a motion to adopt the Master Landscaping Plan.  The motion passed unanimously.

Walter was asked further about progress on obtaining bids from three vendors for the door lock replacements recommended by Buildings and Grounds last Fall.  He stated that bids would be completed by the March Board Meeting.

Committee Chair, Religious Education  

Beth Johnson having resigned, Barbi Seymour has agreed to take her place as Chair, RE Committee through the end of the year.  Buzzie moved and Phil seconded a motion to accept this change.  The motion passed unanimously.


Strategic Plan Discussion

Robin and Ivy led the first recurring monthly Board discussion of the Strategic Plan (SAP). It was agreed that we should prioritize from among the eight plan headings and pick out a few measurable goals to delegate implementation to committees, with an emphasis on follow-up. “Who, what and when” will be stressed.  For March we will focus on the “Programming” bullets of the SAP, i.e.,

  1. Develop covenant groups: small groups with a spiritual emphasis that will deepen connections.
  2. Have more congregation-wide social activities and group service opportunities that will deepen connections among and between members.
  3. Increase hours for RE professionals for Lifespan (children, youth, and adults) RE to at least one full time equivalent position.
  4. Reflect environmentalism in all programs.

Buzzie will contact the Membership Committee for an update on Covenant Groups, Phil will contact the Social Action Committee for update, and all Board liaisons will report back in the March Board meeting on progress and plans made by their respective committees — as to progress made in reaching the “Programming” goals above.


Approval of Minutes

On a motion by Phil, seconded by Buzzie, the minutes of the January 16, 2013 Board meeting were unanimously approved.  



The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Bob Whitaker, Secretary