Board of Trustees

Minutes of January 21, 2015 Meeting


Marc Drews (Co-President Elect), Patty Drews (Co-President Elect, Chair Membership Committee), Sandy Chubon (Secretary), Members at Large: Richard Culler, Caroline Eastman, Gareth Fenley, Janet Swigler, Tim VanDenBerg (via Face Time); Robin Scherer and Ivy Coleman (Past Co-Presidents), Dot Brown (Chair Finance Committee), Neal Jones (Minister).

Absent: Regina Moody (President), Bob Whitaker (Treasurer).

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Marc Drews at 6:34 PM.  We re-affirmed our Covenant and had a brief check-in.

Chalice Lighting

Sandy Chubon lit a chalice and provided a reading.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the December 17, 2014 meeting were approved as circulated.

Treasurer’s Report

Bob was available via telephone to answer any questions but his assistance was not needed.  His written report and Ginny Verne’s (bookkeeper) report provided adequate information.  We have reached the halfway report in our fiscal year.  Our revenue continues to exceed our expenses so that we have a positive variance of $23,208.19, an increase of $3,259.97 in the last month.

Staff Reports

Reports from the Minister, Administrator, and DRE were accepted.

Standing Committee Updates from Board Liaisons

Adult RE Committee   Dot Brown reported they are planning two discussions of the book, Reclaiming Prophetic Witness by Paul Rasor, on February 11, one during the day and one in the evening.  This book has been chosen by the UUA as a “common read” for all UUs this year.  We offered the book for sale last Sunday and quickly sold all the copies we had.  We have re-ordered and hope to have more copies by next Sunday.

It was suggested to the Committee that they show the video Fed Up about food as an adult RE program.  Some members of the committee reviewed it and think most adults already are familiar with its content.  They plan to pursue sharing it with the middle and/or high students in the CYRE program.

Finance Committee   Dot Brown reported that Pat Mohr and Jean Capalbo will chair the member canvass this year.  They plan to sort the congregation by zip codes and hold gatherings in members’ homes for dessert, coffee, and face-to-face canvassing.  All Board Members are expected to be face-to-face canvassers at these events.  Our goal is to increase pledges by 15% this year.  We have more than 200 members but only about 140 “pledge units”.

The Finance Committee is almost ready to begin budget development.  They have received requests for money from all committees except Buildings and Grounds.  The canvass will begin by February 18 and we will have a big party at the end to celebrate our success.

Children and Youth Religious Education Committee   Marc Drews reported that Barbie Seymour has agreed to chair the CYRE Committee until August, 2015 if the Board will recruit someone to succeed her at that time.  Caroline Eastman moved that we accept Barbie Seymour’s offer to serve as Chair of the CYRE Committee until August, 2015.  Richard Culler seconded the motion; it passed.  Marc will inform Barbie.

Leadership and Development Committee   They plan to publicize a list of offices and positions which need to be filled this year and encourage people to volunteer.

The LDC would like to have a Committee Fair this spring (April or May) to inform congregants about the committees and what they do and to recruit new committee members.  Joan Watterson plans to talk to the Membership Committee about who should sponsor and organize the event.  Trustees were enthused about this idea.  The last Committee Fair was a big success.

Ad Hoc Committee Reports

Facilities Assessment Task Force   Richard Culler reported that he has not yet scheduled a meeting for January.

Wall Mounted TV in Social Hall   Ivy Coleman reported that she and Jim Burton have been collaborating on this project.  He has a list of purchase options and wants to purchase a new, larger flat screen TV; they are coming down in price.  He needs to prepare a list of the technical requirements and their cost.  The committee needs to develop guidelines for who can use it and for what purposes.  And finally they will raise the money to buy the equipment.


Endowment Fund Memoranda of Understanding

Tim VanDenBerg presented Memoranda of Understanding for two new funds in the Endowment: the RE Lifespan Fund and the Capital Improvement Fund.  Both were approved by the Board.  See Appendix A.

Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Compensation

Marc presented a document prepared by Regina Moody to create and charge an Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Compensation.  Committee members will be: Patty Drews (Chair), Dave Crockett and Glenn White (Personnel Committee), Dot Brown (Finance Committee Chair), and Linda Brennison (former Finance Committee Chair).  The Minister and the Board President will serve as ex-officio members.  The Trustees modified the document slightly and approved it.  See Appendix B.


Patty has been in contact with Denise Rimes, a consultant from the UUA Southeast District.  When the committee has done some work on the project they will share their findings with Denise and she may make a site visit to meet with the committee or perhaps with the committee and the board.  She might do a consultation via Skype.

UU Coffeehouse Update

Steve Fisher reported to Marc that the Coffeehouse staff would like to have the Coffeehouse become a LLC or a non-profit 501 (C)(3).  We still need an inventory of the equipment.

Board members requested that Steve not schedule more than two events per month and that he schedule with Andrea first to be sure other events are not planned for the space.  There was a recent conflict and a group from CYRE having an overnight lock-in did not have full access to the building.  Marc will talk with Steve about scheduling.


Staff Monthly Reports

Trustees requested that the minister, administrators, and DRE submit their monthly reports 7-10 days before our meeting.  Neal with talk with the staff.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.

Action Items

Below are the action items to be followed up at the next Board meeting.

  1. We will consider the Policy on the Memorial and Meditation Garden.
  2. Marc Drews will continue work on the Policy on the Coffeehouse.
  3. Ivy Coleman and members of the Interiors Team will continue developing plans for the use of a flat screen TV in the social hall.
  4. Richard Culler will report on the work of the Facilities Assessment Task Force.
  5. Patty Drews will report on the work of the Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Compensation.
  6. Tim VanDenBerg and Buzzie Kelly will continue revising the 2006 Disruptive Behavior Policy.


Minutes recorded by

Sandy Chubon, Secretary





Appendix A

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia, South Carolina

Memorandum of Understanding

RE Lifespan Fund

The purpose of the RE Lifespan Fund (“RELF”) is to enhance the mission of the Religious Education program at the UUCC apart from the general operation of the Congregation. As such, RELF proceeds are intended to supplement but not supplant funds earmarked for the UUCC Religious Education program as part of the annual budget process. The UUCC’s Religious Education Program strives to provide developmentally appropriate programming that honors the natural wonder and questioning of children, youth and adults. We do so by offering thematic programs that are connected to our four pillars of UU education: world religions and the stories they teach us; our Judeo-Christian connections; our UU history and heritage; and our commitment to community service.

In accordance with the policies and procedures of the UUCC Endowment Fund, as specified in the Bylaws, these endowment funds may be merged or comingled with other funds held in the UUCC Endowment Fund.  Funds approved for distribution from the endowment in a year may only be expended for the purposes of the endowment in that year.  A portion of the funds not distributed may be designated, at the discretion of the Board of Trustees, as a permanent addition to the principal of the endowment.

All future additions to the endowment, made by any party, shall be subject to the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding and shall be considered permanent endowment funds.  If in the mutual opinion of the UUCC Endowment Committee and the UUCC Board of Trustees, future circumstances change so that the purposes for which the endowment is established become illegal, impracticable, or no longer able to be carried out, an alternative use, that is mutually agreed upon by the UUCC Endowment Committee and the UUCC Board of Trustees, for the endowment payout may be designated to further the objective of the Congregation in the spirit of the original purpose of the fund.

_________________________­­__________            Chair                            Date

Endowment Committee

Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Columbia, SC



President                          Date

Board of Trustees                                                                                                                      Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Columbia, SC



Appendix A (Continued)

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia, South Carolina

Memorandum of Understanding

Capital Improvement Fund

The purpose of the Capital Improvement Fund is to enhance the mission of the UUCC through the provision of high quality physical facilities apart from the general operation of the Congregation. As such, Capital Improvement Fund proceeds are intended to supplement but not supplant funds earmarked for the UUCC physical facilities as part of the annual budget process.

In accordance with the policies and procedures of the UUCC Endowment Fund, as specified in the Bylaws, these endowment funds may be merged or comingled with other funds held in the UUCC Endowment Fund.  Funds approved for distribution from the endowment in a year may only be expended for the purposes of the endowment in that year.  A portion of the funds not distributed may be designated, at the discretion of the Board of Trustees, as a permanent addition to the principal of the endowment.

All future additions to the endowment, made by any party, shall be subject to the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding and shall be considered permanent endowment funds.  If in the mutual opinion of the UUCC Endowment Committee and the UUCC Board of Trustees, future circumstances change so that the purposes for which the endowment is established become illegal, impracticable, or no longer able to be carried out, an alternative use, that is mutually agreed upon by the UUCC Endowment Committee and the UUCC Board of Trustees, for the endowment payout may be designated to further the objective of the Congregation in the spirit of the original purpose of the fund.



_________________________­­__________            Chair                            Date

Endowment Committee

Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Columbia, SC



President                          Date

Board of Trustees                                                                                                                      Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Columbia, SC



Appendix B


Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Compensation

The Board hereby creates an Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Compensation.  The Committee is charged with reviewing current job descriptions and compensation packages for UUCC employees, working with a consultant from the UUA Southeast District, and making recommendations to the UUCC Board to include prioritization and phasing.

  1. The Committee shall consist of Patty Drews (Chair), Dave Crockett (Personnel), Glenn White (Personnel), Dot Brown (Finance) and Linda Brennison (former Finance co-chair). Both the Minister and Board president shall serve ex-officio.


  1. The Board charges the Committee with completing the following tasks:
  • Gather and evaluate the adequacy of current job descriptions, staffing structure and alignment of performance evaluations for the Religious Education, Administrative and Custodial staff, including relevant historical records.
  • Gather staff compensation figures from prior budgets.
  • Gather anecdotal records (former DRE, CYRE Committee) regarding hours & compensation.
  • Arrange for a visit by a Southeast District Consultant and complete the survey required prior to that visit.
  • Conduct a workshop for the Board, Finance Committee, CYRE Committee, Staff and others interested.


  • The Committee will make recommendations to the Board of Trustees about the following:
  • Updates to job descriptions, staffing structure, and alignment of the performance evaluations.
  • Staff compensation over the next three budget years.


  1. The expected duration of the Committee assignment is 5 months.



Approved by the UUCC Board of Trustees on     January 21, 2015     (date)