Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Board of Trustees
Minutes of December 8, 2010 Meeting

Members present were: Don Mohr (Co-President), Pat Mohr (Co-President), Barry Ahrendt (President-Elect), Linda Brennison (Treasurer), Michael Sullivan (Secretary); Members at Large: Marcia Fletcher, Elizabeth Harris, and Andrea Pixley; and Ex-Officio Members Connie Hudson (Finance Committee Chair), Joe Long (Past-President) and Neal Jones (Minister). Others present were Jerry Cover (Building and Grounds Committee Chair), Karl McCollester (Technology Services Committee Chair), and Michael Allen (Website Administrator).

Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
The meeting was called to order by Don at 6:37 PM. He noted a quorum was present.

Reading and Check-In
Don read a selection by Howard Thurman on “The Work of Christmas” .
All present gave brief personal updates by way of checking in.

Approval of Minutes
On a motion by Barry, seconded by Linda, the minutes of the November 10, 2010 meeting were unanimously approved.

Consent Agenda
The Minister’s Report and Administrator’s Report were accepted on the consent agenda. The DRE report will be forwarded to the Board.

Approval of Cleaning Service Contract
Jerry Cover reviewed the bids received from three companies for one day a week of cleaning services a year, ranging from $3,720 to $8,700. Commercial Maintenance Services, Inc. (CMS) submitted the lowest bid and was highly recommended by other clients, both large and small. As per the recommendation of the Building and Grounds Committee, a motion was made by Marcia, seconded by Elizabeth, to approve the cleaning services contract with CMS effective January 1, 2011 at an annual cost of $3,720. The vote in favor was unanimous. The contract is renewable and can be terminated by either party at any time; it contains an annual 3% cost of living increase. It includes dusting, mopping, sweeping, restroom maintenance, and trash emptying. Additional services are extra.

Personnel Matters
Don expressed appreciation for the outstanding work done by Ann Johnson and the Personnel Committee in putting together the successful farewell celebration for our retiring custodian, John Squire. The Board concurred. A motion was made by Barry, seconded by Marcia, to approve the Letter of Agreement formalizing the hiring terms for our new custodian, Will Lamb, who started December 1, 2010. The vote in favor was unanimous. The salary is $10.30 per hour plus FICA (7.65% of salary). Neal presented the recommendation of the Personnel Committee and the RE Committee for hiring Lisa Eason as the new Director of Religious Education. The Board postponed approval of the Letter of Agreement for filling this position pending receipt and review of Lisa Eason’s resume, and will meet on December 12, 2010 to finalize her hiring.

Treasurer’s Report
Linda presented follow-up to the question raised last month about the amount budgeted in the plate collections line. The bookkeeper advises that this $13,000 amount should have been divided between Plate Collections (502100) and Plate Collections to Share (502110). This reduces the shortfall in the loose plate receipts to date. A motion was made by Barry, seconded by Michael S., to accept the Treasurer’s recommendation to reallocate $6,000 for Plate Collections and $7,000 for Plate Collections to Share, and to direct the Bookkeeper to insert an expense line item corresponding to the amounts received in our Share the Plate collections. The vote in favor was unanimous. The YTD finances were reviewed and the shortfall in Miscellaneous Contributions was discussed. Owing to its ambiguity, Don recommended including explanations of budget lines in the next budget.

Financial Issues
Linda distributed a chart of proposed calculations of the Annual Basic Cost (ABC) of membership according to four different formulas. Don announced having appointed a task force to study this issue and make recommendations for an ABC methodology and amount. The task force members are Barry (chair), Linda, Connie, and Membership Committee co-chairs Michelle Andra and Monica Miller. Linda also reported on her contacts with CPAs for quotes on our year-end audit. There are three levels of review that can be performed (compilation, review, audit) and costs vary with complexity. Don appointed a task force to meet with prospective CPAs and report back to the Board with recommendations on the type of audit and provider. Its members are Linda, Connie, Barry, and Michael S.

Website Redesign
Karl McCollester, Technology Services Committee chairperson, and Michael Allen, website administrator, requested feedback on the new UUCC website template they demonstrated. It features more images and improved navigation (horizontal navigation between sections and left navigation within sites). Full release of the new site is expected in mid-2011.

Updates and Calendar
Don summarized the current status of the 3 major projects underway. These are the building renovations, the new strategic planning process, and the annual canvass. All will benefit from close coordination. Renovations: We are awaiting receipt of our Chalice Lighter grant. Bids will be obtained following a meeting in the near future to inform and seek input from the congregation on proposed designs for the new playground, social hall renovations, and memorial garden. Strategic planning: The Strategic Planning Committee will hold 3 Appreciative Inquiry Sessions to get members’ input for developing our new Vision statement. Canvass: The Canvass Committee is planning the appreciation party for the congregation. The Board discussed the timelines and preliminary calendar of events for these projects. This includes a congregational meeting on February 20, 2011, which will require that any proposed Bylaw changes be drafted for review at the January Board meeting.

New Business
Neal recommended we co-sponsor the upcoming “Ties That Bind” conference on January 8th in Columbia. http://www.tiesthatbindsc.org/ The conference will promote our obligations as a state to look after our own, especially our most vulnerable citizens, in the state budget. Some of the other sponsors are the SC Education Association, Christian Action Council, Progressive Network, SC Fair Share, AFL-CIO, and NAACP. A motion was made by Barry, seconded by Andrea, to co-sponsor the Ties That Bind Conference on January 8, 2011 in Columbia. The vote in favor was unanimous.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Sullivan, Secretary